Individual Details

Major Charles Smith

(1726 - 1776)

Major Charles Smith served under Colonel George Washington in Braddock's War, losing a hand at "Great Meadows." He was the first owner of the site of Berryville, Clarke Co, Virginia.

Bk 20, p. 383 - 5 April 1785
Whereas Charles Smith, late of the County of Frederick died Seized of and in two Tracts of Land situate lying and being upon Penningtons Marsh in said County of Frederick containing Seven Hundred & Eighty acres ... And Whereas said Charles Smith before he departed this life made & published his last Will and Testament appointed his dearly beloved wife Rebecca Smith, Col. John Hite, John Hite Jun. & Captain Francis Peyton his Exors. to either sell or divide his whole Estate and make an equal division among his children, John Smith, Elizabeth Hite Smith, Charles Smith & Sarah Smith ... And Whereas said Rebecca Smith widow & relict of said Charles Smith hath since departed this life & said John Hite & John Hite Jun. have taken upon them the Executing of the Will of Charles Smith ... NOW THIS INDENTURE made Partition of the Real Estate of said Charles Smith dec'd. in manner and form following - that said John Smith shall have ... all that portion from Snickers to Winchester ... containing One hundred & Sixty Seven Acres ... that the said Elizabeth Hite Smith now Morton shall have and hold & enjoy ... all that portion on the No. side of Penningtons Marsh ... crossing the Road from Buckskin to Battletown ... Containing one Hundred and fifty seven acres ... the said Charles Smith shall have hold & enjoy ... all that portion below the road leading from Battletown to Cunninghams Chappel ... Containing two hundred and ten Acres ... that the said Sarah Smith now Easton shall have hold & enjoy ... all that portion on the north side of Penningtons Marsh ... corner with said Mortons line ... in Stephen Johnstons line ... Containing Two hundred and fifty two acres ...
Wit: none Jno. Hite
Recorded: 6 Apr 1785 Jno. Hite Jr.

Bk 20, p. 386 - 5 April 1785
KNOW all Men by these presents that WHEREAS Charles Smith late of the County of Frederick did before he departed this life make & publish his last Will and Testament thereof appointed his wife Rebecca Smith, Colonel John Hite, John Hite, Jun. & Captain Francis Peyton Exors. and Whereas said Rebecca Smith is since dead & the said Francis Peyton has refused to Act as Exor. ... the said John Hite & John Hite Jun. have taken upon our Selves as Records of County Court may Appear ... NOW KNOW YE that we the said John Hite & John Hite Jun. Both of County aforesaid have ordained authorized & appointed Charles Smith of the said County our True and lawful Attorney for us and in our name and for our use as Exors. of the said Charles Smith dec'd ...
Wit: none Jno. Hite
Recorded: 6 Apr 1785 Jno. Hite Jr.


Will10 Mar 1774Frederick, Virginia, British America
Death1776Frederick, Virginia, United States
MarriageRebecca Hite


SpouseRebecca Hite (1740 - 1785)
ChildJohn Smith ( - )
ChildElizabeth Hite Smith (1758 - 1811)
ChildCharles Smith ( - )
ChildSarah Anna Smith ( - 1843)

