Individual Details

John Perkins

(3 Jul 1652 - 15 Mar 1717)

He has reference number 8J97-WW. The information for Jacob Perkins as father of John, and other earlier ancestors comes from an internet file and is not sufficiently documented; however, several other pieces of information tend to suggest that this a point from which to pursue verification. The author’s note is: From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. If this information is correct, Mary Fiske was his first wife, by whom he had seven children. Mary must have died in 1696, for John remarries second in 1696, Elizabeth Prythatch, and third, in 1711, Mary White.

The following is information from various records collected to date for John:
Marriage information from Torrey. See individual resources.
(Wenham, History, Essex County, Massachusetts–History of Essex County, Massachusetts, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men, compiled under the supervision of D. Hamilton Hurd, Vol II, Philadelphia, J. W. Lewis & Co, 1888.)
John is among the earlier settlers of Wenham, being there in 1679, about the year in which Elizabeth is born.(p, 1231) In 1687 (p. 1245) he is constable, (similar in those days to town treasurer, collecting taxes, etc.) In 1691, 97 he is a selectman (p.1246). There are no other Perkins listed in the settler’s list or in this abstract until quite later when Perkins were marrying in the VR of Wenham.
In 1742 a Jonathan Perkins was agreed with to keep a school there. (p 1241)
“1633, March. John Wintrop Jr. and twelve others commence a settlement
here [Ipswich]. April 1st. The Court of Assistants forbid any to reside
in this place, without their leave, except those already com. then
follows a list of them; viz. — Mr. John Winthrop, Jr., Mr. William
Clerk, Robert Coles, Thomas Howlet, John Biggs, John Gage, Thomas Hardy,
William Perkings, Mr. John Thorndike, and William Serjeant. Three are
wanting to make up the first number. June 11th. Thomas Sellan has
permission to become an inhabitant.” Parents: Jacob PERKINS and Elizabeth LOVELL_WHIPPLE.
He was married to Mary FISKE. Children were: Elizabeth PERKINS, Mary PERKINS, Sarah PERKINS, Thomas PERKINS, Anna PERKINS, Esther PERKINS, Rebecca PERKINS.
He was married to Elizabeth PRYTHATCH (PRYTHOLD) on 13 Oct 1696 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts. (2467) Torrey is not specific about the day of the month.
He was married to Mary WHITE on 28 Apr 1711 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts.


Birth3 Jul 1652Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts
Death15 Mar 1717Wenham, Essex County, Massachusetts


SpouseMary Fiske (1655 - 1695)
