Individual Details

Presley Abshire

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Sen. Abshire Sells 848 ' » Acre Ranch
State Senator F. Presley Abshire in a telephone interview with the Tribune from the State Capitol revealed yesterday that his 848 acre Geyserville ranch had been sold to Santa Clara valley prune ranchers, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michalek. The Michaleks have two sons, Carl and Jesse, who are reported already living on their newly acquired property. The transaction included the purchase of the Abshire’s modern hilltop home plus the large family home. Of the 848 acres, approximately 120 are planted to prune trees, approximately 60 to Bartlett Pears, 40 to irrigated pasture and the remainder to hill pasture land. 285 acres of the extensive Abshire holdings have been in Senator Abshire’s family for the past 49 years. Approximately 563 acres of the Ben Cphn ranch w ere purchased by Senator Asbhire about 3 years ago. Senator Abshire has retained the 37 acres of prune trees and 3 acres of vineyards in the Miller Lane section w'hich he has leased to his son-in-law, Byron Lampson of Geyserville. The Abshires who are now in Sacramento during the Legislative session have no immediate plans but they do expect to make their permanent home in the Healds-burg-Geyserville-Santa Rosa area. Mrs. Farley Abshire will remain in the family home until May when she will probably move to Cloverdale. The Michaleks, it was reported, recently sold their Santa Clara prune orchards, approximately 90 acres, for subdivision purposes.


ChildMerle Marie Abshire (1922 - 2006)