Individual Details

Needham Bryan

(23 Feb 1690 - 2 Jan 1770)

Col. Needham Bryan came with his parents to N. C. about the year 1722, and settled in Bertie County until 1767. He was Justice of the Peace there in 1732, 1739, 1745 and 1746 and a member of the assembly from 1750-1759, representing Johnston County. His will, dated dated 23-Sep-1767 and probated in 1770 mentions his wife Sarah, and sons Needham and William. Sarah was his third wife. Needham and all three wives are buried at Snowfield, Bertie Co.
An excerpt from a Bryan/Bryant entry on pp. 490/491, "Genealogies of Virginia Families" from the Charleston (SC) County Public Library.

"Needham Bryan Sr., son of William Bryan, was born in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, on February 23, 1690, and later moved to Snowfield, in Bertie County, North Carolina. On November 11, 1711, he married Annie Rombeau. On August 24, 1732, he married Susannah Harrell, who died in 1752. His third wife was Sarah Woodward. (N.C. Hist. and Gen. Reg., I, 4, p.577.) On March 30, 1721, he patented 640 acres on the Moratuck River (N.C. Colonial Records, II, p. 426.) On May 8, 1731, he was a Justice of the Peace for Bertie County (idem, III, pp. 223, 437.) He left 1. Rachel Bryan married on November 6, 1741, William Whitfield. 2. Needham Bryan Jr. married Nancy Smith, daughter of John Smith and Elizabeth Whitfield. 3. William Bryan.

17 Feb 1713 - NEEDHAM BRYAN and Anne, of Upper Parish of Nansemond County, VA, sold 270 acres near the NE line dividing Nansemond and Isle of Wight County,for 1800 pounds of Tobacco, to brother John Bryan.
(Isle of Wight Co Book 2, p.265--Recorded 25 Mar 1713).
30 Apr 1721 - NEEDHAM BRYAN patented 640 acres in the new precinct of Bertie County, NC Acreage was on the Rodquist (Moratuck River) later Judson Creek, which he named "Snowfield". Needham and Anne moved to North Carolina about 1722 along with his father and mother.
1729-1730 - NEEDHAM BRYAN was the Church Warden for his Society Parish.
8 May 1731 - NEEDHAM BRYAN was elected Justice of the Peace for Bertie County, and the records show his continuing court appearances through 1749, meetings being held at Cashy Bridge Court House.
Sep 10, 1742 - Theophilus Williams to Jethro Butler Sep 10, 1742. 25 pds for 500 A " be laid out according to the will of Thomas Busby..." On NES Morattuck River at Beaverdam Branch adj Robert Melton. Witnesses: Needham Bryan, John Campbell, Stephen Blackman. Feb Court 1742 (BK F PG 395 )
1745 - NEEDHAM BRYAN was elected Sheriff and Commissioner for Bertie County.
1750 - 1759 - NEEDHAM BRYAN was a Member of the House of Assembly in 1750 to 1759, and Chairman of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Session.

Bertie County NC Deed: William GRAY to Needham Bryan - 1726
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris
B131 Wm GRAY to Needham BRYAN 1726

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come I William GRAY of Bertie Prec. Gent. In the name of God everlasting send greeting Now Know yee that I the said Willm GRAY for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds to me in hand paid by Needham BRYAN of the afresd Prect planter the receipt whereof I do hereby acknow and for divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto moving have bargained sold aliens ens___? and confirmed and by these presents doe bargain sell aliene en___? and confirm unto Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever acertain plantation and part of a tract of land know by the name of Snowfield containing two hundred and ten acres of ye sd tract lying in the woods betwixt Cashay and Morrattock, beginning at a water oak in Flint Pocosan turning? thence with one of the lines of the survey which crosses Falling Run in several places So25 ds wt320 pole to a small hickory a corner of sd survey standing of wt side of Falling Run then along another of ye survey lines No 60ds wt 100pole to ye center of three white oaks in the line then No25 ds Et 214 pole to a large sweet gum standing in
a slash or branch then down ye several courses of ye slash to a water oak standing
in ye slash near ye path then No 70 ds Et 50 pole to a red oak standing on Alligater Marsh thence to the first station, to the use and behoof of him the said Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever Together with all ye rights priviledges and Immunities to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining. To have and to hold ye sd plantation and percil of land unto the sd Needham BRYAN his
heirs and assigns forever and I the said Wm GRAY my Heirs Exr and Adm do covenant
promise and agree to and the ye sd Needham BRYAN his heirs Exec and Assigns by these presents that sd Needham BRYAN his heirs Exe and assigns may have hold occupy possess and enjoy ye sd plantation where he now lives
and percil of land and all the rights privileges and immuniteies forever with out
ye let suite trouble eviction or molestation of or from me ye sd Wm GRAY my heirs Exe or assigns or of or from any other person persons claiming by or under me or them or any or either of them and I the sd Wm GRAY do for myself my heirs Exe and Adm further covenant promise and agree with the sd Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns by these presents and I Wm GRAY my heirs Exe and Adm shall and will ye sd plantation and percill of land ag__? all or any person or person claiming any right title or interest therein to or to any part or percill thereof unto the sd Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever warrant and defend. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal __th day of May and in twelveth year of
ye reign of our sovreign Lord George Britain France and Ireland King and in the year
of our Lord God 1726.
Wm GRAY seal
In the presence of
J Wm Jon?


Birth23 Feb 1690Isle of Wight, Virginia, British America
Marriage16 Nov 1711Anne Rambeau
Marriage14 Aug 1732Susanna Harrell
Marriage20 Jun 1753Sarah Woodward
Will23 Sep 1767Bertie, North Carolina, British America
Death2 Jan 1770Bertie, North Carolina, British America


SpouseAnne Rambeau (1695 - 1730)
ChildBryan ( - )
ChildBryan ( - )
ChildRachel Bryan (1723 - 1780)
ChildCol Needham Bryan Sr (1726 - 1784)
ChildWilliam Bryan (1724 - 1781)
SpouseSusanna Harrell ( - 1752)
SpouseSarah Woodward ( - 1776)
FatherWilliam Bryan (1655 - 1742)
MotherLady Alice Needham ( - 1729)
SiblingJohn Bryan (1692 - 1734)
SiblingWilliam Bryan (1694 - )

