Individual Details

Theophilus Williams

(19 Jan 1755 - )

Theophilus Williams To John Hart Deed 12 September 1784
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book 1 A Page 502, 503, & 504
Theophilus Williams To John Hart

Deed for 200 acres lands

This indenture made this twelvth day of September in the year of our Lord Christ
one thousand seven hundred and eighty four & in the nith year of the American Independence
Between Theophilus William of the County of Duplin in the State of No. Carolina of the one
part and John Hart of the same place of the other part witnesseth, that the said Theophilus
Williams for and in consideration of the sum of thirty three pounds current money to him in
hand well and truly paid by the said John Hart the receipt whereof the said Theophius Williams
doth hereby acknowledge & himself therewith to be fully satisfied contented and paid & of
every part & parcel thereof doth acquit and discharge the said John Hart his heirs executors
and administrators by these presents, he the said Theophilus William hath given granted
bargained sold conveyed and confirmed assigned & set over, & by these presents for himself
his heirs executors and administrators doth fully freely and absolutely give grant bargain
sell convey and confirm assign and set over unto the said John Hart all that tract or parcel
of land lying and being in the County of Duplin aforesaid on the north side of Goshen Swamp
including a place called the lake. Begining at a white oak on Weston's line near Compey's
pocoson and runs with Weston's line So. 85 Et. 180 pole crossing the road to a pine on Husk's
line, thence with his line No. 20 Et. 120 poles to a pine Hurst's corner, thence with his line
No. 50 Wt. 200 pole crossing the road again to a water oak by Hust's corner, in the edge of
the North East Pocoson, & thence to the begining, & containing in the whole two hundred acres
of land be it more or less, it being the contents of a patent for two hundred acres granted to
Jesse Barfield bearing date the first day of April in the year of our Lord 1780, & since
conveyed & made over by the said Jesse Barfield to the said Theophilus Williams & now by these
presents conveyed by the said Theophilus Williams to the said John Hart with all heriditaments
& appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises hereby granted or any part thereof belonging
or in any wise appertaining & the reversion & reversions remainder and remainders rents issues
& profits thereof & all the estate right title interest use trust property claim & demand
whatsoever to him the said John Hart of in and to the premises, & all deeds evidences & writings
touching the same or in any wise concerning the same. To have and to hold the premises,
hereby granted and sold & every part & parcel thereof unto the said John Hart his heirs &
assigns forever, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Theophilus Williams for
himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby further covenant & agree to and
with the said John Hart that he the said John Hart his heirs and assigns shall and may from
time to time & at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents, lawfully
peacebly & quietly have hold use occupie possess & enjoy and singular the said hereby granted
lands & premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining in
as full and ample manner as he the said Theophilus Williams by his deed of conveyance for the
same could or might enjoy & that free and clear freely and clearly acquited & discharged of
and from all manner of former or other claims or demands whatsoever, & from all incumbrances
or trouble whatsoever (except the yearly rents or taxes thereon hereafter to become due and
payable to the State). In witness whereof the said Theophilus Williams hath hereunto set his
hand & affixed his seal the day & date first before written.
Theophilus Williams

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Daniel Clark
Stephen Barefield

January Term 1788.
Then was the within deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

p. 72 THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS, High Shff of Duplin Co. to Kilby Faison of same, 1 Nov 1784, for 90 pds. specie 400A being the prop of HENRY EUSTACE McCULLOCH, heir at law to the estate of HENRY McCULLOCH (now confiscated), which sd. 400A is on the ES of the Six Runs & the upper side of Gaylor's Branch, beg. at a water oak & white oak on the bank of th Six Runs & the James Faison's lower corner, Joseph Herring's line & joining Daniel Nance's & Curtis Ivey's land. The Court awarded 481 pds. 5 shill, plus cost of 2 ds. 6 shill to William McCanne for debt & damages in a suit against HENRY EUSTACE McCULLOCH, owner of the sd. land which was purchased by sd. Kilby Faison at a public auction 1 Nov 1782. Wit: Michael J. Kenan, James Thompson. Oct . Ct. 1784.

Theophilus Williams To John Barfield Deed 19 April 1786
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book 1 A Page 399, & 400

Theophilus Williams To John Barfield

Bill of sale for one negro

Know all men by these presents that I Theophilus Williams of the County of Duplin
in the State of North Carolina, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds current
money of said State to me in hand well and truly paid by John Barfield of the County and
State aforesaid, have bargained sold and firmly delivered unto the said John Barfield, one
negro girl about three years old named Hannah, daughter of Thener, which said negro I the
said Theophilus Williams will warrant secure & forever defend unto him the said John
Barfield against lawfull claims & demands of all and all manner of person or persons.
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & seal this nineteenth day of April 1786.
Theophs. Williams

Test Frederick Barfield
William Whitfield

State of No. Carolina Duplin County July Term 1787.
Then was the within Bill of sale proved in open Court by the oath of Frederick Barfield & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Abstracts of Rowan Co., NC
D59 John Simons, July 16, 1796. Probated, 1797. George Odon, Friend. Francis Williams (land bought of Richard Harrison of Lincoln Co., NC) Exrs: none. Witnesses: Theophilus Williams, Jacob Wine, Jr.

Duplin County, NC - Thomas DeVane Settlement, 1794
Delamar Extracts, Pages 1-200 Legislative Papers Relating to Revolutionary Service NC Archives
Theophilus WILLIAMS of Duplin County, makes oath that he new that Thomas Devane of New Hanover County was chose a Captain of the nine months men and was commissioned as such by the Governor of the State, said commission bearing date 1 June 1778. Further deponent sayeth that about the fourth of June 1778 that said Devane joined at the place of randevoze at which place he staid with his Company tell about the sixth of Sep'tr 1778 at which time Collo Armstrong came and furlow the men for six months. Being all on about the first of Nov'r in 1778 he the said Devane met at head Quarters with his Company and marched them to the aid of South Carolina under the command of General Ash Till Yirling on the fruntears of South Carolina was taken and Commanded by General Lycon and was marched to Parisburg, and this said Capt. Devane commanded his Company till about the furst day of March at which time he the said Devane was sent after deserters to the State of North Carolina.

State Records>Acts of Tennessee, 1796-1830

Williams, Daniel. Date 1812. Serial # 18. Chapter & Section 62.1
Description-Heir of his father--Theophilus Williams
Williams, Theophilus. Date 1812. Serial # 18. Chapter & Section 62.1 Description-Estate


Birth19 Jan 1755Duplin, North Carolina, British America
Marriage26 Jun 1779Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Charity "Chelly" Barfield
Census (family)1800Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Charity "Chelly" Barfield
Census1810Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Death, killed


SpouseCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
FatherCapt. Joseph Williams (1721 - )
MotherMary Hicks (1725 - )
SiblingHester Williams (1747 - 1792)
SiblingMary Williams (1748 - 1812)
SiblingDaniel Williams (1751 - )
SiblingBenjamin Williams (1752 - )
SiblingSusannah Williams (1759 - 1820)
SiblingFrances Williams (1761 - )
SiblingEsther Williams (1763 - )
SiblingElizabeth Williams ( - )

