Individual Details

Henry McCulloh Esqr.

(Abt 1700 - Bef 16 Jun 1779)

Henry McCulloh married Mary Houston in Ireland and they had a son James (who died in 1749). Henry lived with Penelope Eustace and had two children, Henry Eustace and Penelope. Supporting the contention that Henry was first married to a woman named Houston is an April 1780 petition of William Houston to the North Carolina Council in which he states "Henry McCulloh who was Uncle to your Petitioner" and later says "your Petitioner as his Nephew."
Mary, Henry's wife, died in 1732, and after their son James died on 11 July 1749, he married Penelope Eustace in St. George's church, Westminster in August 1749. James having died, he then legitimized his son Henry Eustace and daughter Penelope Mary. Some reports said their marriage in St George's, instead of in Chiswick, may have been 'clandestine'. Undoubtedly Henry was influential in Chiswick and was a generous donor to various causes.
(Jane Watson)

The book, "Henry McCullough and His Irish Settlement" by V.F. Williams, pp 33-39 gives a glowing account of Henry's untiring efforts in helping the Ulster Scots settle in the new land of America. This reference states that "Henry McCullough was born in the Scottish Colony of Ireland. Little is known of his youth. The first official notice of him is in London, where he had become prominent as an enterprising and influential merchant. His letters to his nephew, which have been preserved, disclose him to have been a man of the world, of business, and society. We find him enjoying the society of the Lords of Trade and the confidence of the King. "
Extracted from research by Tom Byrd and Fletcher Freeman -

Henry McCulloh of England, the London Merchant, was born about 1700, the son of James McCulloh of Grogan, Scotland. He may have lived at some point in Northern Ireland
December 13, 1736 and May 22, 1740, Henry Eustace McCulloh received grants to 1,200.000 acres of land in the province of North Carolina from the King of England.
June 24, 1738. Henry McCulloh was granted 72,000 acres of land in the area of Duplin and Sampson Counties by George II. He received vast acreages elsewhere making him the premiere land speculator in NC during the colonial period.
1740 Mr. and Mrs. McCulloh and family landed at Charleston and by Sept. 1741 were in Wilmington. He was on his plantation at Socrate in Nov. 1744.
1746 As I understand, agents of Henry McCulloh secured from the Crown the twelve 100,00-acre tracts (see above, the 1,200,00 acres mentioned) and each tract of 100,00 acres was further divided. All of these tracts were in the Piedmont.. Named as grantees were 16 people but the bulk of the land ended up in the possession of Henry McCulloh. Among the grantees were three of Henry McCulloh's children: 25,000 acres to James McCulloh of Sarecta, 12,500 acres to Penelope McCulloh of Sarecta, and 12,500 acres to Henry Eustace McCulloh Jr. of Sarecta. Another grantee was Henry McCulloh's nephew, Dr. William Houston, one of Duplin's best known citizens.
1747 Henry had returned to England, Turnham Green, in the county of Midlesex. Staying behind when Henry returned to England was a McCulloch named James. At some point this James married a daughter of William Taylor and continued to make his home in Duplin County. (Note: This James is felt to be his grandson, son of James, who died by 1750) Before leaving for England, Henry vested power of attorney in Alexander McCulloh, his cousin. Alexander lived most of his life in Halifax County.
1760 Henry's son Henry Eustace McCulloh was "called to the bar" in London and in 1761 his father sent him back to NC as his attorney.
1767 Henry was forced to surrender his unsold acreage and Henry Eustace McCulloh, his son purchased 16,000 acres to become Duplin's largest landowner.
1767 Henry Eustace McCulloh returned to London, came back to NC in 1772 and in 1773 returned to London, never to NC.
Jan. 12, 1774 a letter from Felix Kenan in NC to Henry Eustace McCulloh gave indication he was aware that father Henry McCulloh was "in health' and that "Mr. James McCulloh and family is well He has got a daughter born"
1777 The state gave the McCullohs until October 1778 to return and claim their lands.
1778 Henry Eustace McCulloh crossed the Atlantic for the fourth time, got as far as New York and then had to return to England.
1779 NC confisticated his remaining land.
1779 Henry McCulloh died in England
1807 Udell, wife of Henry Eustace McCulloh, informed the Claims Commission in England that Henry Eustace was confined to an Asylum at Clapton after becoming deranged. He is reported to have died shortly after.
Excerpt from - Lord Granville to : Land Office Papers...

