Individual Details

Edward J Putnam

(1845 - 1912)

Edward J. Putnam

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Birth: Jan. 9, 1845
Worcester County
Massachusetts, USA
Death: Feb. 6, 1912
Worcester County
Massachusetts, USA

Age 67 years, 28 days.

Son of John E. and Lucinda M (Muzzy) Putnam, both of Rutland.

A restraunteur.

13 May 1869 in Worcester, he married Henrietta Stockwell, daughter of Cyrus and Maria Stockwell, in a first marriage for both.

From the "Boston Herald," (Boston, Massachusetts), 7 Feb 1912:
Worcester, Feb 6 -- Stricken suddenly with acute indigestion while attending the service at the Old South Congregational Church in this city tonight.
Edward J. Putnam was taken in an ambulance to his home, where he died a few minutes later.
Mr. Putnam ws 67 years old and one of the most widely known business men in Worceser.
For many years he was the senior partner in the firm of Putnam & Thurston restraunt proprietors.
Their eating house on Main street was closed six years ago and both members of the firm retired.
Mr Putnam was a civil war vteran and prominent in Masonic circles. He leaves a widow.

Family links: 
  John E Putnam (____ - 1891)
  Lucinda Muzzy Putnam (1812 - 1890)
  Charles Edward Putnam (1871 - 1945)*
*  Reverse Relationships:] body=[This relationship was not directly added to this memorial. Rather, it is calculated based on information added to the related person's memorial. For example: if Joe Public is linked to Jane Public as a spouse, a reciprocal link will automatically be added to Jane Public's memorial.] fade=[on] fadespeed=[.09]" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 136); text-decoration: underline;">Calculated relationship

Worcester Rural Cemetery 
Worcester County
Massachusetts, USA
Created by: DaurRegt
Record added: Jun 04, 2013 
Find A Grave Memorial# 111756320




FatherJohn E Putnam (1812 - )
MotherLucinda Muzzy ( - )
SiblingWalter Augustus Putnam (1847 - )