Individual Details

Richard Hutchinson

(1602 - 7 Dec 1682)

Of Salem Village (Eben p22).
Richard Hutchinson

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Birth: 1602
Newark and Sherwood District
Nottinghamshire, England
Death: 1682
Essex County
Massachusetts, USA

Richard was born about 1602 and died before 28 Sep. 1682 [date will proven].

He and Alice Bosworth were married 7 Dec. 1627 in Colgrave, Nottinghamshire, England. They emigrated to Salem in 1634.

He married [2] 27 Oct 1668, Susanna Archer; and [3] after 26 Nov 1674, Catherine/Sarah Standish.

His will was recorded in the Probate Office, Salem on 28 Sep 1682 and mentions: [1] daughter Abigail & Anthony Ashby; [2] daughter Hannah and Daniel Boardman; grand shildren Bethiah Hutchinson and Sarah Hadlock; blck servant Peter; sons-in-law, Nathaniel Putnam, Thomas Hale, James Hadlock, Daniel Boardman, Anthony Ashby; son Josph [sole executor]. It was signed by his mark.

His parents are Sir Thomas Hutchinson, Lord of Radcliffe and Alice Ingoldsby. [Need reference for her last name.]

Family links:
Susanna Archer Hutchinson (____ - 1674)
Alice Bosworth Hutchinson (1606 - 1668)*

Sarah Hutchinson Whipple (1624 - 1666)*
Elizabeth Hutchinson Putnam (1629 - 1688)*
Mary Hutchinson Hale (1630 - 1715)*
Joseph Hutchinson (1633 - 1716)*


Created by: L J Steuben
Record added: Jul 07, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 113470763
Susanna Archer Hutchinson

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Birth: unknown
Death: Nov. 26, 1674
Essex County
Massachusetts, USA

Samuel Archer married by 1657, Susanna _____; "Susana Archer" was admitted to Salem church on 31 May 1657 (although in the published church records this date is not certain); she married (2) Salem __ October 1668 Richard Hutchinson, and died Salem 26 November 1674. (Although this earliest reference to the wife of Samuel Archer comes years after his children were born, there is no indication that he had an earlier wife.)
They had four children: Hannah Dove, Samuel, John, & Bethia.

Family links:
Samuel Archer (1608 - 1667)*
Richard Hutchinson (1602 - 1682)*


Created by: Linda Mac
Record added: Apr 19, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 36038966
Richard Hutchinson migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640).

Came to Salem, MA from the town of North Muskham, Nottinghamshire, England in 1634 with his wife and 4 children. He was given a land grant in 1636 by the town and awarded him twenty acres more than the original grant in 1637. He was granted another parcel in 1654, and another in 1660. The land was located in the vicinity of Beaver Dam, now called Beaver Brook, running through Middletown into the Ipswich River. His wife Alice jointed the First Church of Danvers in 1636, he joined in 1647. His second wife was Susannah, widow of Samuel Archer. His third wife was Sarah, widow opf James Standish, of whose estate Richard was appointed administer 1 Apr 1679. His will was written 19 Jan 1679, proved 26 Sep 1682.

