Individual Details

Ann Authors

(1630 - )

Ann is said to have married first a Mr. Griffin. She then marries Henry Smith and has one daughter, Sarah. After Henry dies about 1713 she marries Jonathan Authers, but apparently has no more children. [St. Mary's City Men's Career Files, MSA SC 5094, Maryland State Archives 2002]
1694 - In the following deed we have a marriage contract and land transfer for Issac Payne and Sarah Smith, a spinster.
Prov. Court Deeds WRC#1, 714, Deed- Part of Marriage Contract. Oct. 14, 1694. St. Jeromes Thickett. Isaack Paine, Planter-Grantor. Sarah Smith spinster and Henry Smith her father and Thomas Griffin, Planter-Grantees. In consideration of a marriage shortly to be had between Isaac Payne and Sarah Smith, Paine grants to Henry Smith and Thomas Griffin that parcel called St. Jeromes Thicket lying in St. Jeromes formerly in the tenure of Francis Martin decd. beginning at the Little Indian Field and so bounded on the hornes. 200 acres. Which land was seized by the attorney general for the use of Calvert and by him granted to Thomas Paine decd. late father of Isaack October 4, 1669. To be held by Smith and Griffin to the use of Paine during his natural life and after his decease to the use of Sarah for her natural life, and after both of their deceases, to the use of their heirs, and for want of such to the heirs of Isaac. [records of Patrick Payne, 6 Oct 2005]
1712/13 - Will of Henry Smith, SMC, 12/9/1707-2/7/1712. Eldest daughter: Sarah, "Smith's Purchase" on Smith's Creek at age 16 or marriage. Youngest daughter: Mary, half of plantation on the bay side, formerly belonging to Elias Beech. If either daughter dies without issue, survivor to inherit deceased's portion. Exec.: Wife, Ann. Trustee: Son-in-law, Thomas Griffin. Wit: Eleanor Harwood, Cornelius Manning, Joseph Dubler. [records of Linda Reno]
Henry Smith is said to be an appraiser. listed that way in 1674, 1675, 1685, 1686, 1696, and 1699. He had also held a military post as captain. [St. Mary's City Men's Career Files, MSA SC 5094, Maryland State Archives 2002] source:
Reno, Linda. records and correspondence 7/09/09 - St. Mary's City Men's Career Files, Maryland State Archives. US Census




SpouseHenry Smith (1620 - 1670)
ChildSarah Smith ( - 1712)