Individual Details
Vera Florence Ashworth
(Apr 1911 - 2 Oct 1911)
Father | Edward Ashworth (1885 - 1945) |
Mother | Elizabeth Brown (1889 - 1911) |
Census (family)-shared
Edward Asworth Head M 27 England Oct 1884 AnglicanElizabeth Asworth Wife F 22 Scotland May 1889 Anglican
Vera Asworth Daughter F 0 Ontario
Census (family)-shared
John W Rutter Head M 32 EnglandJane Rutter Wife F 38 Scotland
Christene Rutter Daughter F 12 Scotland
Susan Rutter Daughter F 9 Scotland
Christa Brown Sister-in-law F 27 Scotland
Elizabeth Ashworth Sister-in-law F 22 Scotland
James Brown Brother-in-law M 19 Scotland
Archibald Brown Brother-in-law M 18 Scotland
Vera Ashworth Niece F 0 Ontario
1. "Recensement du Canada de 1911," database, FamilySearch( : 16 March 2018), Elizabeth Asworth in entry for Edward Asworth, 1911; citing Census, Wentworth Sub-Districts 16-55, Ontario, Canada, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,418,535..
2. "Recensement du Canada de 1911," database, FamilySearch( : 16 March 2018), Elizabeth Ashworth in entry for John W Rutter, 1911; citing Census, Hamilton East Sub-Districts 1-18, Ontario, Canada, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,417,700..
3. Ontario Births, 1869-1912
4. Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947