Individual Details

William Shepard

(Abt 1680 - 1740)

Occupation: Carpenter; Planter

In Land Records of Prince George's County, MD, folio 16/542
"Indenture, 12 Oct 1717
From: William Shepherd, carpenter of Prince George's County
To: Philip Gittings, Junr, Gent of Prince George's County
For £50 a tract of land in Prince George's County at the head of Beaver Dam Branch called Mount Arrat; bounded by _____ Hudson and Christopher Thompson; containing 145 acres /s/ William Shepard (seal)
Wit: Thos Clagett, Jos. Belt, Richard Keene
Acknowledged by Sarah Shepherd, wife of William; enrolled 30 Dec 1717"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, MD, folio 45/575
"Indenture, 12 Oct 1717
From: John Bradford, Gent of Prince George's County
To: William Sheppard, carpenter of Prince George's County
For £15 a tract called Sheppard's Purchase in Prince George's County of 150 acres; part of Charley Forest
/s/ Jn. Bradford (seal)
Wit: Tho. Clagett, Jos. Belt, Richd Keene"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland
"folio 60/597 Deed of Gift, 19 May 1718
From: John Bradford, Gentleman of Prince George's County
To: Joyce Bradford, his wife
'In consideration of the naturall love and affection which I bear unto my dearly beloved wife Joyce Bradford and for the better maintenance and subsistance of her after my decease and for and in consideration that she had behaved herself to me as a dutiful wife for her encouragement to continue so to doe. . . ' a tract of land called Addition to Charley Forest in Prince George's County on the branch of the North Branch of the Patuxent River; bounded by Charley Forest sold by Bradford to William Shepherd; containing 1,261 acres
/s/ Jn. Bradford (seal)
Wit: Cha. Beall, Tho. Wilson
Acknowledged by John Bradford; enrolled 23 May 1718"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland
"folio 243 Indenture, 18 Dec 1721; enrolled 31 Mar 1722
From: William Sheppard, planter of Prince George's County
To: John Bradford, merchant of Princed George's County
For £143/18/9 a parcel of land called Charly Forrest in Prince George's County; containing 150 acres
/s/ William Shepard (seal)
Wit: Elizabeth Hamby, Henry Massey
Acknowledged by William Shepard; no acknowledgement by wife"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland
"folio 423 Lease, 21 Feb 1722; enrolled 13 May 1723
From: William Halling, planter of Prince George's County
To: Michael Craven, planter
100 acres of land called Pigg Park in Prince George's County; on the north side of a branch of the north west of the Eastern Branch of the Potomac; containing 100 acres
/s/ William Halling (seal), Michael Craven (mark & seal)
Wit: James Beall, Jr., William Shepard"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland
"Liber M, Page 435
Enrolled at request of James Brooke 25 June 1729:
Indenture, 21 Jan 1728; Between John Bradford, Gent., and James Brooke; for £202.5; remainder of tract called Charley Forrest; in the woods near a branch of the Patuxent River commonly called Snowden's River; excepting 341 acres acres sold by John Bradford, Gent., dec'd, to William Shepherd, John Dickenson, John Wilcockson & William Halling; /s/ John Bradford; wit. Jno. Magruder, Edw. Sprigg; ack. 31 Jan 1729 by John Bradford"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland
"Liber M, Page 479
18 Mar 1728/9; Deposition of Capt. Thomas Clagett, age ca 50; mentions 15 years ago Capt. Richard Smith of St. Leonard Creek, now dec'd, The Expedition belonging to deponent's father and Col. Ninian Beale; also Bacon Hall, Capt. Henry Darnall, dec'd, James Moore, David Small, William Sheppard and Kingston"

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland, Liber !, page 382
"Enrolled at request of Michael Taylor 9 Nov 1731:
From Joyce Bradford, widow, for love and affection to her dau. Margaret Taylor, wife of Michael Taylor, Gent; all my right and interest in a tract being part of Charly Forrest upon branches of the north branch of the Patuxent; bounded part of Charley Forrest sold by Bradford to William Sheppherd; laid out for 1,261 acres; 18 Oct 1731; /s/ Joyce Bradford; wit. Anne Trasker . . .

In Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland, Liber Y, Page 147:
"27 Oct 1739; Between William Shepherd, carpenter, and James Brooke, Gent.; for £143; tract called Shepherd's Purchase being part of Charley Forrest; containing 150 acres; wit. William Shepard; wit. Joseph Gold, Peter Rentfro, John Shepard (mark).

"Pioneer Families of Old Frederick Co., VA", 1995 Cecil O'Dell, pg 29-31: "The first indication that the Shepard family had arrived on the Maryland side of the Potomac River appears on the "List of Taxables, 1733, Monocosie Hundred:", where a "William and a William Shepherd , Jr." are entered and again on the list of "Those that had no tobacco burnt in Monoccosea Hundred August 1734" (Tracy & Dern, Pioneers of Old Monocacy, pp 369, 371). William Sr. (b. c1680) was probably the father of the 3 Shepherds of the next generation in this area: Thomas , who married Elizabeth Van Meter; William Jr who was one of the petitioners for meeting houses to be erected to administrate in William's office as Presbyterian Minister of the Gospel in Orange Co., VA in 1737; and John, who filed a petition of debt against Lewis Thomas and Robert Worthington on 28 AUG 1742. John also filed a lawsuit against John Tredan on 13 JAN 1743 /44 and is mentioned in a Frederick County Court Order on 9 MAR 1743/44 to "view a road from John Shepherds to head of Bullskin."

On 12 OCT 1717, "William Shepherd Sr. of Prince George Co., MD and his wife Sarah" sold 150 acres located "at the head of the Beaver Dam Branch that runneth out of the Eastern Branch of Potomack (present-day Anacostia River) with Sarah releasing her right of dower. William Sr. Then bought a 150a tract named "Charley Forrest" in Prince George Co, MD from John Bradford on 18 DEC 1721 and sold it, renamed "Shepherds purchase part of land called Charley Forrest" to James Brooke on 27 OCT 1739. Sarah wife of William Shepard, carpenter, released her right of dower and Joseph Chapline, Peter Rentfroe and John Shepherd were witnesses. (Prince Geo. Co., MD Land Records, Liber I, Folio 542 and Y, 147) The Chapline, Shrepherd and Swearingen families owned land between present-day Washington, D.C. and Bowie, MD.


BirthAbt 1680Prince George's, Maryland, United States
Marriage1704Prince George's, Maryland, United States - Sarah Cochran
Death1740Prince George's, Maryland, United States


SpouseSarah Cochran (1685 - )
ChildEleanor Shepard (1699 - 1777)