Individual Details

Vernon Prouty

(7 Jun 1834 - )

Vernon Prouty, a leading agriculturist and stock-raiser of Spencer, son of John N. and Melinda (Luther) Prouty, was born on the farm he now occupies, June 7, 1834. His paternal grandfather, Thomas, was a son of Isaac Prouty, who was the first of the family to settle within the limits of the town of Spencer. The father, who died in 1848, spent his lifetime in Spencer, residing on the farm his son Vernon now occupies. He was well acquainted both in this and the adjoining towns, and where ever he was known he was respected and admired. In politics an old-time Whig, he was for several terms a Selectman. His wife, Melinda, was also born in Spencer. Of their children, four are living; namely, Thomas A., Melinda A., Isaac L., and Vernon. Melinda married John Rockwood, of Worcester.
Vernon Prouty received the education afforded by the public schools of a half-century ago. Since then he has been a close student of public affairs, both in politics and social life, and to-day is well informed on all topics of general interest. He has spent his active life in agriculture, for which his early training on his father's farm had adequately prepared him. Besides carrying on general farming he makes a speciality of breeding and raising graded Durham cattle. His farm, containing one hundred and twenty acres of land, is kept in an excellent condition. In politics Mr. Prouty is a Republican.


Birth7 Jun 1834Spencer, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States


FatherJohn Nazro Prouty (1794 - 1848)
MotherMelinda Luther (1796 - )
SiblingThomas Austin Prouty (1822 - 1903)
SiblingMelinda Adeline Prouty (1824 - 1904)
SiblingTheodore C. Prouty (1827 - )
SiblingIsaac Lothrop Prouty (1831 - 1904)
