Individual Details

Frances Machen Lewis

(14 Oct 1799 - 6 Nov 1869)

Mrs. F. M. Rowland, wife of Major J. S. Rowland, deceased, died at her late residence, on Etowah River, near this place, on Saturday night last, at a good old age. Her funeral was preached from her residence on Sabbath evening, by Rev. J. G. Ryals, after which her remains were interred by the side of her late husband, in the family burying ground on the premises.

December 23, 1869, Page 3
In Memoriam.
Mrs. F. M. Rowland, consort of Major Jno. S. Rowland, late of Bartow County, deceased, died at the old homestead, on the night of the 6th ult., in the seventieth year of her age. The last years of her life were marked by extraordinary physical suffering. During the year immediately preceding her death, she knew no exemplification from disease in some form. A Bronchial affection, accompanied by a most distressing cough, was an unremitting malady. This was much aggravated by periodic attacks of Pneumonia, Bilious fever, Chill and fever, etc., to which may be added the pains of broken limbs and bodily injuries caused by various casualties.
She was a most extraordinary woman. –In her energy and force of character, in her masculine judgment, and in the excellency and judiciousness of her domestic economy, she had no equal within the range of the writer's acquaintance. As a wife and mother, she was the attractive center of the home circle. Perhaps none ever secured greater reverence, a more ardent affection, a more unreserved and tender devotion from husband and children. She had the excellencies of a vigorous, manly, intellect, but not at the expense of the higher and more attractive graces of a woman. Hence in her intercourse with others, while she commanded respect and deference by her strength of mind, and force of character, the softening graces and virtues of the woman won the heart. None knew her intimately, but to love her, and those who knew her heart, loved her most.
She was a Christian. For nearly forty years, she "walked with God." In early life, she joined a Baptist Church in South Carolina, subsequently she came to Georgia, and at the time of the writer's first acquaintance with her, was a member of a Church, of which her brother, the lamented Dr. Lewis, was the pastor. For the last fifteen years of her life, I knew her intimately. It was her period of greatest trial, and furnished the best means for an accurate judgment of character. It is my pleasure to bear testimony to the uniform consistency of her walk during that period, to the ardor of her devotion to the Saviour's cause, and to her calmness and resignation, amid the fiery ordeal of affliction. She loved the House of God. Rarely did she fail in her attendance upon the service of the Sanctuary, while her health permitted, and when she could no longer go, she still longed for the "courts of the Lord" and mourned her deprivation. – Often have I witnessed them, in her beaming face, and rising tears, the response of her soul to the blessed truths, and precious promises of the Gospel. But not only at Church, alone, did she manifest her love for Jesus. She wore her religion upon her every day life; it was her rule of conduct, her joy, her comfort, her support in affliction. Towards the close of her pilgrimage, by her request, I frequently read to her and prayed with her. At such interviews, her spiritual strength seemed renewed. – The last of those was on the day of her death; she seemed much strengthened; she passed away from earth with the triumphant declaration, "I AM GOING HOME," and thus bore her testimony for the Son of God. May the God of all Grace, sanctify the Mother's example, and the Mother's death, to the good of the surviving children!

The following is an excerpt from "The Weekly Mississipian" newspaper of Jackson, Mississippi found within the obituary of John Sharpe Rowland - Sept. 30, 1863
Frances M. Lewis, his wife, is a woman that has no superior, and but few equals in point of great fortitude, untiring industry and perseverance. She has taken a great many premiums of money, premium plates, silver cups, etc., at the agricultural fairs in Georgia by the exhibition of her own work, such as woolen blankets, cotton blankets, negro cloth, carpeting, coverlets, comforts, jeans, diapers, plaids, flannels, patchwork, etc.
James Charles Rowland, in speaking of her indefatigable industry, once facetiously remarked that "when his brother John's wife got to heaven, should there be any spinning and weaving going on there, she would be placed at the head of that department."

From the Cartersville Express - Nov. 11, 1869, p2; and the Weekly Mississipian - Sept. 30, 1863.
Transcribed by: Laurel Baty

Spouse: John Sharpe Rowland 1795–1863 (m. 1816)
John Lewis Rowland 1822–1823
Eliza Frances Rowland 1824–1879
Joel Thomas Rowland 1827–1856
William Lewis Rowland 1833–1888
Joseph Preston Rowland 1835–1836
Harriett Elizabeth Rowland 1837–1838
Joseph Henry Rowland 1839–1844
Robert Hayne Rowland 1841–1869


Birth14 Oct 1799Spartanburg County, South Carolina
Census (family)-shared1810(Joel Lewis and Mary Wood Machen) Spartanburg County, South Carolina
Death6 Nov 1869Bartow County, Georgia
BurialRowland Family Cemetery, Cartersville, Bartow County, Georgia


FatherJoel Lewis (1767 - 1815)
MotherMary Wood Machen (1781 - 1857)
SiblingDr. John Wood Lewis (1801 - 1865)

