Individual Details

Cecilia Margaret "Cybil" Prouty

(19 Sep 1847 - 18 Feb 1929)

Vandalia April 27th

Dear Brother
I received your letter about two weeks ago you ask me a question which I must say surprised me a great deal.
I did write to Ella as you wished and waited to get a letter from her before I answered your because I wanted to see if there was any change in her I do not think there is as much as there ought to be. I could easily overlook that one great error in her life if she was all right in every thing else but if she is the same girl she was in G....... I cannot say

that I would like her for a sister because I do not think that she would make you a good wife you know that you have your own living to make and i do not think that Ella would prove a good helpmate if you were comming into posession of a large amount of property if would do better. I suppose you understand that I mean she would not prove a good housekeeper she is decidelly to giddy if I could see you face to face and speak on this subject I could tell you things that I cannot write very well. I suppose you know how essiential it is to a mans happiness to have a good housekeeper for a wife and I think to much of my only brother to see him wedded to a poor one. But if you love Ella and she loves you and you want her take her and never by word or deed of mine shall she know that I disapprove of it I will give her a sisters welcome

and treat her as a sister.
I told Aunt that you was writing to her and she was very much surprised but all she said was, I hope he won't marry her. I do not know yet what they will do with me this fall they never mention this subject if I ask Aunt all the answer I get is , I dont know, I guess when your Father comes your Uncle will give you up to him. I would give almost anything to get to go to school about two years more but Aunt says that my school days are over so I suppose i must give up that thought. I dont know how I can correspond with Ella because Aunt would not be willing for me to and I cannot send a letter without her knowledge as she will not let me have stamps to myself I have to go to her for every one I get and she always askes who

I have been writing too and if she does not like it she will not give me any I got a stamp from Uncle for the ones I did write and he asked me no questions. I got a letter from Julia not long ago she promised to send me her Photo if I would send mine to her so did Aunt Louise and John but I have none and can get none taken for the simple reason that Aunt wont give me the money I wrote to Father for the money and he promised it but it has been almost a year now and it has not come yet. he wanted my Photo and I told him ti send me the money and he might have it. I wrote to you some time ago in answer to the one you sent Fathers letter in have you received it? I think that we have a whole host of relations I wonder what kind of folks they

are i should like to see them all would not you? Oh Will I wish you was here I do hate Vandalia so bad . I can not like it and there is no use in trying if you was here I might be better contented but here I am a stranger among strangers I have been here 10 Months and am not acquainted with any one yet Searuly. Where is Father now? if _ I would write to him again perhaps he did not get my last letter. I have not heard from Greenville for some time so I know nothing new.
I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you this fall a discharged soldier is there any prospect of it. how did you like to have Sherman supareeded I have writin quite a long letter for me so I will have to close hoping you will hasten to answer it and give me a long one in return.

your sister
Mandia sends a kiss C.M.P.

Vandalia May 14th

Dear Brother,

I received your letter of the 28th tonight and one writen on the 18th of April about a week ago and shall answer both in one.
I hope you will have a pleasant visit when ou go to Ohio.
I received a letter from Father the other day the first I have had for six months he tells me that if he has to go back to Iowa to be mustered out that it is very doubtful whether he will come to see me or not if he does not I

will think that he does not care very much for us not to see us in 10 and 11 years one might as well have no Father. I would like to go to Ohio on a visit myself if I could only get the means Aunt Lou invites every letter but I suppose I will have to stay at home as usual.
You spoke of Raleigh as being a very pretty city do you suppose I know anything about a city if you do you are very much mistaken for the largest city I ever saw is V--- and I never was on the cars in my life just think of it almost 18 years old and never was 90 miles from home yet. I suppose you have got my other letter by this time I am very glad that you did not mean what you wrote about E--- for she is not the kind of a woman for my brother to marry I must confess that you did fright

me when I read it. I sent that Photo to E. Cearnell and received yours she said that she was going to be married in two months to a Vet Soldier. I wish I could coax Aunt to let me get my Photo's taken there is so many that want it but she cannot see the sese of it cousin Julia wrote to me saying that she would send me hers if I would send mine and I have not answered the letter yet I have been waiting in hopes that I could coax her to let me have them taken but the answer is no it costs to much. I wish there was no such a thing as money for that is continually thrown in my face. It is "why Ceill you cannot expect to dress as though you was our own daughter" I cannot see why for my part this is the only home I have ever

known and they are the only parents and I am the only one they have to dress besides themselves Willie has money enough to support himself but you know all about it you had a taste of it yourself once while Aunt thought that Father was coming this fall she was as good as pie but as soon as I get that letter saying that he could not come it is right the other way I can do nothing to suit her the reason was that the prospect of sending me off with him made her feel rather kindly towards me She often says that she wishes I was away somewhere so that she would not have me to support she wants me to get married so bad that she dont know what to do but I shall not do it untill I find a man to suit me uncle would do a great deal more for me if she would let him he will not let me start out and earn my own living so here I am mercy knows what I will do this

fall when they break up housekeeping but let Aunt do what she will Uncle nisld not drive me off whith out providing me with a home. I wish you was here just to see some things but my popear is built


