Individual Details

William Grady

(1735 - 1790)

William Grady (1735-90) was a private in a company of foot commanded by Capt. William Whitfield. He was born in Bertie County, N. C.; died in Duplin County.

WILLIAM GRADY came into Bertie County about the year 1690 from Donegal County in North Ireland. He was a Protestant, and married Ann Barfield, a daughter of Richard Barfield of Virginia.

His son, JOHN GRADY, married MARY WHITFIELD, a daughter of William Whitfield and Elizabeth Goodman, the latter being a native also of Ireland. John Grady settled near the present residence of William G. Kornegay in 1730. He was the father of eleven children, to wit: Mary, William, John, Charity, Anne, Alexander, Louis, Elizabeth, Margaret, Frederick, and a daughter whose name I do not know, but who married William Laws. His daughter, Elizabeth, married JAMES OUTLAW, the ancestor of practically every Outlaw in Duplin County. His son, ALEXANDER GRADY, known as “BUD,” married NANCY THOMAS of Maryland, and was the father of 10 children. (McGowen)

Comment: McGowen seems to have combined this William Grady with his ancestor who immigrated to the colonies

William Graddy To Solomon Carter Deed 5 February 1782
Deed Book 1 A Page 134 & 135 William Graddy To Solomon Carter Deed for 100 acres lands
This indenture made between William Graddy of Duplin County and the province of North Carolina on the one part, and Solomon Carter of the said County of the other part. Witness that the said William Graddy for and in consideration of the sum of twenty thousand pounds currency of this State to him in hand paid by the said Solomon Carter the receipt whereof I the said William Graddy doth hereby confess & acknowledge that I the said William Graddy hath granted bargained and sold unto the said Solomon Carter & to his heirs and assigns forever one tract of land containing one hundred acres lying and being in Duplin County on the South side of Mathews Branch. Begining at a maple on the run & runs So. 15 Wt. 127 pole to a pine, thence No. 75 Wt. 127 pole to a small black jack, thence No. 15 Et. 127 poles to a maple on the north side of the swamp, thence up to the begining, it being the plantation where William Bower formerly lived, the said Solomon Carter his heirs & assigns for ever. To have and to hold each and singular every part & parcel thereof, to their only proper use & behoof, without any interruption of the said William Graddy him his heirs or assigns or any other person whatsoever, the said Solomon Carter paying rents becoming due to the State, and further more that I the said William Graddy him his heirs and assigns doth make the William Graddy him his heirs and assigns doth make th same clear of all other bargains rents & charges incumbrances whatsoever to be had made done or committed by the said William Graddy or any other person whatsoever & his or there any thing hereof from time to time and at all times hereafter warrant & defend th above bargained premises to the said Solomon Carter & to his heirs forever, to their only proper use and behoofs. In witness whereof the said William Graddy hath hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this fifth day of February 1782.
William Graddy Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Richard Munds
James Bowen
Elizabeth Graddy
State of No. Carolina, Duplin County, January Court 1785.
There was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Richard Munds & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

William Graddy To Alexander Graddy Deed 16 April 1787
Deed Book 1 A Page 385, & 386
William Graddy To Alexander Graddy Deed for 100 acres lands
This indenture made between William Graddy of the County of Duplin & province of North Carollina planter on the one part, & Alexander Graddy of the same County & province aforesaid planter on the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Graddy for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds specie to him in hand paid by the said Alexander Graddy, the receipt the said William Graddy doth hereby confess & acknowledge, that the said William Graddy hath granted bargained & sold unto the said Alexr. Graddy & to his heirs & assigns forever, one parcel of land containing one hundred acres by estimation, be the same more or less, it being part of a tract of land taken up by William Williams, it lying in the North East & in Duplin County. Begining at a hickory in the back line, thence 160 pole in the swamp to the giving line, thence down along the giving line the course of the patten 135 pole to a red oak in the back line, thence up the said swamp to the begining, it being part of the land taken up by Williams set over by him to Richard Bush, by the said Bush to the said Graddy, the patent bearing date April the 6th 1745, the said Alexsander Graddy hime his heirs & assigns forever. To have and to hold each and singular every part and parcel thereof to their only proper use & behoofe without any interruption of the said William Graddy him his heirs or assigns or any other person whatsoever & furthermore that the said William Graddy him his heirs and assigns doth make the same clear of all other bargains sails grants leases mortgages rents, & of all other charges & incumbrances to be had made done or committed by the said William Graddy or any other person whatever, & furthermore that the said William Graddy and his heirs & assigns and all other persons whatsoever, his or their any time hereafter, from time to time and at all times hereafter warrant and defend the above bargained premises to the said Alexander Graddy and to his heirs & assigns forever, to the only proper use & behoofe. In witness whereof the said William Graddy hath affixed his seal and set his hand this sixteenth day of April 1787.
William Graddy Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of Fredk. Graddy Wm. Graddy junr.
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1787.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Fredk. Grady & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.


Birth1735Bertie, North Carolina, United States
Birth1739/40North Carolina, British America
MarriageBef 1754Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Ann Barfield
Death1790Duplin, North Carolina, United States
DAR recordDAR ID Number: 93145


SpouseAnn Barfield (1727 - )
FatherJohn Grady (1714 - 1787)
MotherMary Whitfield (1715 - 1791)
SiblingMary Grady (1733 - )
SiblingJohn Grady (1733 - )
SiblingCharity Grady (1733 - )
SiblingAnne Grady (1733 - )
SiblingAlexander "Bud" Grady Sr. (1733 - 1813)
SiblingLouis Grady (1733 - )
SiblingElizabeth Grady (1749 - 1830)
SiblingMargaret Grady (1733 - )
SiblingFrederick Grady (1753 - )
SiblingUNK Grady (1733 - )

