Individual Details

Caleb Hazel

(Abt 1756 - 1825)

Parents believed to be Richard Hazel and Monica Turley of Fairfax Co.,Virginia. Richard Hazel died rather young in 1772, his tiny estate confiscated for debts. The family dispersed and Caleb entered the Virginia Militia in 1775 and the Revolution the next year. He left the military in 1779 and remained in the area living with cousins. Caleb arrived in Nelson Co., Kentucky before 1785 from the Northern Neck region of Virginia. Nelson soon split off Hardin Co., so he lived most of his life in southern Hardin Co., today Larue Co. He did move to close-by Green Co., (near his cousins) during the first decade of the 19th century. He returned to his old farm in southern Hardin Co. after the death of his first wife in 1809. He remarried in 1816 to a Mary Stevens and appears in the 1820 census in Hart Co., but disappears there from the tax lists by 1822. Evidence has surfaced that he fathered a second family with Mary Stevens, perhaps's many as five more children before his decease beyond 1827.

Hardin Co., KY, DEED A 605-607 Caleb & Elizabeth Hazel 19 Aug 1800 to Henry Hall This indenture made this nineteenth day of August one thousand and eight hundred between Caleb Hazel and Elizabeth Hazell his wife of Hardin County of State of Kentucky of the one part and Henry Hall of Green County and state aforesaid of the other part. Witness that for an in consideration of thirty pounds to the said Caleb Hazel & Elizabeth in hand pain , the receipt of which they do hereby acknowledge they the said Caleb Hazell and Elizabeth Hazell his wife, hath bargained and ___ by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said Henry Hall all that track or parcel of land lying upon Knob Creek including where _____________ now lives containing one hundred acres and bound as follows to wit. Beginning at a large Sycamore tree standing in the forks of the fork knob Creek adn running thense south forty eight degrees east thirty seven poles and one tenth so_____ beech tree on the side of a hill, thense north forty two degrees west two hundred and ninenteen poles and three tenths to a dogwood white oak and maple tree on the south side of a point thence north forty eight degress___seventy three poles and one tenth to a Hickory white Walnut adn blue ash tree on the side of a hill, thence south forty five degrees, east two hundred and nineteen poles another three tenths to two dogwoods and a single tree on the side of a knob, thence south fourth eight degrees, east thirty seven poles to the beginning. To have adn to hold the said track or parcel of land with all it appurtenance houses, barnes, stables ___underwoods water way, tenements. To the said Henry Hall and his heirs forever, against the said Caleb Hazell and Elizabeth Hazell his wife their heirs __ or _____ to him the said Henry Hall and his heirs or Legal Representative forever. to their only proper use of behoof and they the said Caleb and Elizabeth doth covenant and agree to and with the said Henry Hall that they will _____ and forever defend the said hundred acres of land be it more or less with all its appurtenances as heretofor mentioned to the said Henry Hall and his heirs forever again the said Caleb Hazel and Elizabeth Hazell his wife and their heirs forever or against the claim or claims of any other person on person whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Caleb & Elizabeth his have hereunto set their hand and affixed their seals this day _____ above written. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us Benjamin Dewees? Caleb Hazel (his seal) Joseph Dewees? Elizabeth Hazel (her seal) Phoebe Dewees? Hardin County To all whom it may concern, I Benjamin Helm clerk of the county court forthe county aforesaid do make known that on the day of the date here of Caleb Hazell and Elizabeth his wife a party to this indenture personally appeared before me at my office and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deedd (she the said Elizabeth being examined by me seperate from and out of hearing of her said husband, declared that she made her said acknowledgment freely without the persuasion or threat of her said husband or the fear of his displeasure) and that I have recorded the same indenture in my office as required by law. Witness my hadn this ____day of Feb. 1801. Ben Helm


BirthAbt 1756Virginia, British America
MilitaryAbt 1775American Revolution
Marriage14 Feb 1783Nelson, Kentucky, United States - Elizabeth Hall Relis
Marriage1816Kentucky, United States - Mary Stevens
Death1825Union, Kentucky, United States


SpouseElizabeth Hall Relis (1761 - 1809)
ChildLydia Hazel (1790 - 1870)
ChildCaleb Hazel Jr. (1791 - 1854)
SpouseMary Stevens ( - )
