Individual Details

Peter Price DeWitt

(Bef 1769 - Bef 14 Sep 1840)

Peter Price DeWitt's birth calculates to 1769 or earlier to be of age for his 1790 marriage date. His parentage is still unknown. Peter was an early settler of the new territory of Kentucky along with several other Dewitts, coming during the 1780's when the area was still part of Virginia. In an article written by Dr. Alice Kenny for the "Halve Maen", she indicates that a Peter, Zachariah and Jacob who came to Kentucky were related, but so far no proof of the kind of relationship has surfaced. The fact that both Peter and Zachariah have the middle name Price, the maiden name of Jerusha wife of Isaac Dewitt, does lend some credence to the claim. Unfortunately, there are several Peter Dewitt's, possibly cousins, that confuse the issue and make the relationships hard to untangle.

This Peter filed a marriage bond with Nancy Brown on 29 Dec 1789 in Nelson Co. Nancy's half brother William Smith signed the bond and her mother Mary Smith gave consent saying she was of age. Price Devore, Nancy's brother-in-law, signed as witness. The marriage took place 3 January 1790. A Peter Dewitt (possibly this one) had been a bondsman for the marriage intentions of Zachariah DeWitt a few days earlier on 21 Dec 1789 to Elizabeth Tuts (Teets?) also in Nelson Co. Kentucky. Their marriage took place the following year on 11 March 1790. Five years later Jacob Dewitt married Nancy's sister, Hannah (Orr) Devore the widow of Price Devore, on 13 Mar 1795 in Nelson Co. Kentucky.

Nelson Co. where these families settled had formed in 1784 from the larger Jefferson Co. From 1784 to 1792 Nelson and the other counties in the area were holding conventions to discuss statehood for Kentucky. On 1 June 1792, with Virginia's blessing, the territory was admitted to the union as the first state west of the Allegheny Mountains.

Several Dewitts are found in the tax list for the new state of Kentucky in 1792. Peter Dewitt is listed in Gabriel Coxs District in Nelson Co., one white male, no land. Zachariah is in Ben Frye's District of Nelson Co. along with Elisha, Henry and James Dewitt; all listed as one white male, no land. Another Henry Dewitt is found in John McMahon's District of Nelson Co., one white male, but with 100 acres.

Peter is again listed in Nelson Co. tax lists during 1795, 1800, 1803, and 1813, still with no land. He appears to have maintained his home in Nelson Co. Kentucky until possibly 1820 when both a Peter and Peter P. Dewitt appear in the Scott Co. Indiana census. A wife is not listed for Peter P., though Nancy is known to be alive on 30 Oct 1826 when she signed a consent for her daughter Nancy's marriage to Benjamin Masden in Nelson Co. Kentucky and Price Dewitt signed as witness. Either this is not the same Peter Dewitt, or Nancy stayed home with her daughters in Nelson Co. during 1820. But since son Peter Dewitt who married Sarah Albert in 1819 is also found in Kentucky census records except 1820 and 1850 and is found in Scott Co. Indiana in 1850, it supports being the same family group. 40 acres of land was purchased in Indiana by a Peter Dewitt during both 1837 and 1838.

Lillian Pierson Hoover says family records show that Peter Price DeWitt died 2 Sep 1841. There is a will dated 10 Apr 1840 signed Peter P. DeWitt and probated 14 Sep 1840 in Nelson Co. Kentucky. This will only mentions a wife Olipha and "youngest" son John Henry (indicating more) plus an unborn child. The date is one year off, error? same person? An indenture between the children, heirs, and devises's of Peter P. DeWitt and a George Washington Dewitt was filed in Nelson Co. on March 8, 1848. This indenture lists Peter and Nancy Brown's children but also lists Olipha, John Henry Dewitt and James H. Dewitt; Olipha's sons. On July 1862, Oliph released her claim to lands in Scott Co. Indiana to her two sons, John Henry and James Henderson, another connection to the Indiana land and census records. See indenture and further discussion below.

