Individual Details

Peter Evans Sr.

( - )

FROM THE MILTON/MELTON POT QUARTERLY V. 3 pgs. 1-3 & V. 4 pgs.82-84.

BK B PG. 112
1715 - Elinor Merrett/Meriet to William Nixon/Mixon (melton) 16 Apr 1715 p of atty to act in open Court 130 A for ye said William Merret unto James Peeke. Witnesses: Peter Evens, Rich Barfield.

Ellinor Merritt to Wm. Mixon. Power of Attorney to acknowledge deed to Rich'd Barefield for land sold by my husband Charles Merritt and Peter Evans to said Barefield, 280 acres on Deep Creek branch, Test. Wm. Mixon, Peter Evans.
Same to acknowledge deed to James Peake, of Boston, Executed by my husband Charles Merritt for 130 acres on south side of Chowan River, at ye mouth of Deep Branch; Apl. 16, 1715. Test, Peter Evans, Richard Barefield (NCHGR 138).

Court records of Bertie Co.:
Wm. Baker's will proved, Elizabeth Baker and John Baker qualified as Exx. and Sxr. Benj. Wynns and Peter Evans to divide Estate (NCHGR 626).


ChildMary Evans? ( - 1727)