Individual Details

John Lovejoy

(15 May 1698 - 10 May 1758)

From The Townsman, Andover Historical Series, by Charlotte Helen Abbott.
No. 64, 8/27/1897, John Lovejoy's William
Transcription to electronic form by Jerry Hersey Lovejoy 7/14/1999,

No. 38 of this series, issued July 31, 1896, gives the history of the first of John Lovejoy's alliances with his neighbors, the story of the aged man's grief, and the placing of the farms of the several sons. John, grandson of the elder Lovejoy, who lived near the Downing estates on the hill side, about 1715 sold out to William Foster, the weaver, his share of the great division left him by his grandfather, lying near the Frye estates in North Parish, the most eastern of all the Lovejoy lands, and the mill pond and dam owned in common with his uncles, which seems now to be near the Osgood estates in Frye Village and possibly near the site of Hussey's laundry house.

This mill privilege, with buildings thereon, seems to remain in the hands of Henry Lovejoy's son William through a bequest from Dea. William, his grandfather, and lies I 1736 west of the Shawshin. Henry's land lay both sides the river, and a section in the centre on Roger's brook, and a lane reserved to the end of time was kept open for travellers to the corn mill of the Lovejoy's, in a sale of land to the blacksmith, David Holt, by the aged William just after his bequest to his grandson. So it seemed after all to be nearer the centre, and lying near a highway that led from the widow Hanna Abbott's to Ballard's mills, thus placing it nearer the Little Hope brook water power on Indian Ridge slopes. So for a long year I have tried to locate this tantalizing corn mill.

The family of John Lovejoy disappears from our records, his daughter Frances, brought up in the home of her uncle Ebenezer, marrying a Chelmsford Foster. To the Foster and Lovejoy marriages our homely (otherwise gifted) Abbott-Holt line owes what little beauty we have heired, and such representative types as our Dea. William Abbott of the South Parish and Dea. Ballard Lovejoy of the West are fair pictures of the comeliness of the old Lovejoy stock. The family of the Lawrences of Groton, the handsome men and women in the descent of Caleb Abbott and his wife Lucy Lovejoy will give the less favored kin among the Abbotts some idea of what they lost by passing by the Lovejoy belles for the more solid attractions of dowry with the Holt and Ballard girls. I myself am satisfied with my ancestors' choice of grandmothers, and the long life of both Holt and Lovejoy kin gives us time to finish what we plan, as a rule. But I am still in search of Lovejoy corn mill, owned by the four sons of John who staid to grind for the neighbors.

In 1760, widow Hanna Lovejoy, who, after the death of William, was with Capt. Joshua, the joint owner of the mill at that date, seems to be getting an income from it for about eleven years and her sons repair the building. All the rest of the large family of Henry, had gone north to Concord to fill the ranks of old Indian war officers, occasionally coming back for a wife, or a transfer of estate up there, for the privilege of learning a trade in busy Andover, as the generations passed on.

Martha Lovejoy started for Lunenburg with Jonathan Abbot, but came back to finish her days on the old Stephen David farm where the descendants still dwell. Our Lovejoys came and went in such an odd fashion that the present lines have birthplaces all over New England. Pembroke and York draw them away, and even Capt. Joshua wound up as a deacon at Sanbornton. Samuel, son of the old Lieutenant and Deacon William, happened to choose a Stevens, and the one son Isaac, thanks to her love of home lands staid at home. His sister Hanna married a Middleton Stiles; Debora, the exquisite housekeeper and orator, according to her descendant, the editor of the Ithaca, N. Y., Democrat, married John Phelps, went off to New York wilds early "scrubbing, her cabin floor till it fell into the cellar," and wearing equally thin the patience of her men folks with admonition. Mary went to Lunenburg with Isaac Bailey, these all left us. The line of William and Sara Frye with the Captain's honors, the tankards, old Pomp Lovejoy, and great estate came to Anne, wife of Zebadia Abbott, the trader, as I have told in No. 38, of the westside, and Phebe, wife of Isaac Abbott, on the east side of the Shawshin across which spread out the fair dowry. The old houses came to us in this line of William, to whose industry and judgment in trade we owe the fine holding of Samuel Locke, those that cluster near the West church on the Frye Village road, and the Whittier house, "Draper building," the Richardson estate, and a few other solid old houses built or bought in that line of Abbotts.

