Individual Details

Obadiah Smith

(1746 - 1777)

It is uncertain that the son of Luke Bland Smith was the husband of Mary Burks.
Obadiah Smith MQCK-M57 and Obadiah Smith L856-99C seem to be confused.

Albemarle County, Virginia, Deed Book No. 5, 1768-1772, pp. 245-246: land sold to Obediah Smith from John Partree Burks, John Burks & Samuel Burks
Source text: This Indenture made this Ninth day of July in the year of our Lord MDCCLXX [1770] between John Partree Burk of the county of Bedford, John Burk son & heir of Charles Burk Decd & Samuel Burk of the county of Buckingham of the one part & Obediah Smith of the county of Chesterfield of the other part, witnesseth that the said John Partree Burk, John Burk & Samuel Burk for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the sd Obediah Smith receipt where of they the sd John Partree Burk, John Burk & Samuel Burk doth hereby acknowledge & of every part and parcel thereof doth clearly acquit, exonerate & discharge the said Obediah Smith that granted bargained & sold a lien & confirmed an by these presents doth grant bargain & sell a lien & confirm unto the sd Obediah Smith & his heirs one certain tract or parcel of land containing six hundred acres lying & being in the county of Albemarle (formerly Goochland) on the north side & joining the Rivanna River two hundred acres part of which was granted to Saml Burk by patent bearing date the twenty eight day of September MDCCXXXII [1732] & four hundred acres the other part there of was also granted to the said Samuel Burk by patent bearing date the fifth day of June MDCCXLIV [1744] & which was by the last will & testament of the said Samuel Burk which was proved & recorded on the county court of Albemarle devised to his wife Mary Burk during her life & after her decease to be sold & the money arising therefrom to be applied in the following manner: that is to say, one shilling sterling to his daughter Elizabeth Cabell, one shilling sterling to his son Samuel Burk, & one shilling sterling to his son Richard Burk & the residue to be equally divided between his sons John Partree Burk, Charles Burk, his daughter Mary Smith, wife to the said Obediah Smith, & his grandson Samuel Burks reference unto the will being had will more fully appear & now in the possession of the said Obediah Smith with all houses ways exements & advantages whatever to the said sons & premises belonging or in anyway appertaining & also the estate, right ___ interest claim & demand whatsoever of them the said John Partree Burk, John Burk & Samuel Burk of in & to the same to have & to hold the sd land & premises with the appurtenances unto the sd Obediah Smith his heirs & assigns forever of the said John Partree Burk, John Burk & Samuel Burk & their heirs the sd land and premises above mentioned with the appurtenances to the said Obediah Smith his heirs & assigns against them the sd John Partree Burk, John, Burk & Saumel Burk & their heirs & all other persons will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said John Partree Burk, John Burk & Samuel Burk hath hereunto put their hands & affixed their seals the day and year before mentioned.
John Burks
Samuel Burks
Sealed & delivered
In present of
Wm Horsley
John Horsley
Tomas Magginson
Jos. Cabell
Nicholas Cabell
Then recd of Obediah Smith the sum of one hundred pounds being the consideration within mentioned.
John Burks
Saml Burks
William Horsley
Thomas Magginson
Nicholas Cabell
John Horsley
At Albemarle December Court 1770
This Indenture & receipt was proved by the oath of Nicholas Cabell, John Jorsley & Joseph Cabell witnesses & ordered to be recd.

Reason attached to person: Mary [Burks] Smith was bequeathed an equal share of the land of her father, Samuel Burks, Sr., with her brothers John Partree Burks and Charles Burks, and nephew Samuel Burks III.


Marriage23 Aug 1744Goochland County, Virginia - Mary Burks
Birth1746Halifax County, Virginia


SpouseMary Burks (1710 - 1777)
ChildLuke Smith (1744 - )
ChildSusannah Smith (1746 - )
ChildJohn Partree Smith (1748 - 1779)
ChildElizabeth Smith (1750 - 1767)
ChildWilliam Smith (1752 - 1800)
ChildMajor Obadiah Smith (1755 - 1808)
ChildLucy Smith (1756 - 1816)
ChildCharles Smith (1758 - 1818)
ChildJoseph Smith (1761 - 1846)
FatherLuke Bland Smith (1709 - 1770)
MotherJudith Farris (1715 - 1811)
SiblingEdith "Ede" Smith (1740 - 1829)
SiblingLuke Smith Jr. (1742 - )
SiblingAnnabelle Smith (1744 - )
SiblingMargaret Smith (1745 - 1804)
SiblingSarah Smith (1745 - 1817)
SiblingSusannah Smith (1746 - 1817)
SiblingZachariah Smith (1748 - 1798)
SiblingMartha Smith (1750 - 1840)
SiblingDrury Smith (1754 - )
SiblingArcher Smith (1755 - )
SiblingUrsula Susan Smith (1759 - 1821)
SiblingJames Smith (1760 - )
SiblingPhoebe Smith (1760 - 1825)