Individual Details

Olea Forrest Kirkland

(23 Nov 1893 - 2 Apr 1942)

Forrest was a well known commercial artist in Dallas, Texas. As hobby he started sketching the cave paintings around Texas and New Mexico areas on family outings. He eventually becomes more recognized for his archeology/ anthropology until a book of his watercolor was reproduced by the University of Texas Press in 1967. Since most of the information was provided by his second wife, she didn't acknowledge his first and only family in the book. This oversight has been promised to be corrected in subsequent printings.
1893, Nov 23 - Olea Forrest Kirkland is the first born child to William "Warren" Kirkland and "Maggie" Terry of Ashley Co. Arkansas.
1900 - US Census, Arkansas, Ashley Co., Bearhouse Township. enum. dist. 8,. sheet 5.
Kirkland, Warren head w m Aug. 1867 32 mar 8 Ala Ala Ala " , Maggie wife w f Jan 1875 27 mar 8 Ark SC SC " , Forrest son w m Nov 1892 7 s Ark Ark Ark " , Jannie dau w f June 1894 5 s Ark Ark Ark " , Robie son w m Dec 1895 4 s Ark Ark Ark " , William son w m Mar 1898 2 s Ark Ark Ark O'Dell, Willey boarder w m May 1879 21 s Ala Ala Ala
@1903- He had rheumatic fever as a child which caused him to be very short winded while in the army.
1910 - Arkansas, Ashley Co., Prairie Twp., Series: T624 Roll: 43 Page: 263. ed 14 p3. (note the spelling difference. )
Kirklan(sic), Warren head m w 41 mar 18yrs Alabama Alabama Alabama farmer gen. farming " , Maggie wife f w 37 mar 18yrs 6preg/ 6 living Arkansas Alabama Arkansas " , Forrest son m w 18 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas" , Mary dau. f w 15 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas " , Robert E. son m w 14 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas " , William E. son m w 12 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas " , Elsie A. dau. f w 9 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas " , Dorthea dau. f w 7 s Arkansas Alabama Arkansas
c1910- He traveled to Battle Creek, Michigan where he studied the ministry. [Violet Christenson]
1911, c July 1 - Forrest gives his first sermon in a country church in Arkansas. [letter of July 1,1911 from Mary "Mollie " Octavia Collier]
1913, May 13th- Forrest is part of a graduating class from Hamburg High School. [card in collection of EC] It lists:
Forrest Kirkland Leroy Carpenter Claudia Carpenter Nannie May Roney Pauline Dunn Eva Bradley Columbus Johnson Charlie Sawyer Andrew Johnson William Whitlow Mallie Standard Lane Blanks
F. W. Whiteside, Principal
1913, May 30th - Forrest Kirkland graduates from Hamburg High School, Hamburg, Arkansas. signed by Fredrick Wm. Whiteside, Principal. [diploma with Elroy Christenson]
1913, June 20 - Forrest Kirkland is granted a "Grade No. 1", Teacher's License by the Department of Public Instruction, State of Arkansas, No. a206. His grades for each category of the exam is: Spelling 75; English Grammar 84; U. S. History 98; Theory and Practice 78; Reading 91; Arithmetic 94; Arkansas History 87; Civil Government 78; Penmanship 95; Geography 94; Physiology 97; Elementary Algbra 83; Elementary Agriculture and Horticulture 96. The county examiner is F. W. Whiteside, who is also the principal of the school district.
@1916- He attended Hendrix College, Conway, Ark. for a year where he studied commercial art until he drafted into World War I. [Newcomb Jr]
1916, Oct 27 - postcard to Mrs. D. D. Allen,
"417 Woodbridge St, Jackson, Mich. I often think of you but seldom have time to write. At last I am at work. Am getting on nicely with the work, Just completed two drawings today to be used in Sears and Roebucks catalog. Am getting real anxious to see some one I know. Everthing is new here. Forrest " (picture of the Y. M. C. A. Building, Jackson, Mich. where I suspect he is staying. card in possession of Elroy Christenson)
1916. May 29- postcard to Master H. E. Allen
"58 Cherry St. Battle Creek Mich. Hello H. E. How's you mamma and papa. Guess you are farming some now. I am having a dandy good time. This is the prettiest town I ever saw. There are hundreds of pretty buidings here like the one of this card. Forrest." (pictured is the Annex Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich., card in possession of Elroy Christenson)
1917, May 11- Sadie Hollaway graduates from Russellville High School,the class list includes:
William Scarlett, President Glen Simpson, Vice -President Mabel Baker, Secretary Eunice Oates, Treasurer William Hamilton Sadie Holloway (sic)James King Ruth Linzy Exene Owens Jeanne Porter Percy Renfrow Donald Rogers Annie Lee Ross Paddock Roys Florence Rye William Teeter Elizabeth Tinsley [card in possession of EC]
1917, Jul 31- post card to Mrs. D. D. Allen
"Got to Nashville Monday morning. Started to work to-day. This is a nice town with many beautiful buildings. I think I will like my new home fine. Forrest" (picture of Union Station, Nashville, card in possession of Elroy Christenson)
@1917, Dec - He marries Sara (Sadie) Alice Hollaway, daughter of a middle class Arkansas farming family (perhaps in Nashville, Tenn.), before leaving for France. Permission is granted for the marriage in a letter from her father, Willie Lee Hollaway. [handwritten letter of Sept 3, 1917, to Forrest from W. L. Hollaway in possession of Elroy C.]
