Individual Details
John Riner Woods
(17 Oct 1939 - 16 Oct 2008)
Birth | 17 Oct 1939 | St. Louis, Missouri | ![]() | ||
Marriage | 28 Nov 1959 | St. Louis, Missouri - Judith Ann Hunkins | |||
Residence | 2008 | MO | |||
Death | 16 Oct 2008 | ![]() |
Spouse | Judith Ann Hunkins |
Child | John Riner Woods , Jr. |
Child | Catherine Holloway Woods |
Child | Julia Meade Woods |
Child | Laura Bowe Woods |
Father | James Holloway Woods (1908 - 1963) |
Mother | Marjorie Riner Hawkins (1911 - 2007) |
Sibling | James Holloway Woods , Jr. |
Sibling | David Lawrence Woods |
Sibling | Elizabeth Holloway Woods |
John Riner WoodsOctober 17, 1939-October 16, 2008
John Riner Woods died Thursday, October 16th, doingone of the things he loved most -- riding his motorcycle.
John was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 17, 1939. He attended John Burroughs School, where he met thelove of his life, Judy Hunkins. John and Judy were married for 48 years. He issurvived by his wife, Judy, and their four children: John Jr., Cathy, Julie,and Laura, and eight beautiful grandchildren: Margaret, Matthew, Peyton,Kelsey, Lexie Bowe, Fletcher, Aidan, Campbell; his sister, Elizabeth Bradbury,with whom he was especially close, and by two brothers, James Woods Jr. andDavid Woods. He was predeceased by hisparents James H. Woods and Marjorie Hankins Woods.
John had an adventurous and enthusiastic spirit,demonstrated by an infinite number of interests including wildlifeconservation, family genealogy, hunting, motorcycles, boat racing, music, andminiature railroading. He was apassionate collector with interests ranging from antique miniature stoves andtoys, train memorabilia and firearms. As a result, he enjoyed an extremely large number of diverse friendships. He was an avid reader who subscribed to over200 monthly periodicals which he loved to read and share with friends. Next to his family, he loved spending time athis farm near Steelville, Missouriand spent much of his summers at his cottage in Northport Point, Michigan.
John’s career in the financial industry spanned 48 years,and began in 1960 at the local firm of Yates, Heitner, & Woods. In 1967,John opened an office for the then E.F. Hutton & Co. in St. Louis,and has been with the company ever since as Senior Vice President &Financial Consultant though all their changes: Shearson Lehman Hutton, SmithBarney Shearson, and Smith Barney. He alsoloved the metal sign business, and served as President, Chairman of the Boardand C.E.O. of Stout Industries for over 20 years.
In conjunction with his career, John has served as trustee, boardmember, and champion of organizations and causes such as The American RedCross, Buffalo Bill Historical Society, Central Presbyterian Church, CommunitySchool, Gene Autry Museum, James H. Woods Foundation, John Burroughs School,Missouri Historical Society, National Rifle Association, St. Louis Eye Hospital, Transportation MuseumAssociation, and The Winchester Club of America.
His family will especially miss his positive, generous andloving spirit, his can-do attitude and his unrelenting pursuit ofexcellence. His memory and legacy willlive in our hearts forever.
A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m., Monday,October 20th at Central Presbyterian Church, 7701 Davis Dr. Clayton, Missouri 63105. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributionscan be made to Central Presbyterian Church - Building Fund.
1. Descendants of John Hunkins.FTW.