(p 341)
3773 John Wade warrant dated 25 April 1751 to Messrs Churton and Weldon to survey 400 acres in Granville County, joining HENRY MCCULLOCK and Dials Creek entered 8 February 1750 /s/ Tho Child

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 1A

(p 1)
p. 1 William Houston, Senr. of Duplin Co. to Edward Houston, 13 May 1784, for $1, a tract of 360A on th ES of the Northeast River of Cape Fear, being part of 840A granted to HENRY McCULLOH, ESQR. 3 Mar 1745, & later granted to William Houston, Esqr. May 1780, beg. at a stake on the river Griffeth Houston's lower corner & runs with his line S & N to a water oak & gum in Bridle Branch. William Houston & his wife to have lifetime rights on sd. land. Wit: Charles Ward, Joseph Bray, Sen. July Ct. 1784.

(p 2)
p. 21 William Houston, Senr. of Duplin Co. to Griffeth Houston, 13 May 1784, for $1 a tract of 256A on th ES of the Northeast River of Cape Fear, being part of 840A granted to HENRY McCULLOH, ESQR. 3 Mar 1745, later granted to William Houston, Esqr. May 1780, beg. at a maple & ash on the branch of Cpae Fear River, William Hubbard's lower corner. William Houston & wife to have use of wood on sd. land for their planta. Wit: Charles Ward, Joseph Bray, Senr. July Ct. 1784.

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 3A

(p 57)
p. 35 Daniel Glisson, Shff., to Stephen Miller, both of Duplin Co., 25 Dec 1793, for 32 pds. current money 100A formerly the property of Eilliam Hubbard & part of the Sarecta survey granted to HENRY McCULLOCH by patent dated 3 Mar 1745 & afterwards granted to William Houston May 1780 & which sd. Houston granted to Griffith Houston who deeded to William Hubbard, beg. at a stake on the river bank at Edward Houston's upper corner to the New River Pond. The Court awarded 30 pds. 10 shill., plus cost of 4 pds. 17 shill. & 4 pence to Henry Goodman & Harry Goodman, exrs. of Timothy Goodman dec'd lately of Lenoir Co., for damages in a suit against sd. Hubbard, owner of the sd. 100A, which was purchased by sd. Miller for 32 pds. at public auction 8 Oct 1793. Winston Caswell, Clerk of the Ct. of Lenoir Co. Wit: Edwd. Pearsall, James Carr. Apr. Ct. 1795.

(p 61)
p. 67 Nathaniel McCanne, Thos. (Thomas) McCanne & Hugh McCanne, Senr. to William Beck, merchant, all of Duplin Co., 21 Oct 1794, for 700 spanish milled dollars 300A on th SS of Goshen Swamp, beg. at a stake John Beck's lower corner in the run of Long Branch at the mouth of Bawdy Branch , a little below the road, to a water oak on the line of Panther survey, to a maple & black gum on the run of Goshen Swamp, being the contents of a survey which was deeded & conveyed by Theophilus Williams, Esqr. to Wm. McCanne, Senr., pursuant to a court order in consequence of a judgment which sd. William McCanne, Senr. obtained against the estate of HENRY McCULLOCH, Esqr. & since by the LW & T of sd. William McCanne was bequeathed to sd. Nathaniel, Thomas & Hugh McCanne to be divided between them agreeable to the directions of sd. will. Wit: David Murdock, John Johnston. Oct. Ct. 1794.