"Dear Forrest, As you are going to be my son I guess I have the right to use these words. Your letter received a few days ago and after considering your request and considering your plans, now, of course, I would rather for you to marry at home but I do think your reasons are reasonable. I will consent for Sadie to come to you because I have confidence in you and believe you to be a man of principal and honor and that I can faithfully trust her with you believing that all will be well with her. While I know you are not a man of wealth, I do believe you to be a man and when I say man, I mean what the word implies.
Now, of course, it would be better that you had some thing to begin with but when I married I had nothing but love and I have never regretted the day, which I believe is the case with you and Sadie, and I am sure that Sadie will endeaver to do her part and I believe you will do the same and that being the case I have nothing to fear. Now as to the date. Money is very scarce with me now and I expect it will work some hardships on me in preparing her but never the less I will endeaver to do so. Now perhaps you think this the way I write I am anxious for you and her to marry and if I would say I am would you feel puffed up of how would you feel. I hope not for I do think it is nothing but the duty of every Parent to want to see his daughter marry a Gentleman. And while I am writing plainly, I hope that you will consider that it is the duty of every man to be such yet I know they are not now of course. I hate to give Sadie up from any now yet I want her to marry because I think that is in the plan of God. Now let me give you by Blessings and of a little prayer for you both that God will Guide you all right and Protect you and that you both will be a blessing.
You may think it strange that Sadie has never opened you mouth to me and what I know I have gathered. Which I do not think is right and I have not said anything to her I believe she should have confidence in which, it seems, that she has not and I thought I would wait and see if she would say anything to me." Respect yours, W. L. Hollaway
[abstracted from the original, saved by Sadie Hollaway Kirkland Johnson,original in possession of Elroy Christenson)]
1918, May 25 - Forrest is inducted into the United States Army in Hamburg, Ark. He was assigned to the Casual Detail, 11th Rec. Br., 162nd O. B. Camp Pike Ark.

1918- Aug 7- His 1st child, Violet May Kirkland, is born while he is overseas. Having arrived at Le Havre, France. He had contracted the mumps and was placed in a British convalescent camp where he did watercolors. When recovered he was assigned to the 120th Infantry. The commander noticed Forrest's watercolors and then attached him to the 2nd Battalion, Intelligence Section, as a map maker. [Newcomb Jr]
photo on the left - Violet Kirkland at about 18 months old. original hand tinted photo in collection of Elroy Christenson
1918, Oct 8 Letter to Warren Kirkland from France, on stationary with the heading, "On active Service with the American Expeditioinary Force",
My dear Papa, No doubt your have been expecting a letter for several days. I intended to have written but many things turn up to prevent. As you know I have been in the hospital. There I had worlds of time but I couldn't get paper. Now I am out and time is the scarce article. I was in hospital 21 days with the mumps. Then I came to convalescent camp. Have been here since the 3rd. It was a rather dull time we had at the hospital. We couldn't get out at all. But here we have a jolly good. time.There's something doing all the time--- concerts, lectures parades, games drill and feeds. I am particularly interested in the feeds for I certainly have an appetite since i have gotten up from the mumps. We get lots of good English grub-- 4 meals a day, -- and have a good place to sleep. You know how I have always liked to meet new people. Well I am in hogs heaven here. This is a British camp and for the present I an attached to a British Co. In our company are men from every part of the world. There are men from England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zeland, Canada and America. They treat us Sammies royally. It is certainly interesting to mix with the Tommies and Auzies (Australians) They are all dandy good fellows. A an always learning something new. The British drill is used here and I am having a time learning it. I am due to be here another week by that time I will be a good Tommie I think. I am also learning to play the English games. We are allowed to go into the city every other afternoon. The French cities can't compare with our cities of the same size. They are not modern. You should have seen me shopping in a big French department store. I got what I wanted alright. I have me a French grammar. If I stay here long I hope to be able to speak a little French. i am already getting so I can read a little. You are probably having pretty weather for cotton picking. It is rainy and bad here but not nearly so cold as I expected. We have just had frost enough to bit the tomato plants. But today it is colder and has been sleeting some. We are longing for more good weather so we can keep driving old Jerry (the Germans) back. He's getting tired of our blows but we are determined to give him a thorough thrashing before we quit. (line written on fold and unreadable).... from you in about another month. Don't you know I'm getting anxious. Se that my babies are always happy and don't worry. Give my love to all and don't forget to write. Your devoted son Forrest Pvt. Olea F. Kirkland 13th co. camp Pike J. A. R. D. A. E. F. France
