Individual Details

John Fry

(29 Dec 1836 - 24 Dec 1917)

From "History of Hardin County, Ohio", CHICAGO:WARNER, BEERS & CO.1883. pg 689: John Fry was one of the first to locate within what is now Washington Township. He was a native of Pennsylvania. and with his parents, Enoch and Mary Fry, emigrated to Ohio at an early day and settled in Coshocton County: thence. in 1832, removed to this county and located on land now owned by Mrs, Hannah Curn in Washington Township, from where, after a few years' residence. they removed into Blanchard Township and settled on land now owned by Alonzo Lynch, where the parents died from that terrible and then prevailing-disease-milk sickness. Enoch Fry was the, father of the following- children: Jacob, John. Joshua, Daniel, Jonas, Stephen and Catharine. Of these, John died of milk sickness; Daniel accidentally shot himself, from the effects of which lie died; the balance of the, children, after a few years' residence here, returned to Coshocton County, where Jacob resided till his death. in April, 1881; Joshua and Catharine still reside in that county. Jonas is now a resident of Muskingum County, Ohio, and Stephen moved West. John Fry, the second son, married Mary Mowry who was born in Pennsylvania. a daughter of George W. Mowry, who settled in Blanchard Township in 1832, where he resided until his death: by her he had five children-Enoch, George W., Charity, Col. Jefferson and .John. Of these. Charity. the only daughter. died young; George W., in 1850, moved to Illinois; in 1851, to Oregon: in 1853, to California. where he resided about twenty years, and thence removed to Washington Territory, where he still resides; Enoch, in the spring of 1851, crossed the, plains to California. where he remained about five year; started to return by vessel. was shipwrecked, but was saved, and returned to California. where he remained one year longer and then returned to Ohio; and he, Col. Jefferson and John are now residents of Blanchard Township. Enoch, the eldest son above mentioned, served in the, war of the rebellion, four nears. in the Ninth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry; .Jefferson enlisted in the Eighty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served over three years, and re-enlisted as a veteran; was taken prisoner and confined in a rebel prison, but finally paroled. .John also served about one year near the close of the war in the One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


Birth29 Dec 1836Dunkirk, Hardin, Ohio, United States
Death24 Dec 1917Dunkirk, Hardin, Ohio, United States
MarriageMartha Adeline Phillips
BurialDunkirk, Hardin, Ohio, United States


SpouseMartha Adeline Phillips (1840 - 1924)