(p 69)
p. 133 William Guy, planter, to James Morris, both of Duplin Co., 8 Nov 1794, for 50 pds. current money of N.C. 25A that sd. Guy had of Frederick Bell on the SS of Bear Swamp, being part of 360A granted to sd. Bell by HENRY McCULLOCH by a deed dated 10 Oct 1766 & also part of a large tract granted to sd. HENRY McCULLOCH by King George II 3 Mar 1745, being upon the branchs of the Northeast of Cape Fear River & also on Black River & the branches thereof, which sd. 25A begins at Christopher Burch's corner & ash on the run of Bear Swamp. Wit: James Wright, Luke Ward, Thomas Guy. Jan. Ct. 1795

VOL. 6, N.C. RECORDS, p. 569-573 has a power of attorney of Henry Eustace McCulloh, of the County of Middlesex, England to John Campbell and Henry Eustace McCulloch, his son, which is witnessed by the affidavit of David Meade as follows: "I, Henry McCulloch, late of Sarecta, in the Province of North Carolina in America, but now of the Parish of Cheswick in the County of Middlesex and the Kingdom of Great Britain: Whereas, on December 13, 1736, and on May 22, 1740, I received grants to 1,200,000 acres of land in the said province of North Carolina; and , I am entitled to eight grants, each of them containing 12,500 acres of land, lying on the branches of the PEEDEE and WHOREE Rivers in North Carolina, made out in the name of Dr. William Houston; also eight other grants of 12,500 acres each on flat END(?) and TAR Rivers in North Carolina, and various other grants, this power of attorney is given to John Campbell and my son Hery Esustace McCulloch this the __day of_____, 1761."

DAR RECORDS OF NORTH CAROLINA, March, 1952 gives the following information: "Henry McCulloh signs himself of Turnham Green in the County of Middlesex. He was a grandson of James McCulloh of Grogan and a descendant of Sir Cullo O'Neil, first Laird of Myreton in Scotland, who was a son of the family of Clanboys in Ireland. He was a great-uncle of James IREDELL, the elder, being a brother of James McCulloh, whose daughter Margaret married Mr. Francis Iredell, a merchant of Bristol England. The genealogy of the family is worked out in considerable detail in McRees' Life and Correspondence of James Iredell."
A book about HENRY McCULLOCH, treasurer of the province and a patriot and his "half-brother" Henry Eustace McCulloch, son of "Old Henry" of England, and their descendants has been written and published by Bettye McCulloch Henry. It was "Henry Eustace" who had the large land grants in Duplin and other counties of North Carolina and the land he still controlled at the end of the Revolutionary War was confiscated. The descendants of Henry McCulloch, the patriot, went to Tennessee and later to Texas. Gen. Benjamin McCulloch (unmarried-no descendants) and his brother, Gen. Henry Eustace McCulloch of Confederate War fame are of this lineage. Henry had an illegitimate brother who left many descendants. The name was often spelled "McCulloh" (From the McCulloch Clan newsletter)