1918-November 5, letter written "Somewhere in France"
My dear Mamma, Have you been expecting a letter for some time? I know I should have written sooner but over here the there are many things to hinder me. It's hard some times to get a letter off to my little girlies once a week. I know too that our letters have to go through several hands before they even get started to you and I am not at all sure that they all reach you. So if you don't get a letter every two weeks it isn't any sigh that I am not alright. If any thinkg should happen to me you would certainly be notified. I am the one that has to worry. Half of you may be dead for what I know and there is no way of my knowing. I have no hopes of hearing from you now until you answer this . That will be about Christmas. There could be no better Christmas present for me over here than a letter from home. I am so anxious to know how you are and how my little girls. The address I am giving you now will probably be my permanent address. At last I have what I have been wanting. I have been assigned to an old company where most of the boys have been at the front almost as long as I have been in the army. Now either we go up to the line I wll be with experienced boys. That will a great advantage to me. Besides I think the boys win the old companies have a better time than those in companies made up of "rookies". At any rate I am have there easiest time that I have had since I have been in the army. Would you love to know exactly what I am doing here in France? Well I'll tell you about us much as I think will pass the censor. I am drill a little all the time, but not hard like I use to in the States. I hike often especially when touring France as I have been doing. Its fun hiking under a 75 lb. pack believe me. Just this morning I took a little eight mile hike right though the rain. Of course it wasn't sloppy after about 10,000 other soldiers had just marched down the same road head of us. But little things like that don't bother us. You know it rains about half the time over. With the drilling and hiking we also have some fun. Recently we have been having a series on track meets. Battalion, regment, division etc. Among the attractions were foot races. horse and mule races, boxing and resling. They proved quite a diversion from the regular rotine Occasionly we enjoy shows of every kind in some respects better than the ones we see in the States. I was very much amussed a a vaudeville show I saw the other night. It was out in the edge of a little shell riddled village in an old barn whose end I believe had been torn away by a bum(sic). The barn was built of hewed timbers and mud, like a mud chimney is made and covered with tile. The ground was its floor. Gee it was gloomy looking theater. But inside was a beautiful little stage, piano, and electric foot lights. And we enjoyed one of the very best shows I have every seen, although all through the performanced the rats played across the joists above the actors. I always feel well and sleep sound every night. I have a variety of beds from time to time in a variety of places. Sometimes it's a tent with board floor usually it's the bare earth. Sometimes it's the grass, or maybe the mud ewith the heavens for a cover. Sometimes the ruins of building, a dugout, a cellar, a box car or passenger coach. The trains are fast flyers here. Not long ago I started out on a little trip of about 75 miles. I boarded the train about 9 oclock at night road all the night, lay over the next day road all of the second night and at 2 oclock the second day landed at my destination I am certainly seeing my part of France. Since I started this letter I have learned something that my prove to be some awfully good new to you. But it will be several days before it will develope so I won't tell you what it is until my next letter. If it does happen however I will have a new job and new address when I write. I must stop now I am getting chilly. It's rather wild over here for the time of the year. The grass is still greener and only about half the leaves are off the trees. It's seldom we need an over-coat. We depend on our clothes to keep us warm. Write me all the news at once for a letter to this address will come strait to me. Give my love to all. Your devoted son Forrest Pvt. Olea F. Kirkland Co. E. 120 Infantry A. E. F. Via N. Y.
1918, Nov. 12, My Dear Papa, I wrote a few days ago but since then so many good things have happened that I must write again. Of course you know allready that the war is over. I know how glad you and momma and my little girl must be. It's certainly is a geat thing to be thankful for.We were out on a manuver when the official news reached us. Recall was blown and we came in to camp rejoicing. The .....
1918-1919 -- This is a mostly typed list of places that Forrest was apparently stationed. The last three entrees were hand written in pencil in his hand. The Hospital and Convalesing Camp was a stay when Forrest had the mumps. The travel on Oct 14-15 was when he was trying to reattach himself to his battalion. The spelling is off on many of the names listed here. I've tried to project my interpretation on the spelling and location which seems to be mostly in Brittany.
