Individual Details

Janice Lee Cowden

(13 May 1939 - 19 Dec 2014)

My dear friend Janice, I met her when I moved to San Bernardino. Janice and Peggy were cleaning their yard and I said to myself I remember a dream I had that I would move next to two ladies. Those two ladies became my sisters, we would sit at their kitchen table and they would tell me stories of their adventures, we would laugh. They loved my family as we loved them. I would cook for them and they raved about my cooking. I loved sending them dinner. One day I was knocking on the door and I could hear Janice playing the piano and singing, I was laughing cause I was knocking and knocking and she just kept playing and singing, so I went home. Her bedroom was really close to mine and I heard her snoring, I just said goodnight Janice. When I told her we just laughed. I remember she fell in the kitchen nobody was around, my son climbed into the window and called 911. We loved Janice and she loved us. She was the one who prayed for me b/c I was going through some rough times, she took me to church and brought Jesus back into my life. When Janice was in a convalescent home in San Bernardino I use to take her fruit and some goodies. The last time I saw Janice was at her sisters home and they made tacos for dinner and asked me to stay. I will always remember my sister Janice. She was very sweet and kind. She always had a smile on her face and a story to tell or speak of Jesus. She gave me my first bible and a statue of David that I will treasure forever. I'm just sorry I didn't keep in touch when she moved. I love and miss you my friend, your friend and sister irene
Irene De Nava - January 14, 2015 at 11:08 AM

What memories Aunt Janice has created for us all. The first thing that came to mind, when I heard she had passed away was, "Jesus is laughing with her" just like she made us all laugh. That was the legacy she left us, laughter, fun, joy, worship of the Creator in song, and more laughter. I can think of so many specific instances when she would make us all laugh, too many to name.... Oh heck, there was the time on the mini-bike on BLM land and she had to appear before a judge to explain why she (this rather large woman) was riding a mini-bike where she wasn't supposed to. She had the entire court laughing too. There were many times she would drive my cousin John and me around, in the car named "Cindy Lou", in the backseat (before seatbelts) and we would go flying across the car as she turned the corner, and she's laughing; or the time she got on a rope swing and swung out over a ditch. At the apex the rope broke and she landed face down buried in 2 feet of white powdery dust. We all thought she was dead. After a few minutes we could see her start to laugh, jiggling all over. She sat up and looked like something from an "I Love Lucy" movie, covered in white dust head to toe, looking up at us and laughing. Or, the time we were all sitting a the kitchen table and Cindy or Todd had their little friends over. Aunt J scared the bejabbers out of them by popping her glass eye out onto the table. I also had the privilege of retrieving that same glass eye off the bottom of my pool, after she dove in and it popped out. Or, the time John and I picked her up in John's new '69 Mustang, (decked out for racing...well you get the picture) to pay her back for the times she tossed us around in her car. I just remember with the rear tires smoking through the intersection, all we could hear in the backseat was, "Jesus, Jesus, oh Jesus." Or, the time she came to my parents window on a Sunday night and scratched on the window screen. About 10 seconds later, my Dad (Norman) was confronting her, or what he thought was a prowler, with a gun and bayonet shoved in her face and, again the words "Jesus, Jesus, oh Jesus" was heard. That child-like face and personality, belied exactly what Jesus said about the little children and heaven, "Unless you are like one of these little ones....." That was her spirit, very child-like, just like, I think, the way the creator wants us all to be. As others have shared, this isn't "good-bye" Aunt Janice, but "I'll see you later." All who read this can say that too, "see you later", by giving your heart to Jesus, asking Him to come in and forgive your sins and become Lord of your life. This simple little prayer guarantees you a place in heaven next to Aunt Janice. And, you can laugh with us for eternity.
Love you Aunt Janice, Lon
Lon Taulbee - January 09, 2015 at 07:10 AM

