Individual Details

William Barber Jr.

(7 Aug 1673 - 7 Jun 1721)

1694-1697 Richmond Co VA Orders; Antient Press: (Page 12)
Richmond County Court 6th of September 1694
- And the said WILLIAM BARBER JUNR. and JOYCE his Wife Complts came into this Worshipfull Court of Chancery and by their sd Council did pray that the said WILLIAM THORNBURY Defendant might depose upon the Holy Evangelists to the Truth of the several! matters contained in the said answer exhibited in this Worshipful' Court to the Complts. Bill, And the said WILIIAM THORNBURY Defendant deposed as aforesd. And the sd WILLIAM BARBER JUNR. and JOYCE his Wife, Complts. for replication say that they will maintain and justify their said Bill of Complt , into this
Worshipfull Court exhibited and every matter and thing therein contained to be certain true and sufficient in the Law to be answered unto by the said Defendant and not devised and exhibited into the Worshipfull Court of any malice evie will but upon just cause conceived against the said Defendant as the said Defendant in his answer hath truly alleadged. And for further replycation say as in and by their Bill in this Worshipfull Court exhibited is sett down and expressed (Vitt.? That the accrues due to the said JOYCE the moyetie of all and singular the goods and chattles of the said JOHN ROBINSON on Accot. of which the said Defendant refuses to render and also the said Complts. say as in and by their Bill of Complt., (to wit) that he the said Defendant by the space of Fifteen years last past hash received the Rents issues and profits of a Plantation of the Freehold and Inheritance of the said JOYCE by virtue of the Last Will and Testament of the sd ROBINSON deceas'd. without that the Defendant hath expended the sum of Twenty nine thousand four hundred and ten pounds of tobacco for the good and benefitt of the said Land or without that the said Defendant hath accounted for and paid to Mr. SAMUEL BAYLY the said moyetie of the said goods and chattles of the said JOHN so devised to the said JOYCE which by his answer he hath untruly suggested all which the said Complts. are ready to aver and justify and therefore say as in and by their Bill &c. Whereupon the said WILLIAM THORNBURY Defendant by his Council. WILLOUGHBY ALLERTON prayed time to rejoyne till the next Court held for this County which was accordingly granted


Birth7 Aug 1673North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia
Will10 Mar 1719North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia, British America
Death7 Jun 1721North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia


SpouseJoyce Bayley (1676 - 1721)
ChildJoyce Barber (1712 - 1778)