Station List
Station State Date Organization Camp Pike Ark. May 26 - Aug 15 Co. C 1st Reg. Inf. Poplar Bluff Ark. Aug 15 13th Co. Camp Pike J. A. R. D Indinappolis (sic) Mo. Aug 15 " " " " " Rochester N. Y Aug 17 " " " " " Camp Merrit N. J. Aug 18-Aug 23 " " " " " Hobokum (sic) N. J. Aug 23 " " " " " On Sea Aug 24 - Spet 5 " " " " " Liverpool England Sept 5 - Sept 8 " " " " " Birmingham England Sept 8 " " " " " South Hampton England Sept 9 - Sept 10 " " " " " Le Harve (sic) France Sept 11 (probably Le Havre) 52nd Stationary Hospital Sept 12 - Oct 3 No. 4 Convalesing Camp Oct 3 - Oct 13 Replacement Battalion Reuan (sic) France Oct 14 (probably Rouen) " "Bologne (sic) France Oct 15 (probably Boulogne s-mer, S. of Calais) " "Abberville France Oct 15 (probably Abbeville, W. of Paris " " Eu France Oct 15 - Oct 24 (W. of Abbeville) " " Brelomieux France Oct 24 (perhaps Bray-les-Mreuil, S. of Abbeville) " " Corbie France Oct 25 (10k E. of Amiens on Somme R,) " " (name unreadable) France Oct 25 - Nov 19 Co. E. 120th Infantry Le Neuville France Nov 20 (perhaps la Neuville-du-Bosc) " " " " Beaumont France Nov 21 (perhaps Beaumont, 30k NE of Amiens) " " " " Mezieres France Nov 21 - Feb 12 (perhaps Mézieres-en-Satterre, S. of Corbie) " " " " Solbigney France Feb 12 (unknown town) " " " " Lemans France Feb 13 - Mar 14 (Le Mans) " " " " St. Nazaire France Mar 15 (on Brittany coast) Camp Pike Det. "
On another sheet of paper of the same age and color as the above list is this poem.
His Message by Pvt. Olea F. Kirkland
I see you standing by the window. Your eyes are looking out so far. I see our darling on your bosom. And there's a single service star. Those eyes of blue are sad but brilliant. They speak the acheing of your heart. Glow there the embers of devotion, But there is pain that makes me start. I do not see the fields and forests That spread before your eyes advance. But far across the great Atlantic, You see your comrad here in France. Upon your cheek I see a jewel. Sparkling pearly little tear. Shed for your boy clad in Kakhi So far away and yet so dear. And as you stand beside your window, Your boy clad in kakhi pants Sends you this message by the wireless Between your hears, though he's in France. Take courage, darling , cease your weeping. Dry away those bitter tears. For God has banished war for ever. Let him dispell your many fears. God has kept me from all danger. His gracious hand has guarded you. And in due time He will unite us To live and serve and love anew. [undated, in collection of EC]
On another page but may have been written at a different time
THAT SHALL BE A TRULY PERFICT(sic) PEACE All the air is filled with shouts and cheers, Rings loud the bells that silent stood for years. Shouts and lasts of whistles rend the air. The joyous news of peace is every where. The shouts and bells and music still increase. But till these areas of mine, About my wife and babe entwine, There can never be a truly perfect peace. Silent are the cannons on the line, Whose hellish charges burst and whiz and whine, Striking down our young and gallant braves. No more our boys shall fill untimely graves. How grand it is this glorious change to see! Still until my ars entwine About those precious girls of mine. Perfect peace can never come to me. Sounds no more the cries of little girls, Outraged, debauched and murdered by the world'sCommon enemy. Defeat, his fate. Though murder, rape and crimes of war shall cease, Still until I see her face And hold her in my fond embrace,There can never come a truly perfect peace. Soon we men who've sufferedall but death, Who've longed for those at home with every breath, Will, out tired faces, turn toward home. Ere long we'll sail across the stormy foam. And then the longings of my heart shall cease. I'll clasp my darlings to my heart Death alone can make us part. And that shall be a truly perfect peace. [unsigned and undated original in collection of EC]

1919, Apr 25- Olea F. Kirkland receives an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army. He is listed in this document as "#2870958 Private, Co. E 120 Inf. Casual Det. Rec Bu. by reason of "Demobilization." It states that "he was born in Mist, in the State of Arkansas. When enlisted he was 25 6/12 years of age and by occupation a Artist. He had Blue eyes, Dark hair, Fair, complexion, and was 5 feett 7 inches in height."The reverse side. Noncommissioned officer : Never ; Marksmanship, gunner qualification or rating: None; Horsemenship: None; Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions: Number of A. E. F.; Knowledge of any vocation: Artist; Wounds received in service: None; Physical condition when discharged: Good; Typhoid prophylaxis completed Triple June 18, 1918, Paratyphoid prophylaxis completed June 18, 1918; Married or single: Married; Character: Excellent; Remarks: No A. W. O. L. No Abences under GO45-14, Entitled to traveling allowence, Reported at Camp Pike co. 1st LiRegt. Co 13 July A. R. L. Served in France Left 28 ?Aug 24/18, Co. E 120 Inf arrived in (??) S. 4/13/19 Camp Jackson S. C. 4/22/19 Camp Pike Cas Det 11 Rec Bu to date of Discharge.