While it seems that they could be the same Peter P Dewitt from these clues with Olipha being Peter's second wife, there is a problem reconciling the supposed birth dates claimed. I calculated that the Peter who married Nancy as being born no later than 1769 to be of marriageable age. Kathryn Gazeway felt that the Peter who married Oleiph was born around 1808, the reason given that he is the son of John DeWitt and Jane Bray who married 1807. John and Jane did have a son Peter, but is he the one who married Olipha? Forty years later can calculate to one or two generations. Obliviously more research needs to be done on these families.

Possible relationships with the other early Kentucky Dewitt settlers are many. This Peter is known to have stayed in Nelson Co. till his death in 1840 except for possible excursions to Indiana. Though they appear in Nelson Co. during 1792, Zachariah is found in the Bullitt Co. tax lists of 1799, 1800, and 1803, while Elisha and Henry appear in the 1800 and 1805 tax lists for Hardin Co. James Dewitt remains in Nelson Co. where he marries Mary Whitfield in 1809 and is found there in the 1812 and 1813 tax lists. Other Dewitts that show up soon after are Abraham and Isaac who married Betsey Atherton and Jenny Masterson respectively, both during 1811 in Nelson Co. The Jacob Dewitt who married widow Hannah (Orr) Devore is found on Nelson Co. tax lists 1812, 1813 and Hardin Co. in 1814. An Ann Dewitt is found on the 1814 Hardin Co. tax list, presumably a widow. A marriage between John Dewitt and Mary Ann Thralls is recorded 9 May 1815 in Nelson Co. Solomon Dewitt marries Nancy Fowler in 1822 in Hardin Co. Jane Dewitt is noted as the wife of David Quick.

First, I doubt this Peter is the brother of Zachariah. The noted researcher Alice P. Kenney in her article "A Dutch Pioneer: Zachariah Price DeWitt Moves West" indicated that Zachariah Price DeWitt was born in New Jersey in 1768 or 1769 and his wife Elizabeth Teets in Pennsylvania in 1774, removed to Ohio from Kentucky about 1805, accompanied by seven children and by Jacob and Peter DeWitt and their families. They all bought land on Four Mile Creek on the eastern edge of Oxford Township. A single document links Zachariah Price DeWitt of Ohio with Frankford Township, Sussex County, an 1809 power of attorney authorizing him to represent Peter and Jacob DeWitt, also of Ohio. While it sounds like Zachariah did have brothers named Peter and Jacob, they are different men from the Peter and Jacob who remained in Nelson Co.

Another Peter Dewitt (1763-1834) is found in Clark Co. Kentucky during this time period married to Jane Bray. His son Peter Jr., who married Mercy, is said to have gone to Ohio around 1804. Zachariah's brother Jacob Dewitt in Ohio must also be a different one from the one known to have married Hannah Devore since Peter and Hannah are still in Kentucky until 1814. It appears brothers Zachariah, Peter and Jacob are from different parents than the Peter and Jacob that stayed in Kentucky, though they could still be related.

Kentucky Archives and Library, Frankfort,Ky. March 31, 2001. Deeds Microfilm #483137, Bk. 25, Pg. 326. Dated Mar. 8, 1848.

