Individual Details

Harry LeRoy Knapp

(25 Mar 1894 - 25 May 1928)

Herald Register, 28 MAY 1928
Funeral Service Held At Catholic Church This Morning
The funeral service for Harry L. Knapp was held in the Catholic church this morning at nine o'clock, conducted by the Rev Father Hannon. Blinds were drawn at every place of business in Grinnell during _____ the _______ respect ___________.
Harry L. Knapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Knapp, was born in Grinnell, Iowa, March 25, 1894. He died at St. Francis hospital early Friday morning, May 25, 1928, after a long and gallant fight to live.
Harry was a real Grinnell boy. He was born here, went through the grade schools, graduated from Grinnell High School with he class of 1913, and even before he had finished school had become a member of the staff of a Grinnell newspaper. At the time he was taken ill he was Associate Editor and Advertising Manager of the Grinnell Register.
On December 30, 1922, he was married to Miss Edith Patton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Patton, a Grinnell girl, and established his home right here. To this ____________ one child ____ happy little girl ________to __________ to this office some quaint saying or new achievement of Mary Kathryn. She was a never-ending source of wonder and delight to him -- as she is now the chief solace and comfort of her mother.
Besides his wife and little daughter, Harry is survived by his father, mother, one brother, Frank Knapp, and three sisters, Mary, Helen and Katherine. Two brothers, on older, the first born of Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, and one younger, Bert, the baby of the family, preceded him in death.
At the beginning of the World War, Harry in company with his friend Dale Welton, went to Des Moines and enlisted for service. On account of his frail health, however, he was not permitted to engage in any active service and later received an honorable discharge. He was a member of the Focht-Tennant Post, the local organization of the American Legion.
At the church this morning the __________ banked with the ________________from _____and organizations and from personal friends. Notable among there was the beautiful casket cover composed of roses, lilies, carnations and other gorgeous blooms --an expression of remembrance and appreciation from the business men of Grinnell with whom Harry had been in daily contact for many years. The almost universal sentiment of these men seeming to be that Harry Knapp in his modest, unassuming optimistic -- way, had done more for the business life of Grinnell in the past five years than any other one individual or agency.
It seems fitting to say in this connection that having heard so many express themselves in this way, Mrs. Needham took it upon herself to tell Harry out at the hospital one day how folks were "talking about him" down town. She wanted him to know that his real unaffected interest and genuine, thoughtful effort towards trade extension and general upbuilding of business interest had been recognized and appreciated. His surprise was so great and pleasure so heart-felt he could on say: "That sure puts new fight into me."
Following the especially beautiful service and splendid talk by Father Hannon at the church, burial was had in Hazelwood. Bearers were James Ashing, I.N. Merritt, Howard Dimit, Charles LeRoy, Frank Edge and Charles K. Needham.
As Father Hannon said this morning, Harry Knapp spent practically every day of his short life within the confines of this city -- and it was a most useful and happy life. Every one knew him -- he knew everybody -- that his passing is marked by such genuine grief and regret -- that he was honored today a few citizens are honored in any community -- tells his life story.


Birth25 Mar 1894Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa
Death25 May 1928Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa
BurialHazelwood Cemetery, Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa


SpouseMary Edith Patton (1891 - 1987)
ChildMary Katheryn Knapp (1923 - 1992)