Other records of his service were lost in the fire in the national military records storage area on July 12, 1973. [Nat. Archives and Records Administration, 8/6/97]
He returns to the USA and moves his family to Dallas perhaps because his cousin, Walter Collier, also an artist and a person with whom he had attended school, had moved there. He does airbrush retouching of machinery as his primary trade and explores caves as a hobby. [Violet Christenson]
1920- Forrest and Sadie are living at 1605 Douglas, Dallas, Texas with Violet (age 1yr 4 mo). He is listed as a commercial artist. [US census Texas, Dallas Co. Series: T625 Roll: 1792 Page: 93] Kirkland, Oland F. head m w 27 m Ark N. S. Ark. commercial artist " , Saddie A. wife f w 22 m Ark. Ark. Ark. " , Violet M. dau. f w 1-4/12 s Ark. Ark. Ark. The house shown here was probably their first house in Dallas and probably the one shown in the census. [photo collection of EC]
His cousin, Walter S. Collier, (27) is also in Dallas with his wife, Mabel,(30) and their daughter, Melba (3.5 yrs). He lists his occupation as bookkeeper for Western Union.
1920 - US Census, Fisher Co., Texas. enum. dist. 18, sheet 8b (Lula Mardis is listed here with her 1930 they have moved to Dallas where Lula is still living with her parents at age 33)
Mardis, W. H. head renting m w 68 mar Miss Ala Geo farming gen. farm. " Mollie wife f w 43 mar Ala Ala Ala " Lula dau f w 23 s Tex Miss Ala " John son m w 21 s Tex Miss Ala " J. M. son m w 19 s Tex Miss Ala
1922, May 14 - His son Roy Eugene Kirkland is born .
Forrest wrote a number of poems during the war and eventually becomes a member of the Dallas Poetry Society.
1923, Aug. 21 - postcard to Mrs Dudley Allen, Mist, AR.
"We are having the time of our lives on the coast. Bathing in the surf and fishing for salt water fish. Spent last week at Corpus Christy. Will go to Texas City today. Love from all. Forrest" (picture of Galveston, TX pier, card in possession of Elroy Christenson) This may be the time when Forrest stood out in the water of Corpus Christy bay and received such a sunburn that he was sick for several days afterward. (story of Violet Christenson)
about 1926 - At sometime here Forrest hires an assistant. Lulu Mardis was an artist who had trained at the Chicago Art Institute. She probably was quite skilled and helpful in many ways. They formed a strong philosophical and artistic bond. Forrest obviously found her company more in keeping with his desired lifestyle. He apparently found the burden of children more than he could bear and hinderance on his freedom.
1930 - Forrest leaves Sadie and his children to her care. Sadies files for divorce about. Nov. 17, 1930.
Sadie Kirkland vs. Forrest Kirkland suit pending in the Judicial District Court in and for Dallas County, Texas.
TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: now comes Sadie Kirkland here in after styled Plaintiff, complaining of Forrest Kirkland hereinafter styled Defendant, and for cause of action respectfullly represents:
I. The plaintiff has been a bona fide resident of Dallas County, Texas, for a period of 18 months next preceding the filing of this petition, and the defendant is a resident of Dallas County, Texas. II. That Plaintiff and Defendant, on or about the 21st day of October, A. D. 1917, were duly and legally married and continued to live together till on or about the 13th day of August, 1930, when by reason of the Defendant's conduct as herein complained of Plaintiff severed the relation of husband and wife with existed between them and has not lived with him since. III. That the Defendant, for a period of approximately four years prior to said separation acquired a cold and disinterested attitude toward and concerning the Plaintiff and during said period showed no affection or love for her, and during said period shunned her association and seldom spoke to her except upon matters pertaining to the operation of the home, showing by all his acts and conduct that he considered himself her intellectual superior, that she was repulsive to him, and that in his opinion she was unworthy of being his wife. IV. That during said four years Defendant lost all interest in his family and wholly failed to attribute to them the respect they deserved, but on the contrary, disregared their attentions and instead of associating with Plaintiff and their children, would seclude himself and lie on the bed or couch in obstinate silence.V. That during said period Defendant almost with except- ..(part of page missing ) .. ht remained away from home until eleven o'clock or later and on Sundays spent the major portion of his time away from home. That in particular on the nights of August 10th, 11h and 12th Defendant spent the entire night away from home. VI. That on or about the 10th day of August, 1930, the Defendant told the Plaintiff that he did not love her, that their case was one of incompatibility, that he was an artist, that she might be a good wife for some men, but not for an artist. VII. That the Defendant during the month of July, 1929, left home for a three weeks vacation, and without even offering to take with him the Plaintiff and chidlren, and on or about the 13th day of August, 1930, same being the date of said separation, he left for another vacation of serveral months duration without asking the Plaintiff and children to accompany him, and with even telling them where he was going. That on said date Plaintiff was under care of a physician, had been ill for a long period of time, that in making the necessary trips to her physician she was compelled to call upon relatives to take her, due to the defendant's neglectful