Excerpts from letter to C. W. Prouty March 27th, 1920, from Mrs. J C Gesicks, "I wrote to Stockton State Medical Hospital for addresses of Freda Filmer and Fannie White.....Your Aunt (my girlhood friend) is still living, eats well and sleeps well but mentally no better. I hope you may succeed in locating your relatives..."

Stockton State Hospital records show Cecilia was committed from Tulare County on October 2, 1886 at the age of 38 years for evidence of insanity. She had been a resident of California for 11 years. She had homicidal tendencies, especially directed toward her husband and neighbors. She had a disposition to believe herself to be poisoned. The first attack occurred five years prior. She was filthy and destructive. She had not been intemperate nor suffered from disease nor injury. Cause of the insanity was ill health from uterine trouble and was classed as Melancholia. She had three children. The youngest child was seven years old.
She remained hospitalized until her death on February 18, 1929.

Hanford Sentinel, Volume 17, Number 20, 29 May 1902
Suit Brought Against Fannie E. White, Guardian of Estate of Cecelia M. Fallin.
The Stockton State hospital through the treasurer, W. H. Lyons, has brought suit in the Superior Court of Kings county against Cecelia M. Fallin, an insane person, confined at the hospital, and Fannies E. White, her daughter, who is the guardian of the estate of the insane person, for the collection of $540 alleged to be due the institution for keeping, from May 27th, 1899, to May 27th. 1902.
The suit is brought by order of the Attorney General, with George L. Hughes acting as attorney in the matter for the plaintiff.

Hanford Journal (Daily), Volume IX, Number 21, 27 May 1902
Papers were filed today with the Kings County Clerk by the Stockton State Hospital against the estate of Cecelia M. Fallin and Emma E. White, guardian.
The complaint states that in 1899 Cecelia Fallin was committed to the State Hospital at Stockon from Tulare County, and that the State charges $15 a month for caring for her, but nothing has been paid since defendant was taken to that institution.
The State sues the estate for $540 and costs of action.

Hanford Journal (Daily), Volume IX, Number 171, 18 November 1902
The following proceedings were had in the Superior Court this morning;
Stockton State Hospital vs. Cecelia M Fallin, an insane person On motion of E. T. Cosper case was dismissed.

Hanford Sentinel, Number 31, 31 July 1913
The petition of Savings Union Bank and Trust Co., asking for letters of guardianship of the estate of Cecelia Fallin, an incompetent person, was filed In the superior court Friday. The petition recites that Cecelia Fallin is an inmate of the Stockton State Hospital for the Insane, and that thé estate consists of $674.50 in money and 140 acres of Tulare lake lands. In connection with the petition the resignation of Fanny E. White as guardian and her final account was filed in court. The hearing is set for Saturday, August 30.


Birth19 Sep 1847Illinois, United States
Census24 Jun 1870Vandalia, Fayette, Illinois, United States
Marriage19 Oct 1870Fayette, Illinois, United States - Henry Clay "Harry" Fallin
Census (family)1880Mussel Slough Township, Tulare Co., California, United States - Henry Clay "Harry" Fallin
Census7 Jun 1900Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States
Census1910Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States
Census1920Ward 4, Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States
Death18 Feb 1929Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States
BurialHanford Cemetery, Hanford, Kings, California, United States


SpouseHenry Clay "Harry" Fallin (1838 - 1899)
ChildAlice Mabel Fallin (1871 - 1896)
ChildFannie E. Fallin (1875 - 1945)
ChildAlfrida C "Frida" Fallin (1879 - 1978)
FatherRichard Austin Prouty (1820 - 1903)
MotherEsther "Hester" Watkins (1821 - 1851)
SiblingMark C. Prouty (1840 - )
SiblingJames William "Will" Prouty (1843 - 1915)
SiblingLouisa Prouty (1845 - 1845)
SiblingMartha Elizabeth Prouty (1850 - 1851)

