Individual Details

George Miller

(1730 - )

One George Miller married Margaret McCulloch, daughter of Henry McCulloch. Also, in the will dated September, 1766, Sarah Miller, widow of Richard Miller, late of Duplin Co., carpenter, wished her sons, George and Anthony Miller, to share property equally after debts and funeral expenses were paid. This was signed in the presence of William Houston, Benjamin Rhodes, and Ned Worley. (Book A, page 317, Duplin Co Court House, Kenansville)

Deed dated 10 Nov 1780, Book 7, page 217, Duplin County, NC, stated that George MILLER was a blacksmith and father of Mary MILLER.

Elizabeth Margaret might be the Margaret McCulloch who married George Miller, the ancestor of Dan Hicks.
"Little is known about this George Miller, but the tradition prevailed in the family that his family came to New Bern in 1709 with Baron Von Graffenreid. George Miller married Margaret McCulloh, a daughter of Henry McCulloh. They had two daughters, Mary and Sarah, and a son, Stephen (born 1758). George Miller was a captain in the N.C. Militia in the American Revolution and his son, Stephen, was a colonel in the militia and a captain in the Continental Army." ..."Colonel Stephen Miller married Winifred Whitfield, a daughter of Constantine and Barbara Williams Whitfield" ... from "Our Heritage" By Claude Moore.

Bob Epperson sent me notes that he put together describing why he believes that Henrietta Mary McCulloch was the wife of George Miller rather than Elizabeth Margaret McCulloch, who he believe to be the wife of William McGee (Magee).
He checked back to Abee's book and she seems to quote a letter of Henry E Faison dated 19 Mar 1932 (pg 240-241) as the basis of her belief that George Miller's wife was Margaret McCulloch. While Faison is a family well recognized in the area and well educated and therefore reliable, that reliability is only as good as memory lasts or a written record is available. Therefore, unless Faison were to say that he was quoting from an old family Bible or similar contemporary document, he thinks we have to give a lower credibility to his letter than a legal document recorded at the time and for the purpose of memorializing a event for legal reasons, where the degree of care taken for accuracy is greater.
See the copies of Henry McCulloch’s 1755 will and the deeds from Mary McCulloch, widow, to Wm McGee (Magee) upon which Bob bases his assignments of the names of the wives.
“Margaret” McCulloch and husband George Miller had a daughter named Mary and one named Sarah Elizabeth, but no record of a Margaret. Naming patterns usually would name the third daughter after the mother. There is no confirming evidence other than tradition, to say that Mrs George Miller’s first name is Margaret rather than Mary. However we have two legal documents that say Henry McCulloch’s daughter Elizabeth was the wife of William McGee and that her middle name was Margaret.

Children belonging to George and “Margaret” Miller were born between 1756 and 1775.

In 1786, a tract of 100 acres lying on the west side of North East River on lands of Dr. William Houston, was incorporated as the town of Sarecto. Charles Ward, John Hill, James Outlaw, Samuel Houston, David Murdough, GEORGE MILLER, and John Matchel were appointed commissioners “for the further designing, building, and improving the said town.” [North Carolina State Records, Vol XXIV, pp 846-847]


MarriageHenrietta Mary McCulloch


SpouseHenrietta Mary McCulloch (1746 - )

