Individual Details

Lucretia Barfield

(Bef 1814 - )

Lucretia is mentioned as a granddaughter of Lewis B in 1814, as Lewis and Wright are listed, maybe there was another deceased son. The 1800 census does list 2 young (10-16) males living with Lewis B. with Lewis Jr. having his own household.

If the witness to this deed is granddaughter Lucretia (females could witness deeds as young as 12) that would make her born at least by 1778. This doesn't seem to fit a granddaughter. Maybe Lewis B's wife was named Lucretia?
Lewis Barfield To Anthony Jones Deed 12 February 1790
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book E Page 178, 179, & 180

Lewis Barfield To Anthony Jones

Deed 150 acres

This Indenture made this twelth day of Febuary and In the year of ou Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Between Lewis Barfield of the State of No. Carolina and County of Duplin planter of the one part and Anthony Jones of the County of Duplin and state aforesaid planter of the other part Witnesseth that the said Lewis Barfield do for and In consideration of the sum of fifty pounds specie to me in hand paid before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Anthony Jones the receipt whereof I the said Lewis Barfield Doth hereby confess myself fully satisfied and paid and of Every of part and parcel thereof Doth acquit exonerate and Discharge him the said Anthony Jones his Heirs and assigns forever and further more I the said Lewis Barfield doth give grant Bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Anthony Jones his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one Hundred and fifty acres lying and being in the state an county aforesaid on the East side of the North East River and on the south side of Burncoat swamp on both sides of the main Road Begining at a pine in the said swamp thence along Lewis Barnes line So. 25 Et. 160 poles crossing the Road & branch to a pine said Barnses corner thence North 65 Et. 150 poles to a black jack thence crossing the road north 25 Wt. 160 poles to a stake 6 sticks from the Land in the marsh thence Down the Marsh & swamp So. 65 West 150 poles to the first station the said Land pattened by Anthony Patrit bearing Date the twelth day of November & in the Ninth of our Independance and in the year of ou lord Christ one Thousand 7 hundred & eighty four & set over to the said Barfield by deed will appear & now purchased again the said Anthony Jones his heirs executors Admrs. or assigns for ever to have & to hold use occupy & enjoy the said bargained land & premises to their only proper use benefit & behoofe & further more I the said Lewis Barfield do for myself my heirs exec. admrs. warrant & forever defend ye above bargained Land & premises unto the said Anthony Jones his heirs Execrs. admrs. or assigns forever against the lawful claim of me or any person or persons whatsoever in as full & ample a manner as any right contains in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and date first above mentioned signed sealed & delivered Signed sealed and Delivered
In the presence of Lewis Barfield
George Smith senior
Lucretia Barfield

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791

Then was the within Deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.


BirthBef 1814North Carolina, United States


FatherBarfield ( - 1814)