This indenture made and entered into this 8th day of March in the year of 1848 between Price DeWitt, John Howsley and Nancy his wife, Relief Flanders, Nancy Flanders, Oliver P. Flanders, Benj. H. Flanders, Peter Albert, Ascency Albert, Elizabeth Albert. Taylor Mansden, Nancy Mansden, John H. DeWitt. James H. DeWitt. and Olliph DeWitt, children, heirs, and devisess of Peter P. DeWitt by James Slaughter, commissioner of the first part and George Washington DeWitt of the second part all of the State of Kentucky witness that by a decree of Nelson County Circuit Court rendered at the Feb. term 1848. It was ordered and decreed that James Slaughter be appointed a commissioner to convey the land the party of the second part. Now I the said James Slaughter, commissioner, for and on behalf of the first part and in consideration of the previous do hereby transfer, convey and confirm unto the said party of the 2nd grant a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Nelson County containing ---- acres on the north west corner of Peter P. DeWitt's Survey and bounded on the south side by the main road to be as wide as Walkers land to be the same width at each end. Now I the said James Slaughter, commissioneer in conformity to the decree aforesaid do hereby sell, transfer, convey and confirm unto the party of the second part the aforesaid described tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Nelson according to the boundary aforesaid his heirs and assigns forever and the part of first part by the said James Slaughter, commissioner doth covenant amd agree to and with the said party of the 2nd part that they will warrant and defend the said tract or parcel of land unto him the said party of the second part the claims of themselves and their heirs and all persons claiming by through or under them and against the claims of all and every other person of persons whosoever. In Witness whereof the party of the first part by James Slaughter, commissioner aforesaid hath hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and date herein before written.

Peter Albert Price DeWitt
Ascency Albert John Howsley
Elizabeth Albert Nancy Howsley
Taylor Masden Relief Flanders
Nancy Masden Oliver P. Flanders
John H. DeWitt Benj. H. Flanders
James H. DeWitt Olliph DeWitt

by James Slaughter, Comm.

Nelson Circuit Court February Term.
I, James Slaughter, Clerk of Nelson Circuit Court in the State of Kentucky do certify that the aforegoing deed of conveyance from Peter P.DeWitt heirs by James Slaughter, commissioner to George Washington DeWitt was produced in court on the 8th day of March, 1848, acknowledged by said James Slaughter as commissioner to be certified to the clerk of the Nelson County Court for record. Whereby the said deed is hereby certified accordingly. Given this 2? dy of March 1848.
James Slaughter Clk.
Nelson Circuit Court

Nancy DeWitt was first married to a Benj. Masden. Her children by this marriage were: Taylor Masden (Marsden) and Nancy Masden. Her second marriage was to John Howsley(Housley). There is a family listed for John and Nancy. Why they are not mentioned as heirs of Peter P. DeWitt I have no clue. The Flanders listed are the children of Benjamin Flanders and Sallie DeWitt. The Alberts are the children of Wm Albert and Polly DeWitt. John H. DeWitt amd James H. DeWitt are I believe the children of Peter DeWitt and wife Olliph. According to Peter DeWitt's will probated Sept. 14, 1840. Estate bequeathed to wife Olliph DeWitt, youngest son John Henry DeWitt and unborn child.

The big question is who is Peter DeWitt, des'c with wife Olliph and George Washington DeWitt to whom the Deed conveyed the land? How does he connect with the Peter DeWitt who married Nancy Brown and fathered the other children listed in the deed?
1. The same man? Is it possible the death date of 2 Sep 1841 stated by Lillian Hoover should be Sep 1840? Nancy Brown lived to at least October 1826, when she signed her consent for her daughter Nancy's marriage to Benjamin Masden. Olliph could be his second wife, her earliest child known was born abt 1831 . Intriquing is the fact that son Price DeWitt is shown in Scott Co. IN in 1820 with his father Peter P, and again in 1850. While the 1820 census could be different Peter DeWitts (Peter P is without a wife), the 1850 census is without a doubt Price, the son of Peter and Nancy. Peter DeWitt's will of 1840, on file in both Nelson Co. KY and Scott Co. IN. mentions only wife Oliph, son John Henry and "unborn child with which wife is now pregnant. But note that he calls John Henry his "youngest son", indicating that he had older ones. On 17 Jul 1862, Oliph released her claim to lands in Scott County, to her two sons, John Henry and James Henderson. Will book A-139.
2. Different men, related somehow? The problem with being the same man is their different birthdates. The Peter who married Nancy by 1790 must have been born circa 1769 to be of marriageable age. The Peter who married Oleiph is claimed to be born around 1808, the reason given that he is the son of John DeWitt and Jane Bray who married 1807. They did have a son Peter, but is he this one?
3. George Washington DeWitt. A possible candidate is the son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Atherton) DeWitt, b. 1819. He is in the 1850 Hardin Co. KY census. (The only G W Dewitt in the 1850 KY census). If Peter is the son of John & Jane Bray, they are first cousins.

