Individual Details

Francis Peabody

(Abt 1613 - 19 Feb 1697/98)

Francis Peabody Connection with John Pabodie of Duxbury Not Certain
"Savage suggested that this immigrant was 'perhaps son of John' [Savage 3:374, apparently meaning son of JOHN PABODIE 1637, Duxbury, who did name a son Francis in his will [MD 17:23, citing PCPR 2:2:41]. No records show any connection between the two men in New England. Banks proposed that Francis Peabody was from Nosely, Leicestershire, citing only 'Banks Mss.' as his authority (usually indicating only that the surname has been found in that parish) and linking Francis with John Pabodie and his son William [Topo Dict 91]. No reliance should be placed on this proposal."[1] (at Volume V (M-P), p. 408).
(See the talk page for a counter-argument.)
Wives and Children of Francis Peabody
"Given the conclusion that Francis Peabody moved from Hampton to Topsfield in 1650, we note that this was probably consequent to his second marriage, to the widow Mary (Foster) Wood, whose first husband died at Ipswich by 27 March 1649 [Dudley Wildes 173].
Since there are no records for the death of the first wife of Francis Peabody and his marriage to his second wife, some uncertainty remains as to allocation of his children to the two wives. In his will, he made bequests to his sons in the following sequence: John, Joseph, William, son-in-law [i.e., stepson] Daniel Wood, Isaac Jacob and Nathaniel. From depositions, we know that John was born about 1642 and Joseph about 1645 [EQC 5:422, 6:37], making them the oldest. From Topsfield vital records, we know that Jacob was born in 1664 and Nathaniel in 1669, making them the youngest. We conclude that in his will, Francis Peabody named his sons in birth order. The insertion of stepson Daniel Wood between the first three sons and the last three sons suggests that John, Joseph and William were with his first wife, Lydia, and that Isaac, Jacob and Nathaniel were with his second wife, Mary.
Francis Peabody then named his daughters in the following order Lydia Perley, Mary Death, Sarah How and Hepzibah Ray. Lydia was baptized at Hampton in 1640 [Hamp VR 1:3] and was clearly the oldest. We assume again that the testator named his daughters in birth order. This does not tell us, however, which of these daughters were with the first wife and which were with the second. The difficulty lies with daughter Mary, whose first child was born in 1670 (assuming that she was the only wife of John Death), which would suggest a year of birth about 1650, very close to the date of death of the first husband of the second wife of Francis Peabody, and also very close to the date of the family's move from Hampton to Topsfield, which, as noted above, may have been consequent to his remarriage. Since this daughter was given the same name as the second wife of Francis Peabody, we propose that she was the first child of the second marriage, recognizing that this conclusion could benefit from further evidence."[1] (at V:409-410).
Francis Peabody, in Anderson, Robert Charles; George F. Sanborn; and Melinde Lutz Sanborn. The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635. (Boston, Massachusetts: NEHGS, 1999-2011)
ORIGIN: Unknown.
MIGRATION: 1635 on the Planter (on 2 April 1635, "husbandman Franc[i]s Peboddy," aged 21, was enrolled as a passenger for New England on the Planter [Hotten 45]).
OCCUPATION: Husbandman [Hotten 45]. Planter [NLR 1:5]. Yeoman [ELR 7:142, 11:78, 13:25].
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admission to Hampton church prior to 18 May 1642 implied by freemanship. In the seating of the Hampton meetinghouse on 4 March 1649/50, "Fran[cis] Peabody" was in the "first seat among the men's seats and "Goody Pebody" was in the "first seat next Mistress Whelwrit" among the women's seats [GDMNH 55, citing "Town Book, pp 28-29"]. In 1684 when Joseph Capen was ordained minister at Topsfield, he compiled a list of men and women already in full communion at that time, and "Francis Peabody" was first in that list; his wife was not listed as a member [TopsHC 14:6].
FREEMAN: 18 May 1642 [MBCR 2:292].
BIRTH: About 1613 (aged 21 on 2 April 1635 [Hotten 45]; deposed on 24 June 1662 "aged about fifty years" [EQC 2:405-6]).
Francis Peabody, in Savage, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England: Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's Register. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1860-1862)
PEABODY, PAYBODY or PABODIE, FRANCIS, Hampton 1638, perhaps s. of John, came in the Planter, 1635, aged 21, was freem. 18 May 1642, m. Mary, d. of Renold Foster, had John, b. 1643; Joseph, 1644; William, 1646; Isaac, 1648; Sarah, 1650; Hepzibah, 1652; Lydia, 1654; Mary, 1656; Ruth, 22 May 1658, d. bef. her f.; Damaris, 21 Jan. 1660, d. same yr.; Samuel, 4 Jan. 1662, d. at 15 yrs.; Jacob, 28 July 1664; Hannah, 28 May 1668, d. soon; and Nathaniel, 29 July 1669; and d. 19 Feb. 1698. his wid. d. 9 Apr. 1705. The Genealog. Reg. II. 155, from wh. the foregoing is deriv. says, Sarah m. a How, prob. Ephraim or John, of Topsfield, whither the f. rem. bef. 1657. Hepzibah m. a Rea of Salem; Lydia m. Jacob Perley, wh. maybe error for a sec. or third generat.; and Mary m. John Death of Sudbury or Framingham.
Part of the Great Migration. This was the Planter's second voyage to New England under Nicholas Trerise.
Sailed: April 1635 from London, England under Mr. Nicol. Trarice (Nicholas Trerise)

Arrived: 7 Jun 1635 at Boston, Massachusetts.

Passengers: Francis Bushnell family - Nicholas Davis (servants James Hayward, Judith Phippen) - William Fellows - George & Jane Giddings (servant Thomas Carter, Michael Williamson)- Richard Haffield family - Job Hawkins - Francis Newcomb family - Thomas Olney family - Francis Peabody - Thomas Savage - Thomas Stansley - John Tuttle family (servant Nathan Haford) - Richard Tuttell family & mother Isabel - Willm. Tuttell family - Wm Wilcockson family - (among others)

Resources: Primary Sources: Passenger list from Totten Founders of New England, NEHGR 14:302




BirthAbt 1613
MarriageBef 1650Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Mary Foster
Death19 Feb 1697/98Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America


SpouseMary Foster (1624 - 1705)
ChildHepzibah Peabody (1656 - )