Individual Details

Sarah Matilda "Sallie" Hughes

(19 Jul 1858 - 2 Feb 1940)

"Sally married J.W. Prouty, in January 1891. She lived to be eighty one dying of pneumonia and heart weakness in Feb. 1940. She left one son, Charlie Will, who has lived in California since World War I. There are three daughters, Bessie (Mrs. C.A. Graham) living in Clark County, Pauline (Mrs. Lawrence Hurst) in Chicago Ill., Irene, the youngest, at present in Meridian, Mississippi." (Hughes, Betty 1943)
Letters Sally wrote to her son, Chas W. Prouty, who had moved to California -

Home, December 12, 1928
Boy Beloved,
A dull grey December day here in Dixieland - Grey skies, with an occasional flicker of sunshine brightening the gloom. Not so cold just now but we've had several heavy frosts since the middle of November outdoor vegetation all finished up by the cold - nothing in the way of vegetables for the table except a few turnips, mustard etc. I planted a package of Spinach seed in October. It came up, few and scattering. but the few plants look flourishing. I thought of Olive when I planted it know she is a strong advocate for spinach. just thought I'd see what it might do in this part of the country - suspect I was a bit late planting, tho.
Your letter posted November 26 reached me just one week later. I was so happy to hear this message from you, and how delighted I am with the picture of our Boy They are fine. I never tire looking at them - so like him, Yet I can tell he has grown quite a bit during the fourteen months since I last saw him. at the station in L.A. October 19- '27 he was so beautiful that afternoon. I don't know which one of those new pictures I like best - they are all good but I believe he is prettiest where he "loves a ukalele lady"
Your letter made me see, so plainly, the fruits and vegetables in the L.A. markets, and made me almost "homesick" for one more day in which to play around in "that wonderful city by the sea". Los Angeles has a lure and a thrill for me that excu--s any other pace I ever knew, there is always some new surprise awaiting one"just around the corner.' Thank you for telling me of your work and employers - I'm sure you do find it interesting and trust that the company and you may keep on and accomplish bigger, better things.
G_s the election and the hectic campaign preceeding it are all past history now, and it is up to Hoover to make good his promises and re-pay the faith of the American people. Like you I felt that he was "the lesser of two evils" - for no one can deny that there is wrong doing in both our leading __
I've just received from cousin Wm Kelsoe the jubilee copy of the St Louis Post Dispatch. Immense - I'll never be able to read it all.
Irene and little Martin are O.K. - both "fat as pigs." Irene weighs 117 lbs - more that she ever weighed before.
Aunt Mattie has gone back to Clarksdale - Aunt Bettie went with her but she - Aunt B. - came home more than a week ago.
Pauline and Mr Hurst stayed with me while Aunt B. was away, but they are now at Bessie's - Bessie is not quite well these days - we feel anxious about her.
Not quite two weeks until Christmas and I'm heartsick for I don't know whether I can get anything for my children. Just know tho Darling I'm sending a heart full of love and good wishes always. God keep you forever, Love abiding, Mama

