Individual Details

Alexander Peronneau

(7 Jul 1709 - 22 Apr 1774)

2-173=EE-154 21 & 22 Jan 1747 Lionel Chalmers, surgeon, of Christ Church Parish, Berkeley Co., & Martha his wife (lately Martha Logan, niece & devisee of patrick Logan, gentleman, son & devisee of col. George Logan, Esq., all of same place), to Alexander Peronneau, merchant, of Charleston, for £2250 currency, 460a on SE side Wando River. Whereas William, Earl of Craven, Palatine, & the Lords Proprs. on 11 May 1699, by the Hon. Joseph Blake & other trustees, granted Francis Gracia 460a, English measure, in Berkeley Co., bounding NNW on Wando River; NE on a creek; SE on the creek; W & SW on George Logan; & whereas Francis Gracia & Elizabeth his wife by deed of feoffment dated 18 Oct 1708 conveyed the 460a to George Logan; who, by will dated 18 Mar 1719 bequeathed the tract to his son Patrick Logan with the proviso that should Patrick die without issue then daughter Helen to inherit; & whereas Patrick died without heirs but by will dated 18 Oct 1726 bequeathed to his niece Martha Logan, Jr. (daughter of Martha Logan); now Martha Chalmers, party hereto, the residue of his real & personal estate; & whereas after Patrick's death doubts arose as to the validity of the devise in George Logan's will; to remove such doubts Helen & her husband, Robert Daniel, by L & R dated 31 Jan & 1 Feb 1727 conveyed the 460a to Thomas Cooper, Esq., of Charleston, who, by L & R dated 1 & 2 Mar 1727, for £500 currency, conveyed to Martha Logan, spinster, eldest daughter of George Logan; now she & her husband sell to Perronneau. Wit: Elizabeth Pinckney, The Hon. Charles Pinckney. Before William Pinckney, J.P. John Beale, Register.

2-316=OO-187 8 & 9 May 1749 Robert Daniel, planter, to Anthony Bonneau, planter, both of Berkeley Co., for £900 SC money, 590a in Berkeley Co., bounding S on Messrs. Berrisford, Samuel Wells, Joseph Warnock & Anthony Bonneau; E on Isaac Guerin & Anthony Bonneau; N on Lewis Mouzon, Sr., & John Lesesne; W on John Lesesne & Alexander Peronneau. Whereas the Lords proprs. granted John Russ, planter, of Berkeley Co., 590a in Berkeley Co., which he bequeathed to his son Thomas Russ; who sold to Robert Daniel, father of Robert Daniel, party hereto; who by will dated 1 Jun 1732 bequeathed his real & personal estate, except as excepted, to his son Robert; now he sells the land to Bonneau. Wit: Joseph Warnock, Samuel Drake, David Fogartie. Before Francis Lejau, J.P. william Hopton, Register.