The following is from Lillian Pierson Hoover Rt. 1 Box 69, Huntsville. IL. 62344 -

Peter Price DeWitt and Nancy Brown came into Kentucky soon after Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap which began the Kentucky territory migration. They were among the first settlers that found the buffalo plentiful and Indian villages dotting the grassy countryside, especially the Cherokees. During the 1780's the DeWitts were among those that established the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In the early 1790's the territory was admitted to the union as the first state west of the Allegheny Mountains. In this fast growing territory, the DeWitts were among the early settlers usually pictured as resolute men, clad in fringed buckskin and coon skin caps.

The earliest DeWitt known is Peter Price DeWitt. He married Nancy Brown 29 Dec 1789 in Nelson Co., Ky. (A Mary Smith signed consent; no relationship shown, says Nancy Brown is of age). Family records show that Peter Price DeWitt died 2 Sep 1841. Do know anything about Nancy De Witt. Peter Price and Nancy's children were: Price, Sally (Flanders), Polly (Albert).

Price DeWitt was born 7 Feb 1798 near Mammoth Cave, LaRue Co., Ky. He married Sarah Albert 29 Aug 1819. She was born 5 May 1802 in (not correct, she was born in New York). Price and Sarah owned a tract in LaRue Co., Ky in 1846. Deed Book 1, p213. Their children were: Angeline (b1820), John (b1824), Zachariah (b1825), Elizabeth (b1828), Evalina (b1830), Clinton (bl835), Peter Price (b1837), Delance (b1837), Asenath (bl840), Lydia (bl845), William Price (b1847).

The family of Price and Sarah DeWitt were in Scott county. Indiana in 1850. The children with them were: Angeline, Clinton, Delance, Asenath, Lydia and William Price. John married Mary Jane Hawkins 26 Dec 1845 in Kentucky, so had his own home. John Mary are in Brown county later. Zachariah died 8 Sep 1847. Evalina married Jacob Putz 24 Feb 1849 in Pike county, Illinois. Do not know about Peter Price, twin of Delance.

Price DeWitt died 12 Feb 1854 and is buried in Lierly cemetery, near Kellerville, without a stone. There are probate records for Price DeWitt in Adams county, Il.-#152-28 Mar 1854. Sarah A. DeWitt died 9 Oct 1888 and is buried in Lierly cemetery.
Delance and wife, Caroline are buried in Lierly cemetery. Asenath (Hughes) is Lierly cemetery. Lydia Leticia (Gunn, Hendricks) is buried in Lierly cemetery.

William Price DeWit married Nancy Jane Carr in Warsaw, Illinois 3 April 1867. She was a daughter of William Peyton and Nancy Mayhall Carr. Nancy was born at Locust Grove, near Frankfort, Ky. William and Nancy lived,in Adams county, Kellerville to
Timewell. Their children were: Rosetta (bl868), Clinton (b 1870), John L. (b 1871), Elva Nora (b 1873), Orsa Clair (b 1875), Lafayette (b 1877), William Bates (1880), Alvah IshmeI (b 1882), his twin, Alvin D. (b and d 1882), Iva Mae (b.1885-d.1886), Mar
Price (b 1886), Floyd Edward (b.1889).

Rosetta married Elmer Bennett. He was a preacher, they lived in Iowa and Indiana. She died in March 1926 and is buried in Lierly cemetery, Elmer died 1928 and is also at Lierly cemetery.

Clinton married Sara Ellen Morrison, their children were: Claude, Marie (Mewes), Elva (Coggshell), Alyene (Summey). .Uncle Clint had some special way of talking; don't know whether it was loud, impediment or something. I visited with the Piersons a
child; I said, "That man talks funny" as we were leaving. Clinton died 24 April 1931 and is buried at Mounds cemel.@!ry, north of Timewell. Aunt Ella died in 1960 and is buried at Mounds.

