Individual Details

Annis Prouty

(19 Jul 1801 - Jan 1871)

AUGUST 7, 1882.

The society met in Joslin's Hall in Poultney on Monday, August 7, 1882. at
two o'clock p. jr. Hon. Barnes Frisbie, president, in the chair.

Pewter Ciq).—'Sh-. H. N. Morgan of Castleton exhibited a pewter cup, and sent in
the following account of it:

This cup was handed down to the present owner through the following line, viz :
This cup was owned and brought to Vermont by Mr. Jacob Prouty, who lived in
Windsor, Vt., from his youth up to mature age when he moved from Windsor
to Granville, Washington county, N. Y., and bought the small farm known, fifty
years ago, as the Luther Arnold farm, better known now as A. E. Knapp"s row,
near Mr. Lee's. Jacob Prouty died in 1830, aged 79 years. The cup then came
into the possession of Abijah Prouty, who in his younger days bought the farm now
owned by Dr. H. P. Prouty, and erected a log house on the same, on the east side
of the highway, iinuu'farmer of good repute, both in wealth and, what is far better, in character. He
died iu July, 1853, aged 79 years. From Abijah Prouty this cup was transmitted
to his third daughter, who was born in the year of our Lord 18(K), July 19, on said
farm. Miss Annis Prouty became the owner of this cup after her father died and after she had been married many years to Mr. II. P. Potter of Granville, N. Y., before her death, which occurred Jan.
H. 1S71, being 71 years old. she gave this cup to her eldest daughter, Chloe Anu,
now Mrs. H. N. Morgan of Castleton, Vt., (Rutland Co.) who was born June, 1825. I take great
pleasure iu bringing this ancient relic before your society, with a perfect chain of
evidence of its age, way back to the year 1751, as far as I can get any authentic
proof of its existence. The shape of the cup, the solidity of the make up, com-
paied with some exhibited on former occasions at your tratherings, is sutticient
proof of its anticpnty. Compared with the one exhibited by Mr. Barbour of Ben-
son at your last meeting on Mason's Point produces as great a contrast as there
would be in comparing the old Tinmouth castings with the smooth, thin castings
in the rotary stove of fifty years ago, manufactured in Poultney by the late
Ilemy Stanley. Many who listen to this articde will remember distinctly the dif-
feience in the articles named, and can give testimony in its behalf. In not hav-
ing been a member of your society my interest was not awakened to its real-
worth until I accejtted an invitation from some of its suppcuters to attend at Ma-
son's Point. At first I declined, but finally, very reluctantly, consented to be
present at your picnic on Mason's Point ; and here let me rennirk, I learned then
and there the importance of the great work that you, ladies and gentlemen,
have undertaken. It is a work that every pers(ui of mature age in this country
sliould assist in bringing to p»'rfe«tii)n, not. iirihMps, f"!>v "iir i>v,u inmu di.iU-
benefit, but for the benefit of our offspring through all time to the latest generation.
Start your foundation on the riglit principle, "then the chanees «.n the strueture
wiieii liiiished will be complete.


Birth19 Jul 1801Granville, Washington, New York, United States
Census (family)1850Hampton, Washington, New York, United States - Henry P Potter
Census1855Hampton, Washington, New York, United States
Census31 Jul 1860Fort Ann, Washington, New York, United States
DeathJan 1871
MarriageHenry P Potter


SpouseHenry P Potter (1807 - 1855)
ChildChloe A Potter (1825 - 1891)
ChildAbijah Potter (1835 - )
ChildBetsey L Potter (1840 - )
FatherAbijah Prouty (1775 - 1853)
MotherAnna Lewis (1780 - 1842)
SiblingPolly Prouty (1798 - 1820)
SiblingSylvia Prouty (1799 - )
SiblingAnna Prouty (1803 - 1815)
SiblingLinus Eddy Prouty (1803 - 1881)
SiblingJames Lewis Prouty (1806 - 1880)
SiblingRachel Prouty (1807 - 1810)
SiblingPermelia (Pamela) Prouty (1808 - 1872)
SiblingCaroline B. Prouty (1810 - 1815)
SiblingAbijah Prouty Jr. (1812 - 1815)
SiblingAbia Prouty (1813 - 1815)
SiblingTryphena Malala Prouty (1813 - )
SiblingDaniel Prouty (1815 - 1820)
SiblingLevi Prouty (1816 - 1820)
SiblingSquire Prouty (1817 - 1820)
SiblingDelia Prouty (1819 - 1820)
SiblingBetsey A. Prouty (1820 - )
SiblingLevi Walker Prouty (1822 - 1898)
SiblingCaroline L. Prouty (1827 - 1830)
SiblingPolly Prouty (1829 - 1839)

