Individual Details

Needham Bryan

( - )

of Bertie Co.

with a date of 1751 and in Bertie, this is could be this Needham Bryan, or a relation --

Bertie COUNTY Deeds Stephenson,George to Bryan, Needham-1751 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris G377 Bertie George STEPHENSON (STEVENS) to Needham BRYAN To al people to whom thee preent shall come send Greeting. Know ye that I George STEVENSON of Edgecomb County for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen pounds to me in hand paid at and before the ensealing hearof and the delivery of these presents by the recept whearof do hearby acknowledge have and by these presents doe firmly freelyand absolutely give grant bargain sell alien ensealle relese covay and confirme unto him the said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever all that my plantation track of land situating ling and being in Bartie County of the southside of Flage Runs containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less begining at three maples in the main branch of Flagge Run thence along a line of marked trees to William BRYANS line thenSo 12 to 96 pole to the center of three trees William BRIANS corner thence so15 w 130 poles to the senter of three trees thence no 15 e 289 pole to the senter of three trees thence along John HARELS loyn to Flagge Run thence up Flagg Run to the first station the said land is part of a bottom which was granted to George STEVENSON which patten bear date the first day of Feburary in the year of our Lord one thousdand seven hundred and twenty five- To have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the apputenances priveleges and commodities to the said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use benefit and behofe forever and I the said George STEVENSON my my heirs exe' adms doe covenant promise and grant to and with the sd Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns that before the insealing hearof I am the hew? sole and lawfull owner of the above bargained premises and am lawfully seized and possesed of the same in any own proper right as a good perfect and absolute estate of Inheritance in fee simple and have in any self good right full poer and lawfull authority to grant bargain sail convey and confirm the said bargained premises in manner as above and that the said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times by force and virtue of these presents lawfully peaceable and quietly have hold use occupie posess and enjoy the said demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonrated and discharged from all and all manner of other gifts grants bargains sails leases mortigures will entails joyntours dowries indgments executions incumbrances and extents furthermore I the said George STEVENSON for myself my heirs exes adms doe covenant and engage the above demised premises to himthe said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns agains the lawfull claimer or demands of any person or persons whatsoever heareafter to warant secured and defend the above demised premsises unto him the said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns. In witness whearof I hearonto set my hand and fix my seal 28 July 1751. George A. STEVENSON John SMITH Henry HORN Seward PERRITT August Court 1751


ChildElizabeth Bryan (1690 - )