Individual Details

Job Parker

( - )

a Quaker

James McCulloch to Mary McCulloch
Trust of 25 Oct 1755

Sally Koestler, email 25 February 2008

Raymond Parker Fouts’ "Following the Land" p 157/8
Mrs. Fouts’ extracts from Chowan County NC Deed Book R #2:484-486. She says:

On 1 August 1770, Job Parker was disowned for "marrying out of society" in Perquimans Monthly Meeting. His first wife's name is not mentioned in the Quaker records, but it is revealed in a Chowan County deed from Job Parker to Joseph and Elizabeth Margaret Meredith of Hampton VA.

This deed is incorrectly listed in the Chowan County Grantee Index as "James McCulloch to Mary McCulloch." It is extracted here:

"Whereas in consideration of a decree of the high Court of Chancery in Great Brittain, James McCulloch of Camrly[?]1 in the kingdom of Ireland esquire became possessed as surviving trustee of the principle of £ 797.12.1 Stirlg new South sea Annuity the 25th day of October 17552 which sum he held in trust to pay the dividends and interest thereof to Mrs. Mary McCulloch wife of Henry McCulloch esquire formerly secretary of the province of North Carolina for her life for her seperate use and after her death to pay such dividends and interest to the said Henry McCulloch for his life in case he should survive her and after the death of the survivor of them then the principal to be divided among the children of the said marriage and whereas the children of the said marriage were Henrietta Mary McCulloch [now married to Mark Brownrigg] Dorothy Beresford McCulloch now married to Jordan White, Elizabeth Margaret McCulloch [now married to Joseph Meredith of Hampton in Virginia] and Penelope McCulloch who married Job Parker under mentioned and died in the year 1772 having one child who afterwards died, and whereas by the death of the said James McCulloch the arrears of the said principal sum dividends and interest came into the hands of William McCulloch of the City of Dublin esquire as representative of the said James McCulloch his brother and a considerable part of the money yet remains due by the account stated by the said William McCulloch that on 20th of April 1776 there was due the sum of £1309.16.3] and the said Job Parker undermentioned conceives himself entitled to receive his wife's share of the principal sum, dividend and interest due at the time of her death, the said Job Parker doth therefore for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds currant money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Joseph Meredith [husband of the above mentioned Elizabeth Margaret] at or before sealing or delivery of these presents [the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom entirely acquit and discharge the said Joseph Meredith and Elizabeth Margaret his wife and also for divers good causes and considerations hereunto moving, grant bargain and sell assign and set over to the said Joseph Meredith and Elizabeth his wife all the share, interest, concern of him the said Job Parker, either as husband of the said Penelope or as representative of the child of him and the said Penelope above mentioned or any part thereof and all the estate, right, title, claim and demand whatsoever which he hath in & to the same or any part thereof to have and to hold... In witness Whereof the said Job Parker hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six.
Job Parker [seal] sealed & delivered in the presence of H. Bond, E. Norfleet; State of North Carolina, Chowan County March Term 1786 Present the worshipfull Justices
The within deed was duly proved by Henry Bond one of the subscribing witnesses.
Ordered that it may be registered
Test Lott Burnstie[?] C C
Registered Wm. Righton Regr.

Penelope Parker's estate was still in the legal system as of 26 March 1788 when Joseph Meredith submitted the following document: "Inventory of Penelope Parker's estate according to my calculations is four hundred and twenty seven pounds one shilling & nine pence three farthings Sterling money and now in the hands of William McCulloch Esqr of the City of Dublin, March 26th 1788. Joseph Meredith was Penelope's administrator.
Penelope Parker was more likely dead late in 1771 as Job Parker "condemned his outgoings" and was reinstated in Perquimans Monthly Meeting on 1 January 1772. . . .

 This is probably the townland Calmy McCulluagh in Newtown Hamilton Parish, southern Armagh County, northeast of Dundalk, County Louth. The town’s name is written Calmy, Calmey, Caolmy, or Camdey. James McCulloh, eldest son of William McCulloh of Piedmont, and grandson of James McCulloch of Groggan inherited Piedmont on the death of his father in 1743, by 1773 James Iredell receives from him a copy of the early genealogy of the McCulloch’s and states that he is “James McCulloh now of Camdey, a bachelor”. From this deed it would appear that he was dead by 20 Apr 1776, when the trust passed to his younger brother William McCulloh. The will of William McCulloch of Camoly was recorded in 1800.  
  Secretary Henry McCulloch wrote his will on 25 Oct 1755 and died on 27 Oct 1755. The will was probated in Nov 1755.


SpousePenelope Martha McCulloch (1754 - 1771)