Individual Details

Major Randall Holt II

(1640 - 26 Sep 1679)

Inherited and had patent for the whole of Hog Island. He was refereed to as Major Randall Holt Jr. Offered receipt of marriage to a Mr. Lockey on October 20, 1663 under name of Randolph Holt. (York County records).Member of the House of Burgesses; appointed Justice for Surry County on 12/22/1668. Appears on the Census of Tithables Surry County in 1668, 1674, and 1678. In 1679 he was granted a patent for 1,450 acres on Hogg Island. In the name of God Amen I Randall HOLT being Sicke & weake of body but of p'fect Mind & Memory thanks be to Almighty God, Calling to Remembrance the uncertaine state of this transitory Life & that all flesh must yeild unto Death when it shall please God to Call, doe make constitute declare & ordaine this my last Will & Testam:t in manner & form following, Revokeing & Anulling by these presents all & Every Testaments Will & Wills heretofore by me made either by word or wrighting & this to be onely taken for my Last Will & Testam:t & none other. And first being penitent & Sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sinns past most humbly desireing Remission for ye same, I give & comitt my Soule to Almighty God my Saviour & Redeemer in whom & by ye Merritts of Jesus Christ I trust & beleive assuredly to be saved, & that my Soule with my body at ye Gen:ll last day of resurrection shall rise againe with Joy & through the Merritts of Christs Death & passion possess & Inherite ye Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect & Chosen and my body to be disposed in Such place as my Executor hereafter named shall thinke Convenient. And for the Settling of my Temporall Estate and Such goods as it hath pleased God to Endow me withall (far above my deserts) I doe give & bequeath as follweth (that is to say) I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in Right and Consience to any manner of p'son whatsoever be well & truely contented & paid in convenient time after my Death by my Executor &c. Imp:'s I give & bequeath to my Eldest Sonn Jn:o HOLT all my Lands to him & his heires forever, but if he dye without Issue or before he come to Age then to my Sonn W:m HOLT in like manner and if he dye without heires of his body then to be my Sonn Thomas HOLT & his heires Item I give & bequeath to my Loveing Wife Eliz: HOLT all my goods Chattells Cattle Horses Mares debts dues Rights properties or whatsoever doth belong to me of what kinde or Nature soever they be of to be disposed of by her ye paying my debts & ye maineteyneance of my Six Children & to dispose of it to them or any of them as shee shall soe occation or think fitt in her discretion and of this my Will I doe make & appoynt my Loveing Wife & my Sonn Jn:o my Executors. And I doe Will that my Children have the benefitt of theire Labour & Indeavors at ye Age of Seaventeene yeares And I doe will & Ord:r that my Sonn John HOLT have assigned him assigned him a good plantacon in my Island when he comes to ye age of one & twenty & that ye rest of the Island be at ye disposall of my wife dureing her life & that the same Order be performed to the rest of my Children in case of his Death before Age or want of Issue, & in wittness that this is my last will and testam:t I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this 26th day of Aprill in ye yeare of Lord 1679 Rand: HOLT : Seale, red wax In ye presence of us John MOYER Jn:o GORING Att a Cort held for ye County of Surry 7br 2.d 1679. This Will wasproved in Cort by the oath of mr. Jn:o MOYER. Test WE ClCr Vera record:tr 7br 1679 P/ Test WE ClCr


Birth1640Hog Island, Surry County, Virginia
MarriageOct 1663Hog Island, Surry County, Virginia - Elizabeth Hansford
Death26 Sep 1679Hog Island, Surry County, Virginia
BurialLawnes Creek Parish Church Cemetery, Surry County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Hansford (1640 - 1709)
ChildJohn Michael Holt (1664 - 1707)
FatherRandall Holt Sr. (1607 - 1650)
MotherMary Bailey (1609 - 1643)