Richard Hutchinson, son of Thomas Hutchinson, was born 1602-03. In 1660 he deposed that his age was fifty-eight. He married at Cotgrave, county Nottingham, England, December 7, 1627, Alice Bosworth, probably daughter of Joseph Bosworth, of Southell, otherwise known as the cathedral church of Nottinghamshire. He was the immigrant ancestor and came to America in 1634 with his wife Alice and four children, and settled in Salem, Massachusetts. He had a grant of land from the town of Salem in 1636 and the next year a grant of twenty acres more, "provided he will set up a plough". It is said that at that time there were but thirty-seven ploughs in the entire colony. In 1654 he had another parcel of land granted him and in 1660 still another. This land was situated in the vicinity of Hathorne's Hill, Beaver Dam brook, now called Beaver brook, which runs through Middleton into the Ipswich river. He and his wife were members of the Salem church as early as 1636. He bought a farm of one hundred and fifty acres at Salem Village (Danvers) of Elias Stillman in 1748, and that was his homestead afterwards. He served on a committee of the town to survey Jeffrey's creek (now Manchester) and Mackerel cove. He married (second), in October, 1668, Sarah Standish, widow of James Standish, of whose estate Hutchinson was appointed administrator April 1, 1679. His will was dated January 19, 1679, and proved September 26, 1683. His widow married (third) Thomas Roots, of Manchester, whom she also survived. Children of first wife the first five born in England: 1 Alice baptized at North Muskham Nottinghamshire September 27 1628 died there the same year 2 Elizabeth baptized at Arnold August 30 1628 married Deacon Nathaniel Putnam of Danvers 3 Mary baptized at North Muskham December 28 1630 married Thomas Hale of Newbury Massachusetts 4 Rebecca born about 1632 married James Hadlock of Salem May 1658. 5 Joseph mentioned below 6 Abigail baptized December 25 1636 married Anthony Ashby 7 Hannah baptized at Salem April 12 1662 married Daniel Boardman 8 John born May 1643 married July 1672 Sarah Putnam.[1]
Richard Hutchinson, the fourth son and sixth child of Thomas and Alice, was born about 1602 or 1603. His baptism is not recorded the Parish Registers either at Newark or at Arnold, and probably took place elsewhere, after his parents had quitted the former place, and before they finally settled at the latter. Accident may some day reveal the exact spot, but any search for the record would be useless. He was married at Cotgrave in the county of Nottingham, on the 7th day of December, 1627, to Alice Bosworth. This name does again occur in the Cotgrave Registers, but the family of Bosworth resided at that time at Southwell, in the same county. She was probably the daughter of Mr. Joseph Bosworth, who was in some way connected with the celebrated collegiate church of Southwell, otherwise known as the Cathedral Church of Nottinghamshire. This presumption is strengthened by the fact that her first son was named Joseph, a new christian name in the Hutchinson family, and doubtless adopted in honor of her father. In about the year 1635, Richard Hutchinson, who appears to have resided at North Muskham in the county of Nottingham, emigrated to New England with his family, and settled in the town of Salem, then in the Colony and now in State of Massachusetts.
What confirms the presumption that Richard was born in 1602, and reduces it to a certainty, is his deposition, taken in court in June, 1660 on file in the County Court's office, of Salem Mass., viz.: June, 1660 -Cromwell versus Ruck- "The testimony of Richard Hutchinson, aged about fifty eagght." The earliest mention made of him is found in the Town Records of Salem, Mass., in 1636, about a year after his arrival in the Colony, when the town of Salem made him a grant of land; and in 1637, "It is ordered that Richard Hutchinson shall have twenty acres more than the grant already mentioned in the book of calculations, provided he will set up a plough;" and it is asserted that at that time there were but 37 ploughs in the entire colony. In 1654, he had another parcel of land granted him, and in 1660 still another. This land according to the deeds, was situated in the vicinity of "Hathorn's Hill," Beaver Dam brook, now called Beaver brook, which runs through Middleton into the Ipswich river.
His first wife Alice Bosworth, whom he married in England, was a member of the 1st Church of Danvers in 1636, and Richard joined in 1647, under the administration of the Rev. Francis Higginson. All of his children, seven in number, were by his first wife, four of whom were born in England. The date of Alice's death has not been ascertained. His second wife was Susannah, widow of Samuel Archer. He married her in October, 1668; she died the 26th of November, 1674. He married, thirdly, Sarah, widow of James Staudish, of whose estate Richard was appointed administrator, April 1, 1679. Richard's will was dated January 19, 1679, and proved September 26, 1682. He was consequently 80 years of age at his decease. He mentions in his will his children Joseph, Abigail, Hannah; his grandchildren Bethiah Hutchinson and Sarah Hadlock; and his sons-in-law Anthony Ashby, Daniel Boardman, Nathaniel Putnam, Thomas Hale and James Hadlock; and "lastly, I make my son Joseph Hutchinson, sole executor to this my last will and testament, enjoyning him, his heirs and assigns, to pay all my debts and legacies, and doe freely give unto him, his heirs or assigns, Peter, my servant, and all the use of my estate, both movable and imovable. This is my last will and testament made by me this 19th day of January in y year of our Lord 1679.[2]