Aunt Janice was firm in her belief, she knew her Maker and loved Him deeply.
When I was in my teens and with Aunt Janice one night, I felt such an overwhelming presence of evil surrounding me. She showed me a scripture in the bible that stated "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world" 1 John 4:4 and prayed fervently with me. The spirit of peace came into my heart and cast out all the fear I had. Till this day, I have never felt fear like that again. I know that God is greater than any negative feeling or any adversity that happens in my life..His spirit is stronger than any other force that can come my way. I thank Aunt Janice for that experience, and many others that followed.
God did use Aunt Janice to touch so many lives, to show us the strength of the Spirit and lead us to the verses that were life changing. Through her many life experiences, those scriptures were written in stone in her heart and she was always ready and willing to share to those around her. Always helping others change their life, give peace, strengthen their faith or opened eyes to lead in the direction they need to go. She was a true disciple for Jesus, and is reaping her rewards now.
I love you and will miss you, Aunt Janice! Sometimes your conversations were turned into song, you had a beautiful voice. And I believe you are now singing to our Lord, Grandma Leavens, Aunt Betty, Uncle Ralph and so many others that awaited you in Heaven. Will see you again ~
Cindy, Todd and Timmy, so sorry for your loss, she has left you a legacy of love, hope and forgiveness. My thoughts and prayers are with you today, really wish I could have been there to give you each a long hug. Please know that I am there in spirit, and I know that she will be honored beautifully, all that she deserved. Love you and hope that we will be able to meet up again very soon, always welcome to come Oregon :-)
"They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" Isiah 40:31
Warmest thoughts and prayers ~ Nancy
Nancy Keller - January 09, 2015 at 02:53 AM

Mamma, here is double the bear hugs for you. Wish you were here with me on my 50 th bday, but I know ur celebratating with the family now that you have v.I.p. status,and probably making me some of your jello, but don't forget not the green jello the red jello. Arnt u glad mom no more handicapped carts for you at stater bro s, now you can fly like the eagles like your heart always desired. And no more you and marci buying bottles and bottles of peppermint patty for your aching body your a new creation praise god. So happy for you,but I will miss you more than anything cause your my mama.
Love your Timmy Toes
Tim Rediker - January 03, 2015 at 04:52 AM

My Mom was my best friend growing up. We were only 18 years apart. Mom was fun, I just liked being around her. Sometimes she would ask me to stay home from school, I would say mom I can't today. Sometimes we would dance around the house to music and act like a couple of kids. Well I was the kid she was supposed to be the adult Ha! Mom always had a child like spirit even at 75. She would always make extra effort for special occasions like graduations, birthdays, holidays or even just having friends or family over. She would make enough food for an army, but she loved doing it. She was a good listener and not so judgemental. If we were carrying on a conversation I would follow her into the bathroom and she would carry on with business as usual no pun intended Ha!
Mom and I sang in a few choirs together. La mesa first assembly church, directed by O'Neil Wiles, they cut a record, mom had a couple of solos on the record. "What a friend we have in Jesus". And There' A Sweet spirit in this place. Music was a big part of who we were. Mom is singing in the choir in heaven, and singing a new song to Him.
Another memory was when mom came on a greyhound bus to pick me up in Washington d.c after a months stay after I graduated from high school. We traveled all the way up to Bar Harbor Maine saw the leaves starting to change early that year. We went to New York city and stayed up all night in the bus depot, Just to go to the Empire state building the next morning. During our travels it fell on my birthday sept 23, In the morning of my birthday we were waiting in line to get back on the bus. Mom left me for awhile, and came back with a lit match in a fig Newton and a some bacon ,singing happy birthday to me. Just making it special against all odds.
Thoughs were just a few memories that I hold dear. That's the best thing we can leave behind are " good memories" also thank you mom for teaching us the way ,we should go with God, and when they are old they won't depart from it. Mom had her ups and downs in life, but she always ran back into the Fathers arms. Where she is now and forever will be. Love, your daughter, Cindy Lou
Cindy Holler - January 01, 2015 at 12:33 PM

