Individual Details

John Barfield

(Bef 1800 - 20 Oct 1848)

(Wayne County Kinfolks Deed Book 10)
p. 181 SOLOMON BARFIELD deed of gift to his son, JOHN BARFIELD (BEARFIELD), reserving a lifetime interest for himself and for his wife, SARAH BARFIELD, Sept. 6, 1814.

John of Wayne Co. NC m. Anne/Nancy Flowers; 1830/40 census, son of Solomon and Susan (Wayne Co. Heritage) (Edwards)

John killed Alfred Flowers in a drunken brawl. John was in jail in Sampson, Cumberland, and Johnston Co. On October 20, 1848 he was hung. The trials were complex and testimonies were included from a number of family members and friends. John was 48 and he had five children and his wife was Nancy Flowers Barfield.
Wayne/Sampson/Duplin/Johnston/Cumberland County, NC - Court Records File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Grace Williamson Turner Edited by Guy Potts Source: Governor's Papers; William A. Graham; July-December 1848; G.P.121
Petition To Free John Barfield In the Year of 1848

To His Excellency William A. Graham Governor &c
The petition of the undersigned Citizens of the State and particularly of the Counties of Wayne, Sampson, Duplin, Johnston & Cumberland respectfully sheweth unto your Excellency that John Barfield of the County of Wayne is now lying in Jail awaiting execution under sentence of death for the murder of Alfred Flowers.
Your petitioners shew unto your Excellency that (as they believe) the homicide of said Flowers occured in a drunken brawl, that the liquor which caused the intoxication of said Barfield was furnished by said Flowers who knew the habits of said Barfield and his excessive fondness for liquor, that Flowers was a man of violent and turbulent disposition and by his conduct greatly excited and aggravated the said Barfield.
Your petitioners further show unto your Excellency that the prosecution of said Barfield has cost him his whole estate and that he has suffered the pains of solitary imprisonment for nearly three years, they further beg leave to inform your Excellency that the people of the said Counties are very generally of the opinion that the said Barfield has suffered sufficiently to atone for his rash & criminal act; that he is sencerely penitent for his offence and finally that some of the bereaved relatives of the deceased would be willing that the said Barfield should be exempted from the ignominious death of the gallows, provided he leave the State, which he would be willing to do. For all these reasons pray your Excellency to extend your clemency to the said Barfield by a pardon on such terms as your Excellency may think fit to impose.

Jno MacLeod W.F.S. Alston- David B. Adams

B.B. Allen C.S.C. Johnston Co. B.B. Rose

B. Bryan Wm Hastings- A. Sanders

Tho. Lockart Maj. 28 Regt. C.J. Bingham J.P.

Thos L. Vincent Charles G. Herring Thos. T. Grice

Joel Joyner, Jr. J.P. Richard Greene Right A. Adams

E.J. Jones Nicholas Lee T.W. Whitley

D. McPherson- B.R. Hinnant J.P. T.G. Glissen

Col. 28 Reg. W.C.M. S.P. Horton J.P. Jas L. Hackny M.D.

Danll Powell Wiley Albmon

Bryan Sanders W.H. McCullen, Jr. J.P.

Walter R. Moore Alfred Wren

Jesse Adams R. Masingle J.P.

H.G. Woodall S. Ferrall

William Lassiter S. Sneed?

S. Wm Woodall Wm B. Lee

Etheldred Bell John Woodall

Needham Ingram J.P. Edwin Boykin

Blacman Lee D.H. Holland J.P.

Thomas Ingram Wm Mooring

Joh Q. Adams J.P. William D. Adams

John C. Vincent J. Martin

Loverd Eldridge James H. Hicks

Wm M. Reid Allen Barbrey

Jas H. Durham Gabriel Barbrey

S.Z. Jakwary? A.B. Barbrey

Jos. M. Smith D.C. McPhail

W.J. Smith Charles A. Harrison

Second Petition (Same Beginning as Above)

Dickson Sloan Calvin Jones G. Smith Regrs

Jacob Bostic George Jones W.H. Stetson

James G. Lenier Burrel Brock John A. Bishop

Wm Boyt Ivey Mazingo H.A. Chambers

Wilson Hodges Lewis Brock W.H. Honsley J.P.

