Individual Details

Herman Dietrich Ricklefs

(13 Sep 1867 - 1 Aug 1958)

Herman Ricklefs, from the History of Jones County
Born September 13, 1867  Among the representative American citizens who claim Germany as their native home is Herman Ricklefs, who was there born on the 13th of September, 1867, a son of H. J. and Elizabeth (Liner) Ricklefs, who were also born in the fatherland, where their entire lives were passed. Unto this worthy couple were born seven children, of whom the subject of this review is the youngest.
Spending the period of his boyhood and youth in his native land, Herman Ricklefs acquired his education in the schools of Germany and remained under the paternal roof until twenty years of age, when his attention was directed toward the new world by rumors concerning the broader opportunities offered on this side of the Atlantic for business advancement and progress. Accordingly on the 25th of March, 1887, he bade adieu to friends and country and came to America, making his way to Jones county, Iowa, where for four years he was engaged as a farm hand. During that period he was actuated by the laudable ambition to some day take up agricultural pursuits on his own account, and so he carefully saved his earnings until he had accumulated enough with which to purchase a farm of his own. He then bought his present farm, consisting of one hundred and fifty acres in Scotch Grove township, and to its further cultivation and development he has since directed his energies. Under his careful and wise management the place has become one of the well improved properties of the community and in its neat and attractive appearance stands as a monument to his industry and thrift. He is progressive and up-to-date in his methods and his close application, good judgment and business ability have been salient elements in the creditable degree of prosperity which he today enjoys.
In 1892 Mr. Ricklefs was united in marriage to Miss Anna Husman, also a native of Germany, who came to America with her parents in early life. The mother has passed away while her father still survives and makes his home in Lovell township. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Ricklefs have been born five children, namely: Henry J., Lizzie, William, Herman, Jr., and Anna. The parents are both members of the German Lutheran church and are people of the highest standing in the community, their many excellent traits of character having won for them an extensive circle of friends.
Politically Mr. Ricklefs gives his support to the democracy and served as road supervisor for two years. For more than two decades he has been identified with the agricultural interests of this part of the state and during this period has, through his own unaided efforts, won a most gratifying degree of success. He is numbered among those who left the fatherland to identify themselves with American life and institutions, who have pushed their way to the front and who are a credit alike to the land of their birth and that of their adoption.


Birth13 Sep 1867Wiesede, Germany
Marriage3 Mar 1892Wayne Township, Jones, Iowa, United States - Anna Katherina Wilhelmine Husmann
Census (family)1920Scotch Grove Township, Jones, Iowa, United States - Anna Katherina Wilhelmine Husmann
Marriage7 Feb 1947Jones, Iowa, United States - Gretke Margaretha "Maggie" Siebels
Death1 Aug 1958

