Individual Details

Harvey Cory Bruner

(1896 - 1926)


(11 Nov 1926, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK):
The charred body of H. C. Bruner, age 32, and those of his two children, Eual, age 9, and Kenneth, age 5, were taken from the ruins of the home which was destroyed by fire from a gasoline explosion here at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening. The bodies were charred beyond recognition.
A burst five-gallon can, said to have contained a quantity of gasoline, found in the kitchen, from which the father is thought to have poured gasoline on smoldering coals in the cook stove, is believed to have been the cause of the explosion which took a toll of three lives.
When the fire had been subdued, the body of Bruner was found lying across a washing machine near the kitchen door, diagonally across the room from the cook stove, the childrens bodies on each side of that of the father, supposedly having been hurled across the room from the force of the explosion or else the father, in his efforts to locate the door, in his blinded condition, was overcome by the flames and with his two children, perished before help could reach them.
The bodies were taken to Fatheree's Undertaking Parlors and prepared for burial.
The father and two children are survived by the widow and two children, Sadie, age 7, and Bobbie, age eighteen months. Other surviving relatives are four brothers, one residing at Stonewall, Okla., one at Semour, Texas and two at Printiss, Okla., where the mother of the deceased also resides, to whom telegrams were immediately dispatched.
Bruner was a member of the order Odd Fellows and of the M.W. of A. Funeral arrangements had not been definitely decided upon at the hour of going to press, further than the Rev. Fox of the Baptist church at Buffalo, will conduct the funeral and burial will be held at Buffalo cemetery.
Mrs. Bruner and her two small children are at the home of the mother's father, J. R. Bassett in this city.
(18 Nov 1926, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK):

We wish to thank the people of Erick and surrounding country for their help and loving kindness and sympathy in our recent loss of our dear Brother H. C. Bruner and his dear little boys, Eurel (sic) and Kenneth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wolf,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Farmer,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruner,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bruner,
Bill Bruner.

We wish to thank our many friends and the public for their sympathy and kind offering shown and given us during the death of our loved ones.
Mrs. Bruner and children.

Articles Courtesy of: Lindsay Brock (#47166263)


Death1926Beckham County, Oklahoma
BurialBuffalo Cemetery, Sayre, Beckham County, Oklahoma


ChildRobert Edwin Bruner (1925 - 2001)