Home December 26, 1928
(the Day after Christmas)
Boy Beloved -
Another Christmas come and gone. Another year almost finished. A very quiet season with us attho a pleasant one. Polly and Larry - Mr. Hurst - came in at 2.00 P.M. Yesterday. they went back at 7.00 P.M. - they are with Bessie now - Pauline taking care of Bessie who has another "bran' new" baby boy. This makes four children for Bessie - three boys. time for her to "call a halt" don't you think! Guess you - who have only one, will have to adopt one of her's won't you!
Thank you, Brother, for the lovely Christmas box. The girls and I do so appreciate the lovely sweater coats. Just the thing for these winter days, to wear when going to the P.O. etc. Baby Boy had so enjoyed the little box of tools - that was something we had been wishing fo get for him - he dearly loves a hammer. Tell Olive the little Tillicum boat came just in time, Christmas Eve. He is fond of playing with it tho it has been too cold for him to have water to sail it on. especially as he had been sick - he had quite a rise of temperature Sunday night and Monday. Seems O.K. now tho we are keeping him in, watching his diet and otherwise taking care of him. he has fun playing indoors but he loves the out doors best.
Pauline looks well and is full of life and fun. she and Larry seem very happy and congenial. I had hoped Bessie and all her little ones might be with us for Christmas but of course she couldn't come, the baby was only one week old last Sunday evening.
Did you get the little parcel we sent? It was not much of a Christmas offering, but the deep, found love of our hearts went with it. Thank you and Olive for the beautiful cards - we did not send any cards this Christmas - Irene failed to get any when she last was in town. then she did not get to go down again - so we just didn't have any Christmas cards to send.
Does Chas D. like the little horn! - tell him Martin has one, too.
We had a good Christmas dinner - how we wished for you three to enjoy it with us.
How is Mr DeWitt these days? Best wishes for him, trusting all is well with you and that the New Year brings you prosperity and happiness with fond and tender love Mama

Thursday December 27
I wrote you yesterday P.M. but failed to get the letter posted so will add a word this afternoon. A lovely December day - skies as serene as June and soft, bright sunshine - Quite a bit of wind, however, somewhat like the winds of March, not so cold as some of our days have been. All in our household well - so far we have not had flu. to any great extent. I see from the papers that there has been quite an epidemic of flu in L.A. especially in Hollywood. I hope my dear ones there may escape this trying malady. I've had it several times during the past few years and I know from experience that it is something to be dreaded.
I'm thinking of you dear ones all thro these Christmas holiday's and wish , O how I wish, we might have been together.
Our Christmas giving was limited - A limited purse makes limitations everywhere - but there was an abundance of Christmas cheer in the old home. Irene made the rooms bright with holly and other evergreens - A tree for Baby Boy, in which we older ones had a part. Then Pauline and Larry came in the afternoon and of course it was sweet to have them here if only for a few hours. we made good use of those hours you may be sure.
Is the Boy in Kindergarten again this winter? I'm sure he will learn well with proper instructors and Los Angeles' schools are noted for being thorough. God bless the little man and may his life be a blessing to the world.
Irene asks me to thank you and Olive for the beautiful remembrances for her and Baby Boy, it is sweet to be remembered She will write soon - meant to write today but kept busy with other things, and now hasn't time.
Trusting the coming New Year may bring you health, happiness and prosperity and asking our Father's blessing on you always Ever your loving Mama


Birth19 Jul 1858Daleville, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States
Marriage28 Jan 1891Daleville, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States - James William "Will" Prouty
Census (family)22 Jun 1900Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States - James William "Will" Prouty
Census (family)11 May 1910Beat 3 (part of), Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States - James William "Will" Prouty
Census2 Jan 1920Beat 3, Daleville, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States
Census4 Apr 1930Beat 3, Daleville, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States
Death2 Feb 1940Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States
BurialHughes Family Cemetery, Daleville, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States


SpouseJames William "Will" Prouty (1843 - 1915)
ChildCharles William Prouty (1893 - 1989)
ChildDora Elizabeth "Bessie" Prouty (1895 - 1986)
ChildAlice Pauline "Polly" Prouty (1897 - 1985)
ChildHattie Irene "Rene" Prouty (1899 - 1978)
FatherCharles Edward Hughes (1821 - 1888)
MotherPauline Craig (1826 - 1910)
SiblingMary Jane Hughes (1847 - 1929)
SiblingMartha M. "Mattie" Hughes (1850 - 1937)
SiblingWilliam James "Will" Hughes (1852 - 1905)
SiblingJohn Craig Hughes (1855 - 1878)
SiblingEverette "Evie" Hughes (1861 - 1862)
SiblingElizabeth Louise "Miss Betty" Hughes (1863 - 1949)
SiblingEmma Florence Hughes (1866 - 1872)
SiblingCharles Edward Hughes Jr. (1870 - 1954)