The following information was taken from an article in the May 1978, NC Genealogical Society Journal, written by John Scott Davenport:
'In 1737, countering a move by a Swiss syndicate to obtain substantial acreage for the settlement of 6,000 German-speaking Protestants in the NC backcountry (largely employing the highly acceptable and approved concept of using 'foreigners' to buffer English Tidewater settlements and plantations from the Indians), Henry McCulloh, an opportunistic entrepreneur who had obtained exposure to NC as the agent of John, Baron Carteret, later Earl Granville, received through dummy grantees and in association with a syndicate of speculators, a grant of 1,200,000 acres in the Province by an Order in Council (the will of King George II expressed in documentation and under the Royal Seal). The Royal Surveyor of NC was ordered to lay off twelve tracts of 100, 000 acres each, according to McCulloch's choice, in the backcountry, which then (1737) ran on the north-east-to-southwest diagonal of the headwaters of the Flat, Eno and Little Rivers (headwaters of the Neuse, east and north of Raleigh today) to Rocky River and its draughts east of the Catawba (waters of the Great Pee Dee, east and north of Charlotte today. Five of the twelve great tracts chosen by McCulloh subsequently (1744) fell within the Granville District. Granville, having been kept waiting for fifteen years for a definition of and a title to his one-eighth share of the Proprietorship (terminated by the King in 1729), was apparently a bit miffed at what his former agent had done to him (i.e., taking up the best lands before his Lordship obtained a legal title) and kept McCulloh waiting for another eleven years (1755) before reaching an agreement whereby McCulloch might give good titles to land sales made within the Great Tracts which lay within his District. Then, because of the outbreak of Indian warfare, the French and Indian War elsewhere in America, but chiefly the Cherokee War in the Carolinas, there was another six years' delay before a substantial number of deeds could by made by McCulloh's agents. In some instances, settlers in McCulloh's tracts within the District did not receive titles until they had been on purchased, since improved, lands for more than a decade. Indicative of this state of affairs was McCulloh's lament, incorporated in a power of attorney to Hugh Campbell, Esq., of NC, and Henry Eustace McCulloh, his son, to give titles, dated 26 March 1761,... As soon as the Cherokee War had ended (December 1761), Henry Eustace McCulloh, in NC from England, began to make deeds furiously.' ... '1760 King George II died. George III appointed Earl Granville president of the Privy Council virtually reducing McCulloh to importuning Granville for favor. 1761 Granville and McCulloh made a new agreement. McCulloh granted the right to sell the lands obtained by the Order in Council of 1737 for a period of two years after the end of the cherokee War under the same terms as the Agreement of 1756, but, at the end of two years, McCulloh would deed all unsold lands in his tracts within the District to Granville. The Cherokee War ended in December. McCulloh's son, Henry Eustace McCulloh, was in NC with his father's power of attorney, immediately began to make deeds for lands previously sold, to sell additional lands, but the land market, especially to the west, was still depressed. 1761-1763 Henry Eustace McCulloh, in a flurry of activity, conveyed titles to hundreds of small tracts within all five of the great tracts within Granville's District. However, Granville died in January 1763, terminating McCulloh's rights. H.E. McCulloh continued to make deeds through August 1763, but apparently did so in fulfillment of contracts made prior to Granville's death or prior to the time that legal notice of same reached NC.'...'It will be noted that Henry Eustace McCulloh was his father's best customer....Next to King George III and the Granville Estate, in that order, the largest loser of land in NC by the Confiscation Act of 1777 was Henry Eustace McCulloh, who fled the Province in 1774. He claimed L54,265 for his land losses in NC, the King's Commissioners allowed him L11,747.'.
In 1734 Henry McCulloh's friend was appointed governor of North Carolina. McCulloh put the governor under obligation to himself by paying the fees for his commission, freighting a ship to carry him and his retinue to America, buying plate and furniture for his house, and providing him with credit to supply his immediate needs. Johnston's debt to McCulloh amounted to at least £2400. Henry McCulloh largely financed James Murray's venture to establish himself as a merchant. Murray soon became the largest trader on the river, and later Johnston was able to get him made a member of the Council and secretary of the province in 1735 at Cape Fear, Harnett County, North Carolina.He received a grant of land on 30 Apr 1736 The Privy Council approved two grants to McCulloh of 60,000 and 72,000 acres. He received a grant of land on 19 May 1737 The Privy Council passed the necessary order for the 1,200,00 acres. The grantees were to pay the customary fees to the provincial officers, but were to be exempt from quit rents for ten years from the date on which the governor issued the final grants. In this period they were to settle on the lands six thousand Protestants. He was commissioned on 16 May 1739 (McCulloh was appointed a special commissioner to study land and quit rent difficulties in both Carolinas. He was given a salary of £600 and £200 for a clerk. The commission gave him broad powers to investigate conditions, enforce regulations, and reommend further reforms). Henry (8816) was By the 1730's he was netting an average of £600 a year from his mercantile business and by the end of the decade had accumulated a modest fortune of £5400 before 1740 at England. McCulloh arrived at Charlestown early in 1741. Circa 1746 Henry McCulloh (8816) moved McCulloh returned to England. He received a grant of land on 3 Mar 1746 The land patents for 1,200,000 acres in North Carolina were finally issued to McCulloh and others. He was commissioned in 1752 (McCulloh collected his back salary as commissioner which amounted to £9000). In 1755 Henry McCulloh (8816) Henry McCulloh was able to do little toward selling his lands until he designated as his agents his nephew, Alexander McCulloch and John Campbell. He received a grant of land in 1756 McCulloh's quit rent exemption expired. He was granted a reduced quit rent rate from 1756 until two years after the end of the French and Indian War. In 1761 Henry Eustace McCulloh, Henry's son, arrived from England, to be his father's agent. He received a grant of land in 1765 "By his agreement with Lord Granville, he surrendered about 175,000 acres, retaining 300,000, while outside the Granville District 339,325 acres were given up to the Crown, with 129,335 being kept by himself and his children."
Charles G. Jr. Sellers, William and Mary Quarterly, "Private Profits and British Colonial Policy: The Speculations of Henry McCulloh"serial unknown, 8page 546; Sellers, "Private Profits", page 546-548.