failure to do so. VIII. That said conduct on the part of Defendant renders the further living together of the Plaintff and Defendant insupportable. IX. That the Plaintiff and Defendant own as their entire community estate personal property consisting of notes, bonds, stocks and money of the reasonable value of $14, 940.06. That the respective rights of the Plaintiff and Defendant to said estate have been settled and a copy of the agreement of settlement containing a description of said property, and manner of its division is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked exhibit "A". X. That there were born to Plaintiff and Defendant two children, Violet, a girl twelve years of Age, and Toy, a boy eight years of age, who arenow and have been since said separation in Plaintiff's custody, and the Plaintiff alleges that she is the proper person to have the permanent care and custody of said children with the right of Defendant to visit and associate with them at reasonable and seasonable times. WHEREFORE, Planitiff prays that the Defendant be cited in terms of law, that upon hearing hereof she be granted a diveorce, tht the Defendant be ordered to deliver up her share of said property according to the attached settlement agreement, for custody of the above named children and for general relief.
[unsigned copy addressed to John W. Pope, Attorney - Merchantile Blding, Dallas, Texas. letter with Elroy Christenson]
Accompaning the letter is a receipt to Mrs Sadie Kirkalnd for $103, property settlement $100, Dr. Brooks office visit $3.00
1931, Nov. 21, Sat. - probably in Dallas, TX - Forrest marries his secretary, Lula Mardis, an artist who had studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. [note from Forrest to Aunt Alice]
1933, January 1- Forest Kirkland is mentioned as exhibiting at least one watercolor in an article about an exhibit at the city hall in the Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas. He apparently was a member of the association in "Prevue of Texas Fine Arts Exhibit and Program Held, Collection at City Hall Auditorium includes 57 Paintings by Texas Fine Arts Association". [Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, pages 8-9]
1933- He is listed in the American Art Annual, 1933, pub. of the American Federation of Arts. [Newcomb Jr]
1934-1942 He writes extensive articles on Texas pictographs in the Texas He helped to establish and became president of the Archeological and Paleontological Society newsletter of Texas. [Newcomb Jr]
Sadie has her father, Willie Hollaway, frequently come to Texas and help with the care of the children. He usually comes by train with a large feather bed. Although he was strict with his own children, he taught his grandchildren how to play poker. Sadie has a maid as well, who primarily does the laundry. Since she had no work, I don't know how she supported her family but I suspect that she must have received some monetary help from her father. [story from Violet Christenson]
1937, October 30 - "Texas Archeologists Prepare to Elect New Officers at Annual Parley" "Color reproductions of Indian pictographs and drawings done by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kirkland of Dallas were being shown toward the close of the morning session today of the ninth annual meeting of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological society. ..." [Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, page 1]
1938 -An exhibition of his Indian rock art watercolors is shown in the Hall of State, Texas State Fair Grounds, Dallas, Texas. An exhibition of his Indian rock art watercolors is shown at the Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover Mass.,[Marriot]
1939, July 13- "First in Abilene Region - Excellent Examples of Indian Basketry Unearthed",
"Examples of Indian basketry, the first to be discovered in the Abilene region, have been added to the archeological and paleontological exhibit of the West Texas Resource and Museum institute, in the headquarters building of the West Texas chamber of commerce. The discoveries were made last week while Forest Kirkland, Dallas commercial artist who copies Indian paintings as a hobby, was working in a cave in Nolan county." The basket was discovered by the land owners nephew and part of a burial ceremony with a child's skull and a flint knife. It was projected at that time to be from 2000 to 4000 years old. Forest contacted Dr. Cyrus N. Ray who did the actual excavation. [Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, pages 1and 9]
1940- exhibiton of his Indian rock art watercolors at the Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, NY [Marriot]
1941- His interest in fossils is noted in a letter to the editor of Natural History, April, 1941, Vol. XL VlII, No 4, p. 243 on a jelly fish impressed rock he had discovered. Kenneth Caster of the Univ. of Cinncinnati wrote a paper on this newly discovered jelly fish and named it Kirklandae(family) and genus and species, Kirklandia Texana, Caster. [Newcomb Jr]
1942, 2 April, Thursday - Forrest Kirkland dies of pneumonia in Dallas, Tx. At the time of his death, he was president of the Dallas Archaeological Society, regional vice-president of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society and member of the many American scientific societies. [Marriot]
Dallas Artist, Archeological Worker, Dies Forrest Kirkland Took Many Awards With Watercolors
Forrest Kirkland, 49 of 911 South Van Buren, commercial artist in Dallas many years and prominent in state and national archeological and historical societies, died in a local hospital Thursday following a brief illness.