Joseph B. Hunt Obed Brock Killy Bass

W.M. Barden C. Jernigan Saml Houston

Wm Glisson P.H. Dobson Stephen Williams

Haywood Glisson Richard Wolf Hosea H. Hunter

Charles Rogers Isael Jones Benson Grady

E.E. Hussey Shff Jas G. Dickson William Bostwidk

Henry Glisson Elisha Herring A.O. Grady

Benjamin Glisson Willis Williamson E. Smith

John Parker B.L. Hill W.L.E. Shepard

Wm B. Hurst Thos Hill H. Newkirk

Austin Swinson O.R. Kenan J.G. Middleton

John D. Pearsall Lewis S. Herring C. Ezzell

B.W. Greddy Sm. Grady George T. Bennett

Richard Strickland H. Maxwell J.P. T.T. Grady

Alexn Grady, Jr. A. Kornegay Edward A. Houston

Love E.Zell Jas Pearsall C.D. Hill

John Powell John J. Kelly John F. Rhodes

Enoch Cobb David Sloan Lewis Ashton Barfield

G.W. Glisson N.P. Mathis E.W. Houston

Gregory Price D.H. Simmons Calvin Williams

Wm Branch Blany Williams Hillory Bishop

H. Sullivan-Clk S.C. Jos O. Daniel B.F. Grady

Fredk Grady J.H. Jerman Jonas Smith

Thos. J. Wilkinson James Maxwell A.J. Grady

J.A. Wren Th. J. Kennedy James Dickson

Zachariah Smith, Jr. W.L. Hill John Ex. Wilson?

Jacob Best Daniel Swenson Richd Bostick

Isaac B. Dell J. Maxwell Hector Merritt

John B. Hussey Sherwood Grady D.B. Newton

Third Petition (Same Beginning as Above)

James Dodd Wm R. Sutton J. Wright

John Waddill, Jr. J.H. Craddoc T.L. Pugh

T.? Waddill M. Kornegay Jas A. Moore

W. Branson T. Crow Owen Hargrove

A.C. Simpson Wm MClenny Arthur Bronson

W.R. Love Arthur Martin John Robinson

J.L. Robinson Lewis Martin Thos Clarkson, SEN.

H. Branson Everitt Bass W. ___oe?

John Evans Wm Ashford David Cobb

Peter J. Johnson John C. Slocumb W. Royal

J.M. Jessup Isaac Ward Wm C. Draughon

W.H. Tomlinson Thos Ashford James C. Williams

John Shaw Matthew J. Faison James Moore

John P. Johnson John T. Molton Riley Wilson

Thomas J. Faison Jas M. Moseley Bold R. Hood

C.J. McCullin Wm K. Slocumb Alexr Brown

B.F. McCullin R.D. Moseley Obed Cobb

Henry W. Faison James H. Stevens Reuben L. Cobb

John B. Sutton Wm H. McKay

Forth Petition (Same Beginning as Above)

Jno. Wright John Carraway Moses Sutton

Geo. A. Green C.C.C. Robert McKinny David H. Miller

O. Coor Shff Charles W. Denning Bennath Millard

Wm Carraway J.P. J.D. Denmark Giles T. Kornegay

Col. J.J. Baker Cullen Flowers Oliver Norris

Wm Hollowell J.P. Jas. M. McDuffie Henry Underhill

Hartman Thompson Daniel K. Kornegay John Caps

R.D. Hinson Buckner Hodges Abner Lee

W.H. Gardner J.P. Henry Martin Thos Elis

Sol Pearson Caleb F.R. Kornegay Wm T. Turner

John Everitt J.P. John Huse John Freeman

M. Stevenson J.P. L. Cogdell J.P. Revern Thomas Reavs

Jesse Bizzell J.P. James Kelly J.P. Bryan Ellis

W.C. Bryan John Kitchen Briant Newell

John M. Sasser Henry Carraway Joseph Jinnett

J.J. Hooks W.Q. Hall Benjamin Warrock

Wm S. McKinne John H. Sutten Charles Hollomon

Wm K. Lane, C.S.C. F. Jernigan Harrell Hollomon

Theophelus Best Richard Washington Lowis Warrick

C. Best Danl Cogdell Abner Hollomon

Leml H. Whitfield John K. Ramlout? Bejamin Philips

T.T. Hollowell J.P. Calvin Coor John Futerl

John Exum John Bradbury Wm R. King

W.S.G. Anderson Micajah Boyte Willson McCullen

James Griswold Lemuel Fields James McCullin

D.R. Kenedy Chas. S. Game Thos Flowers

A.L. Wilson O.S. Sasser Thos Rose?

Readin Coley Jno. H. Powell William Cox

Lewis Sasser Bryan Pennington Jno. Cox, Jr.

