Individual Details

John Thomas Shepherd

(29 May 1836 - 23 May 1884)

Parents: Andrew Shepherd 1813–1889
Susan Phillips Shepherd 1807–1879
Obituary in the West Alabamian dated 4 Jun 1884. “Mr. John T. Shepherd, a good citizen of this county, died at his home near Carrollton, Saturday, May 24 1884. He has been in feeble health for many months. He has many friends in this community who will regret to hear of his death. 
John was a member of Company C. 24th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, and a truer soldier never wore the gray. Although in feeble health during the war, he was always at his post of duty. Thus one by one the veterans of the Lost Cause are passing away to answer at the great roll call beyond the grave.”
Another article in the West Alabamian dated 23 Jul 1884. “John T. Shepherd departed this life May 23rd, 1884. He was born in Pickens County, Alabama, May 29,1836, aged 48 years lacking sex days, where he resided all his life except four years which he served in the Confederate Army. He first volunteered and went out with the Pickens Co. Guards in the 11th Ala. Regiment. His health became so bad that he was discharged from the army and came home. After regaining his health, he joined the “Dixie Boys,” Company C. 24th Ala. Reg’t, in which he served faithfully till the close of the war. 
He married Miss Marietta Castles Nov, 29, 1865; to them were born nice children, who mourn his death. We knew the deceased intimately for the last twenty years, and in every relation in life he was a true man. A good man has gone from our midst, leaving to his family and to mankind an example worthy of imitation. And while the community mourns his death, yet they sorrow not as those who have no hope. He gave unmistakable evidence of his being ready to meet the summons, which induces us to believe that he is now safely “resting in the arms of Jesus.” May this afflicting dispensation of God’s providence ever remind us of our mortality, and teach us that importance of being ready to meet death. May his companion and children, relatives and friends strive to meet him in the “sweet by and by.” B.F Castles.


Birth29 May 1836Pickens County, Alabama
Marriage29 Nov 1865Pickens County, Alabama - Mary Etta Castles
Death23 May 1884Pickens County, Alabama
BurialWindle Cemetery, Pickens County, Alabama


SpouseMary Etta Castles (1844 - 1924)

