Individual Details

Charles R. Prouty

(4 Apr 1833 - )

Charles R. Prouty, a thoroughgoing and prosperous agriculturist of West Brookfield, son of Homer R. Prouty, was born in North Brookfield, Mass., April 4, 1833. The father was born, bred, and educated in Spencer, Mass. When a young man he taught school for several winters. After his marriage he began farming at Waite's Corners in North Brookfield, where he was successfully engaged Agricultural pursuits and in manufacturing woollen goods for many years. Taking a deep interest in the welfare of the town of his adoption, he was active in the management of local affairs, and served as Assessor for several years. He died in September, 1877, at a good old age. One of his brothers, Isaac Prouty, was the founder of the extensive shoe manufactory at Spencer known as the Prouty Shoe Shop, supposed to have been at that time the largest plant in the world. Homer R. Prouty married Nancy Allen, of Spencer, Mass., who bore him several children. Of these, three survive, namely: Charles R., the subject of this sketch; Henry M., a resident of Hardwick, Mass.; and Homer D., a resident of North Brookfield.
Charles R. Prouty left school while yet of school age, to enter a shoe shop, where he was afterward engaged in pegging shoes until he was about seventeen years old. Since then he has given his attention to agriculture in all its branches. In 1856 he removed to West Brookfield with his newly-won bride. Six years after, he purchased his present farm, which compares favorably wit any in this vicinity. Since coming here he has been actively identified with all the leading movements of special value to the town. He has served wisely as Assessor of West Brookfield for ten years and as Overseer of the Poor for one term. In politics he is a stanch Republican. He joined the local Farmers' Club soon after its organization, was its president for one year, and for a long time one of its executive committee. He is a member of the Congregational church.
On March 19, 1856, Mr. Prouty married Susan, daughter of Joseph W. and Ann (Shaw) Wood, of West Brookfield. The only child born of this union is Albert S. Prouty, of West Rutland, Mass. He married Emma J. Newton, and they have three children- Leonard A., Katie B., and Grace M. Mrs. Prouty and her brother, Charles W. Wood, of this town, are the only survivors of her parents children.


Birth4 Apr 1833North Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage19 Mar 1856Worcester, Massachusetts, United States - Susan Wood
Census (family)16 Jun 1870West Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States - Susan Wood
Census (family)5 Jun 1900West Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States - Susan Wood


SpouseSusan Wood (1833 - )
ChildAlbert S. Prouty (1857 - )
FatherHomer Ramsdell I Prouty (1796 - 1876)
MotherNancy Allen (1800 - 1875)
SiblingIsaac T. Prouty (1821 - 1877)
SiblingJohn H Prouty (1830 - )
SiblingLucius M Prouty (1832 - )
SiblingAlphonso W Prouty (1836 - )
SiblingGeorge S Prouty (1838 - )
SiblingHenry Mirich Prouty (1840 - )
SiblingDwight Homer Prouty (1843 - )