Mr. Kirkland, well known in Dallas art circles, took many awards with his water colors. Born in Arkansas, he studies at Hendrix college in Conway and later in the Battle Creek. Mich. and with E. G. Eisiniohr here. His studies were limited, however, and his art was largely self-taught.
Coming to Dallas in 1919 shortly after serving overseas in the first studio in 1925. His sketches included many sections of the country, landscapes and industrial pictures, but his best known work was the Hoover City series inspired by the 1932-33 years here.
Until a few years ago he was a regular contributor to the annual Allied Arts and State Fair shows.
Aside from his art Mr. Kirkland became well known by his research and field activities in archeology. For the last several years he spent vacations in the Big Bend country studying Indian lore and paintin pictographs found in caves of early Indians.
More than 130 sites were visitied by him in recent years and numerous excavations were made under his direction in the vicinity of Dallas.
He was president-instructor of the Dallas Archeological Society; vice-president of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society; a director of the West Texas Historical and Scientific Society; Member of the Dallas Art Association Texas Academy of Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Archeologists.
Mr. Kirkland's pictographs have been exchanged with archeological societies throughout the nation and are considered so valuable they are kept in a safe. His lectures were heard by organizations all over the Southwest.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Roy Kirkand, Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Violet Christenden(sic),Gary, Ind., and two brothers, W. E. Kirkland, Roscoe, Nolan County, and R. E. Kirkland, Arkansas." [The Dallas Morning News, April 3, 1942]
In The Dallas Times Hearld, Dallas This obituary contained much of the same information as the presiding one but did have the place of burial and a slightly different list of relatives. "Mr. Kirkland, whose home was at 911 South Van Buren, is survived by his wife: son, Roy Kirkland, daughter, Mrs Violet Christenden(sic) of Gary, Ind.: mother, Mrs. W. W. Kirkland; Two sisters, Mrs. M. P. Denson and Mrs. A. E. Wood of Roscoe, Texas, and two brothers W. E. Kirkland of Roscoe and R. E. Kirkland of Arkansas. " [The Times Hearld, Dallas, Texas, Friday April 3, 1942]
1967- 22 June - Book Climaxes Archeological Study-by Libby Wetzel
Sweetwater - Years of research, painting and compiling information were culminated when a new book , "The Rock Art of Texas Indians," came off the press. Collaborating on the work was Mrs. Forrest Kirkland, who worked with her late husband and Big Bend Country in some 80 sites. She took pictuere, copied rock paintings and did research. Her husband drew pictographs in scale in permanent water colors. With publication of the volume by Univesity of Texas Press, Mrs Kirkland attended an autograph part at the Texas Memorial Museum at the University. Text was written by museum director Dr. W. W. Newcomb Jr. Kirkland's paintings were displayed during the book publication months of April and May. They will be at Amon Carter Museum of Western Art in Fort Worth until Wednesday. Mrs. Kirkland has been invited to visit the museum while her husband's work is on display. Pictographs of Indian rock art - no owned by the University of Texas, will be on loan to other museums throughout Texas next year. Her next job will be compilation of her husband's coorespondence with archeological societies - set for inclusion in the UT museum display. "Our interest in Indian rock art started as a summertime hobby," Mrs. Kirkland explained, "but we found ourselves devoting more and more to it in the eight years we worked with it." Kirkland, also a writer and lecturer, operated an advertising art studio in Dallas. Mrs. Kirkland helped in the business after working as a technical illustrator for aircraft companies and as an artist. They spent years from 1933-41 in field work. He died in 1942. "We never expected to make money from the research and paintings or ever write about it," she said. "Our prime goal was to preserve these painting for posterity." Mrs. Kirkland moved to Sweetwater in 1963. Creative Art Club has ordered a copy of the new book for the County-City Library. [clipping Abilene Reporter News, June 22, 1967]
1967- Rites conducted for Mrs. Kirkland
Sweetwater - Funeral was held at 9:30 a. m. Friday in Patterson Funeral Home Chaple of Memories here for Mrs. Lula M. Kirkland, 69, who died at 1/45 p. m. Thursday in Simmons Memorial hospital following a lengthy illness. The Rev. James I. kensey, pastor of Highland Baptist Church, officiated. Burial was in Laurel land Cemetery in Dallas. She was born in Rotan May 9, 1898, and married Forrest Kikrkland in Dallas in 1931. He died in 1943. For 35 years, she was a commercial artist in Dallas. She was associated with her husband in Kirkland Commercial Art Studio, and together they wrote the book, "Rock Art of Texas Indians" published by the Universitty of Texas Press. Survivors include a stepson, Maj. Roy Kirkland of Dyess AFB, Abilene; a stepdaughter, Mrs. C. M. Chritenson of Grand Prairie, two brothers, James J. Mardis of Sweetwater and John W. Mardis of Union Grove, Ala. and several nieces and nephews. [obituary clipping from an unidentified source and date.]