An Overview of the Manuscript Sources in the Rare Book,
Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University
Henry McCulloh Papers, 1745-1763. 3 items and 3 vols. London, England.
The papers of Henry McCulloh (ca. 1700-ca. 1779) consist of a deed, 1745, granting land in North Carolina to McCulloh, with notes on the back relating to the payment of quit rents and forfeiture of the land some twenty years later; a copy of the proposed stamp duties on the American colonies as formulated by Mcculloh; copies of minutes of a conference with McCulloh concerning the stamp duties; and three essays. One essay relates to his service from 1739 to 1745 as Inspector for Improving the Quit Rents for North and South Carolina, and contains general proposals and complaints concerning the inefficiency of colonial administration, and pleas for his salary. A Miscellaneous Essay with Respect to Our Great Boards, to the Exchequer and to America (1762) proposes and discusses various administrative reforms for the British government, including colonial administration. McCulloh discusses the theory and practice of the royal government and reviews its organization since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in "A Treatise Endeavouring to Demonstrate That Let Who Will Be Entrusted with the Direction or Management of Our Publick Concerns, They Will Be Liable to an Infinite Number of Misstakes and Inadvertencies in the Whole of Their Conduct Unless They Restore the Ancient System of Our Publick Boards, On the Doing of Which the Dignity and Safety of This Crown and Kingdom, Seem in a Great Measure to Depend."

Papers presented at the 2003 meeting of the Atlantic History Seminar, "Transatlantic Networks, 1500-1825."
Joanne McKay. "Arthur Dobbs and Henry McCulloh: Developing the Empire, 1725-1765"
This paper will focus on selected aspects of the lives and careers of Arthur Dobbs and Henry McCulloh, two intriguing figures who made valuable contributions, politically and economically, to the British North American Empire in the mid-eighteenth century. While in Ireland Dobbs, a landowner and a Member of the Irish Parliament, cultivated an extensive interest in the North American colonies, and when he undertook the practical implementation of his schemes for colonial development, he formed an alliance with Henry McCulloh, a prominent and wealthy London merchant. This paper will highlight the transatlantic nature of their careers and enhance awareness of Dobbs and McCulloh by identifying and assessing the nature of their interests in the British Empire—specifically the North American colonies—and the success of a selection of their colonial ventures from their own accounts and those of their network of contemporaries on either side of the Atlantic. [WP 03013]


BirthAbt 1700England, United Kingdom
MarriageAbt 1720Ireland - Mary Houston
MarriageAug 1749St. George's Church, Mayfair, England, Westminister - Penelope Eustace
Will31 Oct 1778Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom
DeathBef 16 Jun 1779England, Middlesex County, Chiswick, (near London)
Burial23 Jun 1779St. Nicholas Church, England, London, Chiswick Parish


SpousePenelope Eustace (1699 - 1767)
ChildHenry Eustace McCulloh (1738 - 1812)
ChildPenelope McCulloh (1742 - 1766)
SpouseMary Houston ( - 1732)
ChildJames McCulloh (1726 - 1749)
FatherJames McCulloch Esq. of Grogan, Scotland ( - 1724)
MotherJane "Jennet" Houston ( - )
SiblingJames McCulloh (1700 - 1745)
SiblingWilliam McCulloh of Piedmont (1700 - 1743)
SiblingLetitia McCulloh (1710 - )