Wm B. Smith James Worrell C. Pennington

Sanders P. Cox J.P. Hamilton Howell James Warrick

John E. Becton Jos A. Ingram Daniel Byrd

Revd George W. Wallace Simon Herring James Penington

Bryant Elmore N. Washington William H. Williams

George Flowers James W. Lancaster Allen Manly

William Jolly William Thompson James Manly

Moses Crow J.R. Hatch James H. Everitt

John Wiggins Robert Reaves Furnifold Manly

Drewry Smith Raford Benton T.W. Brogden

James Tadlock Whitmon Price Whilley Grantham

David Giddens Jno. V. Sherard D.P. Jorden

James Steavens William P. Pope M.D. Croffor Futrell

Thomas Homes W.L.P. Heath Wm Smith

Wright Casey Kinion Grantham Irvin King

Needham Jinnett John Cameron Wm J. Hill

Cullen Pipkin F.L. Caster Moses Hill

Jobe Warrick W.P. Musgrave John Hill

William B. Jordan Baryan Barnes Barney Bes? Jordan

David Jinnett George W. Denning John Gurdan

John T. Killet Jesse Denning Stephen Jordon

Jam? Cob Harrel Flowers William Nicholas

Wm Pennington G.H. Whitman Jordan

Bryt. McCullin Kinchen Britt Henry Crofard

Mathew Smith? Kinchen Cogdell Rigdon Wise

Selomon Rouse G.S. Peterson Benjamin Futrell

David E. Smith M.D. Frederick Grantham F.C. Britt

W.G. Martin R. Rainer M.H. Bizzell

C. Hollamon Edward Penning? J.P. Britt

Wm R. Pippin Benhan Futrell E. Joiner

Rich. Manly J.P. Stephen Cogdell Mills B. Britt

Hiram Grantham John S. Cogdell

Wayne County, NC - John Barfield to Solomon Barfield, 1847 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wayne County Deed Book 20, page 421 Know all men by these presents that I, John Barfield of Wayne Co for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear my son Solomon I. Barfield and for the sum of $5 paid by said Solomon, do give grant and convey unto my son Solomon I. Barfield one certain negro boy named Sam to have and to hold, etc John Barfield Witnesse: Arthur Martin Registered: May Term of Court, 1847

Wayne County, NC - John Barfield to Solomon Barfield, 1845 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wayne County Deed Book 20, page 423
Indenture made on 29 July 1845 between John Barfield of Wayne Co for natural love and affection for his son Solomon I. Barfield and a sum of $10 paid by said Solomon I. Barfield do give and grant and convey a tract of land lying and being in Wayne Co on south side of Buck Swamp and on both sides of the Marsh Branch only excepting the mill and cotton machine and the land on the south side of the Marsh Branch for the lifetime of my wife's and mine for our benefit and use and no longer. Tract beginning at a stake in the run of the Marsh Branch above the fork at Manly's corner and runs his line to a stake in Kornegay's line to a stake near the mill to Marsh Branch, hence to Bryan Barfield's line to a white oak on a small branch - 240 acres John Barfield Witnesses: Britton Hood, Allen Manly Registered: May Term of Court, 1847

Wayne Co. Deed Book 10, No. 85
This indenture dated 2/4/1814, Solomon Barfield to son John Barfield, for love
and affection, etc. a parcel of land on south side of Buck Swamp and west of
Thunder Swamp, borders Jacksons Branch, etc. 390 acres.

Wayne Co. Deed Book 10, page 332.
This indenture dated 9/20/1815, Solomon Barfield to son John Barfield, for love
and affection, etc. a parcel of land beginning at Marsh Branch, to line between
John and Bryant Barfield, etc. 148 acres.

3rd. Great grandparents:
John Barfield (B: 1806) in 1822 married Nancy Flowers (B: 1806, D: 8/16/1889),
daughter of John and Anne Civil (Kornegay) Duncan Flowers. John Flowers'
planation, named "Poplar Hill" and containing about 1123 acres, was located on
both sides of Thunder Swamp in Wayne Co., NC John Barfield born 1806 and
died 10/20/1848
Nancy (Flowers) Barfield born 1806 and died
7/16/1889. Her Grave Stone reads, aged about 87 years.
Their children:
1. Allie A. Barfield (5/9/1835 - 11/30/1916)
Did not marry.
2. Sarah (Sallie) Barfield, married David Cogdell.
Sallie born 6/10/1827
3. Mary R. Barfield, married "Capt" Daniel A. Cogdell.
Mary was born 12/27/1838.
4. Elizabeth Barfield, married 1st cousin, George L. Kornegay.
She was born 1825.
5. Solomon John Barfield born 9/28/1823.


BirthBef 1800Wayne, North Carolina, United States
Marriage1822Wayne, North Carolina, United States - Nancy Anne Flowers
Census (family)1830Wayne, North Carolina, United States - Nancy Anne Flowers
Census (family)1840Wayne, North Carolina, United States - Nancy Anne Flowers
WillOct 1846Wayne, North Carolina, United States
Death20 Oct 1848by hanging for the murder of Alfred Flowers - Wayne, North Carolina, United States


SpouseNancy Anne Flowers (1806 - 1889)
ChildSolomon John Barfield (1823 - 1902)
ChildElizabeth Barfield (1825 - )
ChildSarah Ann "Sallie" Barfield (1827 - 1906)
ChildAlice A. "Allie" Barfield (1835 - 1916)
ChildMary R Barfield (1838 - 1914)
FatherSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1827)
MotherSarah Crow (1765 - )
SiblingTheophilus Barfield Sr (1785 - 1860)
SiblingMary Barfield (1787 - 1857)
SiblingAlla Barfield (1788 - 1814)
SiblingBryan Barfield (1795 - 1825)