3-214=A3-651 22 & 23 May 1759 William Vanderhorst, gentleman, of Christ Church parish, & Margaret his wife, to William Hopton, gentleman, of Charleston, for £4150 SC money, 2 adjoining tracts of 620a & 460a, English measure, total 1080a in Christ Church parish, on SE side Wando River, bounding N & NW on the river; NE on a creek; SE on said creek; S on William Cleiland (formerly Thomas Lynch). Whereas on 6 Nov 1704 Gov. Nathaniel Johnson granted 620a, English measure, to Thomas Cary; who sold to George Logan, the eldest; who in 1719 devised the land to his eldest son & heir George Logan, Sr.; who, with his wife Martha, by L & R dated 20 & 21 Feb 1739 sold to Lionel Chalmers; who with Martha his wife, by L & R dated 4 & 5 Mar 1746, reconveyed to George Logan, Sr.; who on 22 Jan 1742 appointed his wife, Martha his attorney with authority to sell his land in SC; by L & R dated 1 & 2 Dec 1749, she sold to George Logan, Jr.; who with his wife Elizabeth, (also George Logan, Sr., & Martha his wife; & Lionel Chalmers & Martha his wife) by L & R dated 17 & 18 Dec 1753 sold to William Vanderhorst (Book SS-200-207) the 620a, then bounding W & N on Wando River; E on Francis Gracia & vacant land; S on Thomas Lynch; & whereas William, Earl of Craven, Palatine, on 11 May 1699, by the Hon. Joseph Blake, granted Francis Gracia 460a, English measure, bounding N & NW on Wando River; NE & SE on a creek; W & SW on vacant land' & whereas Francis Gracia & Elizabeth his wife on 18 Oct 1708 sold the 460a to George Logan; who by will dated 18 Mar 1719 bequeathed to his son Patrick Logan (but in case of Patrick's death, then to daughter Helen); & whereas patrick died without issue, but by will dated 18 Oct 1726, bequeathed the residue of his real & personal estate to his niece, martha Logan, Jr., (now Martha Chalmers), daughter of Martha Logan; & whereas doubts arose as to the validity of the will of George Logan, grandfather of Martha Chalmers (as to whether it was an absolute devise of the fee simple to Patrick or only as executory devise, with the remainder to testator's daughter Helen contingent upon Patrick's dying withouth issue; & consequently whether Patrick had power to devise to niece Martha Logan0 & to secure the premises to Martha the said Helen (Helen Daniel) with her husband Robert Daniel, by L & R dated 31 Jan & 1 Feb 1727 conveyed to Thomas Cooper of Charleston; who by L & R dated 1 & 2 Mar 1727 for £500 currency, conveyed to Martha Logan, spinster (Martha Chalmers), eldest daughter of George Logan; & whereas Lionel Chalmers, chirurgeon, & Martha (Martha Logan, niece & devisee of Patrick Logan) his wife, by L & R dated 21 & 22 Jan 1747 conveyed to Alexander Peronneau, merchant, of Charleston, (Bk EE-154-160); who with his wife margaret, by L & R dated 30 & 31 Aug 1757 conveyed the 460a to William Vanderhorst; now he sells both tracts to Hopton. Wit: John Moore, Arnuldus Vanderhorst. Proved by Vanderhorst 25 Feb 1764 before Benjamin Smith, J.P. Recorded 28 Feb 1764 by William Hopton, Register. Entered in Auditors Book F6 p. 85 & 86 on 1 May 1762 by Richard Lambton, Dep. Aud.

John Sealy, (1.Mr.) died 1773 in SC, will signed 28 Jul 1773 in St. Helena's Parish, Granville County, SC,
on my plantation during her widowhood. Dau. Elizabeth. Nephews: James Baggin Sealy, to be
apprenticed out to a bricklayer at 14 years; Joseph Sealy, son of John [Sealy]. Niece: Dorcas Sealy,
to be apprenticed to a mantua maker at 13 years. Mentions: children to be maintained and
educated out of estate; Alexander Peronneau; unborn child; residue of estate to “all my children
under age” Executors Thomas Rivers of Charles Town; Stephen Bull of Sheldon; John Bull at the
Oakatee. Witnesses: D. Desausure; Edward Ellington; McKelsall. D. 28 July 1773, P. nd R. nd,
page 40.


Birth7 Jul 1709Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Marriage7 Jun 1733Independent Congregational Circular Church, Charles Town, South Carolina, British America - Mary Pollock
Marriage23 Dec 1744Charles Town, South Carolina, British America - Living
Death22 Apr 1774Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, United States
BurialCircular Congregational Church Burying Ground, Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, United States


SpouseMary Pollock (1709 - 1741)
ChildJohn Peronneau (1734 - 1736)
ChildAlexander Peronneau (1735 - 1747)
ChildMargeret Peronneau (1738 - 1772)
ChildAnne Peronneau (1759 - )
FatherHenri "McHenry" Peronneau Sr (1667 - 1743)
MotherDesiree (1680 - 1740)
SiblingHenry Peronneau (1700 - 1754)
SiblingElizabeth Peronneau (1703 - 1773)
SiblingSamuel Peronneau (1711 - 1756)
SiblingCharles Peronneau (1712 - 1740)

