Individual Details

Peter Herzberger

( - )

Lived in Hesse-Darmstad, Germany; Protestant; perhaps farmer
Arrived 5 July 1854 on Ship Adriatic from Liverpool to New York.
Hertzberg, John 36 (Age) M (Gender) Woolworker (Occup) Germany (Province) Ohio (Destination)
Eliza 28 F WLWKR Germany Ohio
Johan 3 M Child Germany Ohio

Dresshaer, George 55 M LABR Germany Ohio
Catherine 54 F LABR Germany Ohio
Catherine 23 F LABR Germany Ohio
Hannah 16 F LABR Germany Ohio
Johan 18 M LABR Germany Ohio

Miller, Michael 48 M Farmer Germany Ohio
Not sure about the Miller but that was Catherine Dressler's maiden name so wrote it down
From p 395 Germans to America
List of Passengers Arriving at US Ports, 1850-1855, Vol 7, May 1854-Aug 1854, Edited by Ira A Glazier and P. William Filby in 1989 by Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware


Birth, Germany


SpouseElizabeth Moog ( - )
ChildJohn Herzberger (1826 - 1899)