In 1771, widow Hanna (EVANS) Lovejoy with a family of eight, stops grinding corn and disappears from Andover records, and I will get their destination when a day at Salem is long enough. Isaac is well place on the west side of the Merrimac, with Debora Sheldon, on his father's homestead, with lands along Blanchard's Pond brook, and Capt. Joshua, the Revolutionary veteran yet to be, seems to have control of the Shawshin mill. An almanac among others kept over from 1745 to 1760 till Ezekiel Osgood emigrated to Blue Hill, Me., tells of the building of Joshua's new house in 1756 and the raising of the new mill in 1751. If some one can place these two old buildings, we have their age. May 5th, 1760, Ezekiel records , "My Danny fell into Lovejoy's mill pond and went through the mill wheel." Daniel grew up and died in Bunker Hill days a brave soldier, years after they had "catched fish at Lovejoy's mill once on the third week in February, 1751." Ezekiel Osgood lived on the site of the Town farm, which was his grandfather Christopher's estate, so the mill seems now to be wandering back down stream. Perhaps the new mill in 1751 was built on a new site.

Capt. Joshua's Lucy married Theophilus Frye, grandfather of our historian. T. C. Frye, and her children were born in the residence improved by Joseph W. Smith. Dorcas was the second wife of Capt. Benj. Ames and lived on the old estate on the cross road in West Parish near the Jewish cemetery, one of the old Chandler homes and about the oldest of them now standing. Chloe married John Poor in 1776 and it was a tradition that when a young girl she rode home from Salem with a little black boy on her saddle included among her purchases, and that he grew up to be the Salem Poor whose honorable service at Bunker Hill is given on page 324 of the Bailey History. I feel that Chloe, born in 1753, could not have raised a very small boy after she was old enough to go shoppinr on horseback to Salem; but I have no doubt her mother Lydia Abbott, born in 1723, daughter of Lieut. Henry Abbott, or Phebe Lovejoy, her aunt, the wife of Uncle Isaac Abbott, trader in Salem's day of foreign commerce. may have brought the baby home from the ship that had brought him to Salem port. He was probably part of Chloe's dowry, and won fame for her besides adding to the growing record of that faithful race of aliens, who had made our cause their own in both wars. They are our brothers indeed and I hope Pomp's Pond will long, remain the monument of another veteran who lived a freeman to the age of 102 after the death of Capt. William Lovejoy in 1752. Another link between Foster and Lovejoy kin so closely united was Rose, his wife, who was a servant of John Foster, on the old farm of "Master Billy."

Capt. Joshua died and his one boy toes to Amherst, N. H. leaving Mary as Widow Parker and a second marriage with Jonathan Cummings, Lydia who married Abiel Holt as the grandmother of the late Mrs. Elbridge G. Manning, to represent this line. So Isaac was the one to keep the name in Andover. He lived up on the Merrimac near the family of Wm. Worse and Phebe Bodwell, and with the exception of Lydia who married Palfrey Downing and William who married Mary Dane, the connection was mainly with the new family from Newbury who were planted in Methuen across the ferry. Isaac and Mary Morse, Bodwell and Sally Poor lived many years on the river road near the Shattuck estates. William Callahan, Peter Parker, and Israel Johnson all went away with Lovejoy brides well known to our elders. Henry went to Amherst leaving William and Phebe Stiles, the father of Stephen A. Lovejoy, born 1835, the last of this line on our voting list. Harriet, wife of John Bodwell of Methuen, near 80, also represents this family line. In another sketch will be traced more of the heirs to a good name. C.H.A.


Birth15 May 1698Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, British America
Marriage25 Jun 1722Andover, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Hannah Foster
Death10 May 1758Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, British America


SpouseHannah Foster (1702 - 1774)
FatherEbenezer Lovejoy (1673 - 1760)
MotherMary Foster (1673 - 1763)
SiblingEbenezer Lovejoy Jr. ( - )