It is very rare to be blessed with friendship for more than 37 years, but that is Janice's and my history. Our friendship taught us both many life lessons, and provided us with countless precious blessings in Jesus. She was a friend that I could pray with, study the word with, and count on to be there if I needed a shoulder on which to cry. She always had a real heart after the Lord, and never failed to share Him with whom ever she might come in contact with. The homeless, and hungry touched her deeply, and there were many times she would stop and buy them something to eat and drink....along with sharing the love of Jesus.
I married Thomas 8 yrs. ago, and he immediately came to love and respect Janice, and her love for the Lord. As time passed, and she became homebound, she had a serious talk with my husband. She told him that all the pastors she had previously sat under, and all her church friends seemed to disappear, and there was no one that would deliver the Word to her, and her shoulders were beginning to hurt her so badly that she had trouble lifting the Bible to read. Thomas told Janice he would call her, and read to her, and pray with her...which he did until she was unable to take phone calls after being sent to St. Mary's Hospital in Apple Valley. She always told Tom that she had never heard the Word delivered the way he did it, and how very touched she was because it always was just what she needed to hear at each particular time! She always called my husband her Pastor. Tom would tell her he was just doing what the Lord laid on his heart for her, and that he was not ordained. Janice always told him he was wrong, that he was ordained by God! Tom and I both were always available to help Janice in any way we were able.
We visited our sister in ICU several times before she went home to be with the Lord. I stopped by a few days before she passed into eternity on my way home from a doctor's appt. a few blocks from the hospital. I was priviledged to be able to spend about an hour with her, singing, quoting scripture, and praying for my dear dear friend. I know while just talking to her that she knew I was there. She tried to respond back to some of the things I was telling her. I know that she was aware of what was going on around her. It was a precious closure to a long earthly friendship. I told Janice that it won't be long until Tom and I will see her again, and I was not going to say goodbye....just so long for now.
What a blessed thing for Janice to behold the face of Jesus, and what a grand reunion she must be having with all her family that preceeded her into heaven. Can you imagine her walking those streets of gold with 2 good knees, an ankle with no pins holding it together, hugging family members without shoulder pain, and beholding the Lord with 2 good eyes? God you are so good, and faithful. My dear sweet friend is healed from all the pain and suffering she endured!! Oh how we praise you God!
I would like to thank Dee Dee Couts, and Kim who have always been like family to me for keeping us updated on Janice's situation. I would also like to thank my granddaughter Danielle for all her phone calls and updates as well. Our condolences to the other family members.
Very Very Sincerely......Peggy and Thomas Woods
Peggy and Tom Woods - December 31, 2014 at 06:25 AM

My mother-in-love was a precious woman to me. She always encouraged me in the Lord and we had such wonderful prayer times together. I thank the Lord for having her in my life for 27 years. She stepped into the role of "Mama" when my own mother passed away 18 yrs ago. I will miss our fast food trips, TV preachers, American Pickers and Fast n Loud tv programs we watched together. I do know that we will see each other soon. Tell my Mom "hi"for me. Love you Mama Your Daughter (in-love) Melissa Rediker
Melissa Rediker - January 01, 2015 at 10:10 AM

To the Rediker Family.. Janice was my cousin, we went to high school together, she was only 7 months younger than me,when she was a junior I was a senior at PHS, San San Bernardino Calif.. I remember going to the mountains where they lived for a while, to go sledding.. I had never been to the mountains before, and I really got sick in the car going up there..OF course, Janice was so sweet to tell me that I would feel better when we get there, and get off the winding roads.. But I never felt good all the time I was there.. So I wasn't much fun. I remember that they never ask me to come to the mountains again.. She was a very funny lady, all the time.. I'm so happy that she is with so many of our family that is in Heaven. What a great reunion she is having with them. We the West had lots of kids, and the Cowdens had a large family to .I remember we had Christmas at Grandma's house, and my Dad would be Santa.. Janice and I thought that was a hoot uncle Dewey playing Santa Claus.. I'll see you later in heaven cousin, hope that our mansions are close together so you can keep me laughing.Cousin Carol Ann Stuart
Carol Ann West Bowers Stuart - December 30, 2014 at 08:40 AM


Birth13 May 1939San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California
Marriage17 Aug 1956San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California - Carl Wesley Rediker Jr.
Divorce27 Apr 1972San Diego, San Diego County, California - Carl Wesley Rediker Jr.
Death19 Dec 2014Apple Valley, San Bernardino County, California


SpouseCarl Wesley Rediker Jr. (1931 - )
ChildCynthia Lou Rediker (1957 - )