John L. died 24 J n 1894 from being thrown from a horse He is buried in Lierly cemetery.

Elva Nora was a maiden lady, blind. from about 2 1/2 yrs. She learned to read braile from a lady coming from Jacksonville to her home in Timewell. She had the Bible in braile. It was always fun to visit in her home. She was a good cook, even had a
waffle iron. There was a pump organ in the front room and two victrolas in her bedroom (one cylinder and one used large flat-round records). She had lots of Uncle Josh cylinders, they were funny. In late years, Mrs. Cave from Liberty came and st
with her some. She died 23 J n 1951 and is buried in Mounds cemetery.

Orsa Clair. married Oscar Pierson.20 Feb 1901. They went by train to Missouri for their honeymoon, to Rutledge and other places. Orsa's mother died in 1900. Orsa and Oscar lived south of Timewell and ran Pierson Fruit Farm. Their children were Ray
William and Mina Mae. Orsa died 5 Dec 1956 and is buried in Mounds cemetery. Oscar died 13 Aug 1946 and is also buried at Mounds cemetery.
Lafayette died the 19 Nov 1897 from' typhoid fever. He is buried at the Lierly cemetery.

William Bates married Claudina Turner. He was a farmer and lived from Timewell to Camp Point. They had one son, Russell

Alvah Ishmel was born as a twin, the other, Alvin D. died shortly after birth. Alvah married Alma May Harvey. Uncle Alvah was a cook, he and Aunt Mae ran a restaurant on Main Street in Galesburg for many years. I have a couple of his pie tins. Afte
Aunt Mae died in 1946, he worked at a restaurant in Macomb, etc. Alvah died in 1957 and he and Mae are buried in Galesburg cemetery, Galesburg, Illinois.

Iva Mae also died as a young child-14 Oct 1886. She is also buried in Lierly cemetery.
Marvin Price was a farmer and livestock dealer. He married Cordelia Turner. They lived near Timewell, Kellerville and in Camp Point. I visited there whenever my folks were going through Camp'Point. Their children were Zelma and Glenn. Marvin died 1
Oct 1961 and Cordelia 24 Jul 1973; they are buried in Evergreen cemetery in Camp Point.

Floyd Edward lived near Liberty, was a farmer and livestock dealer. He married Elizabeth Walker and their children were Alice and Floyd. Uncle Ed died 21 Jun 1972 and Aunt Lizzie died ; they are buried in Liberty.
(Lillian Hoover)

(There are a lot of Price's and Brown's from VA in LaRue Co. KY in 1850, related?)


BirthBef 1769
Marriage3 Jan 1790Bardstown, Nelson, Kentucky, United States - Nancy Brown (Orr or Smith)
Tax List1792Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Tax List1795Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Census1800Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Tax List1803Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Tax List1813Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Census1820Scott, Indiana, United States
Marriage13 Jul 1837Bullitt, Kentucky, United States - Oleipha, Olivia "Olive Olley" Edens
Property10 Aug 1837Washington, Indiana, United States
Property15 Aug 1838Washington, Indiana, United States
Will10 Apr 1840Nelson, Kentucky, United States
DeathBef 14 Sep 1840
Probate14 Sep 1840Nelson, Kentucky, United States
Probate27 Jul 1862Scott, Indiana, United States
WillScott, Indiana, United States


SpouseOleipha, Olivia "Olive Olley" Edens (1805 - )
ChildJohn Henry Dewitt (1839 - 1862)
ChildJames Henderson Dewitt (1840 - 1862)
SpouseNancy Brown (Orr or Smith) (1769 - 1826)
ChildPrice DeWitt (1798 - 1854)
ChildMary "Polly" DeWitt (1800 - 1835)
ChildSarah C. "Sally" DeWitt (1801 - 1840)
ChildNancy DeWitt (1806 - 1860)

