Individual Details

Richard J. Wynne

(1 Jan 1872 - )

From "The History of North Washington" Published 1904 Transcribed by: Candy Grubb ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHARD J. WYNNE Richard J. Wynne is one of the native sons of Stevens county, being born in Colville on January 1, 1872, the son of John and Nettie (Geer) Wynne, natives of Ohio and Oregon, respectively. The mother comes from a very prominent family of Oregon, being a cousin of Governor Geer and also a cousin of Captain Sanburn and Captain Archie Geer. Our subject is one of twelve children. His father was accidentally shot in 1885 and died soon thereafter. He was one of the early settlers of Washington and a prominent placer miner; the mother now lives in California. Richard was educated here in Colville, and although his facilities for study were scanty, yet he improved them to good advantage. At the age of fifteen he began herding cattle, continuing the same until he was twenty-one years old. Then he wrought in the Old Dominion mine four or five years, after which he prospected in Rossland and later upon the north half of the Colville reservation. He has recently disposed of some of his mining interests at Republic. From mining, Mr. Wynne turned to farming and took a homestead, which, added to twenty-five acres he owns adjoining the city of Colville, gives him an estate of one hunred and eighty-five acres. This is all cultivated and is a good dividend producer annually. In 1901 Mr. Wynne bought a dairy of fourteen cows and since then has been conducting the same successfully. In 1899 Mr. Wynne married Miss Nora, daughter of George H. and Sarah F. (Prouty) Staves, natives of Iowa, and emigrants to Colville in 1890, where they now live. Two children are the fruit of this union, Nola L., deceased, and Norris H. Mr. Wynne is a Republican and always manifests interest in the affairs of the county and state. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and the W.W. Mr. and Mrs. Wynne are both members of the Catholic church.


Birth1 Jan 1872Colville, Stevens, Washington, United States
Marriage1899Stevens, Washington, United States - Nora Staves


SpouseNora Staves ( - )
ChildHoward Wynne (1903 - )
FatherJohn Wynne ( - 1885)
MotherNettie Geer ( - )