1970, April 26 "Texan Exhibits Go on Display"
"Austin - Two art exhibits - both dealing with aspects of Texana, but extremely different - are on display through April at the Texas Memorial Museum at the University of Texas. The first exhibit consists of the paintings of Texas wildflowers by Mary Motz Wills. Mrs. Wills' work, which took more than a half century to complete, is represented in a book, "The Roadside Flowers of Texas." The second exhibit is a reproduction of the works of the late Forrest Kirkland of Dallas on Indian pictographs. The pictographs were recreated by the Texas Archeological Salvage Project and are from Panther Cave in the Armistead Reservoir area in the Val Verde County. The Museum is located at 24th and Trinty Streets and is open 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Studay and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. The is no admission charge." [Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, page 15c]
1980, Nov. 27 - Obituary of Mrs Eddie M. (Sadie) Johnson
Mrs. Eddie M. (Sadie) Johnson died November 3 in the Chris Christenson home in Grand Prairie, after a long battle with cancer. Mrs. Johnson was born February 13, 1897, in Portland, Arkansas, to Willie and Eugenia Hollaway. She had an older sister, Clyde Bainbridge, who proceeded her in death several years ago. She still has an older brother, Ernest Hollaway, living in Corning, Arkansas. She was married to Forest Kirkland in 1917 in Arkansas. To this marriage, two children were born, a daughter, Mrs. Chris (Violet) Christenson of Grand Prairie, and a son, Roy Kirkland of Lake Alvarado. This marriage lasted thirteen years. In July 1934, she married Eddie M. Johnson in Hamilton. They lived several years at Cranfills Gap and then Eddie went to work at U. S. Steel Mill in Gary, Indiana. He worked 25 years there and retired to build a house at Cranfills Gap. They lived there until her last illness, during which time they lived with her daughter, Violet. Survivors include her husband, one daughter, one son, five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at St. Olaf Lutheran Church, where she was a member, November 5, at 4:30 p. m. Services ere conducted by Rev. Lawrence Jenson, and Mrs. Jenson sang two songs accompanied on the organ by Mrs. Albert Meissner. Pallbearers were Thomas Johnson, Eugene Perry, Glenn Perry, Grand Prairie; C/W 3 Dean Lovett, Fort Polk, Louisiana;' B. A. Johnson, Waco; and Ivan Johnson, Joshua. Mrs. Johnson was buried in the St. Olaf Cemetery. [The Clifton Record, Nov. 27, p. 5B]
Abilene Morning Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, Allen, Mrs. Dudley F. who generously gave me Forrest's cards, art work, and photos Christenson. Violet (Kirkland). interviewed by Elroy Christenson divorce decree letter Nov. 17, 1930. unsigned copy addressed to John W. Pope, Attorney - Merchantile Blding, Dallas, Texas. letter with Elroy Christenson Kirkland, Forrest. note on back of photo to Aunt Alice 11/23/31 letters from France. collection of Elroy Christenson letter of July 1, 1911 from Mary "Mollie " Octavia Collier, photocopy with Elroy Christenson letter of Sept 3, 1917, to Forrest from W. L. Hollaway, original document in the collection of Elroy Christenson Marriot, Alice. "Indian Pictographs in Texas, Paintings and Research by Forrest Kirkland." Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Feb 28 - March 28, 1943, Dallas, TX 1943 Newcomb Jr., W. W. The Rock Art of Texas Indians, Paintings of Forrest Kirkland,, The Times Hearld, Dallas, Texas, Friday April 3, 1942 The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas, Friday April 3, 1942 University of Texas Press, Austin and London, 1967 U. S. census,


Birth23 Nov 1893Mist, Ashley County, Arkansas
Marriage1917Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee - Sarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway
Census (family)21 Jan 1920Dallas, Dallas County, Texas - Sarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway
Census (family)5 Apr 1930Dallas, Dallas County, Texas - Sarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway
Marriage21 Nov 1931Dallas County, Texas - Lula Belle Mardis
Death2 Apr 1942Dallas County, Texas
BurialLaurel Land Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas


SpouseSarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway (1897 - 1980)
ChildViolet May Kirkland (1918 - 2014)
ChildRoy Eugene Kirkland (1922 - 1988)
SpouseLula Belle Mardis (1898 - 1967)