Richard Hutchinson 9th mo 1682.
The will of Richard Huchinson of Salem, (no date) mention wife Sarah, son Joseph, son in law Anthony Ashby and my Daughter Abigail, his wife, my son in law Daniel Boardman, and my daughter Hannah, his wife, my grandchildren Betiah Hutchinson and Sarah Hadlock, each them 10 acres; to Black Peter, my servant, 5 acres. I give unto my sons in law, viz.: Nathaniel Putnam, Thomas Hale and James Hadlock, each 40s,: my son Joseph Hutchinson sole executor. Witnesses James Bayley and Joseph Mazary. Allowed 28 9 1682.
An Inventory of the above estate taken 25 of September '82 by John Putnam. Sen'r, and Joshua Rea Sen'r. Amount L134 14s 3d., and administration granted to Sarah, the relict, and Nathaniel Putnam, 24 of August 1682.[3]

His children by his first wife Alice Bosworth born in England before his emigration were as follows:
Alice, baptized at North Muskham in the county of Nottingham, on the 27th of Sept, 1628, and buried there in the same year.[4]
Elizabeth, baptized at Arnold (her grandfather's residence), on the 30th of August, 1629. She was a member of the First Church in Danvers, and married Nathaniel Putnam, deacon of said church, and a man of much influence in the church and town. She died in Danvers June 24, 1688-9.[5]
Mary, baptized at North Muskham, on the 28th of Dec., 1630. She was married 26th of May, 1657, to Thomas Hale of Newbury, Mass., and died October 22, 1688.[6] Conflict: Thomas Hale died October 22, 1688. Mary died December 8, 1715.[7]
Rebecca, born in England about 1632. She married Mr. James Hadlock, of Salem, Mass., May, 1658.[8]
Joseph, (of whom hereafter).[9]
It is uncertain whether the last two children were born and baptized at North Muskham, or at some other place where their parents may have temporarily resided previous to their emigration to New England. The Parish Registers of North Muskham, prior to the year 1700, are not in existence, and the dates already given were obtained from the Transcripts in the Bishop's Registry at York. These Transcripts are also very imperfect, and those for the years 1631 to 1635 are missing entirely. The probability is, however, that these two children were also born and baptized at North Muskham. Richard and Alice Hutchinson, after their arrival in New England, had three other children, viz.:[10]
6. Abigail, baptized 25th of December, 1636, at Salem, Mass. subsequently married Mr. Anthony Ashby, of Salem.[11]7. Hannah, baptized at Salem, on the 20th June, 1639. She afterwards married, on the 12th of April, 1662, to Mr. Boardman, of Ipswich Mass.[12]8. John, born May, 1643. He married, July, 1672, Sarah, daughter of John and Rebecca Putnam, by whom he had a daughter, subsequently married to Mr. Whipple. The Inventory of John's estate was taken August 2d 1676.[13]
The direct American line was continued by Joseph Hutchinson only surviving son of Richard Hutchinson.[14]
Descended from Bernard Hutchinson, born in 1282 in Cowlan County, York,England in reign of Edward I. The following male heirs until Richard:BernardJamesJamesWilliamAnthonyThomasLawrenceThomasThomasRichard Hutchinson, father of Elizabeth
Christening: 16 Jun 1605[citation needed] Arnold, Nottinghamshire, England

1 Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of ..., Volume 3, edited by William Richard Cutter.
2 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
3 Historical collections of the Essex Institute, Volume 3, By Essex Institute
4 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
5 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
6 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
7 The Descendants of Richard Hutchinson.
8 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
9 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
10 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
11 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
12 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
13 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.
14 The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22.

See also
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols. (1995), 1:50-53 for Samuel Archer; digital images, 2013)
Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 6 vols. (1916-1925), 3:59, for Archer-Huchenson (1668); digital images, Massachusetts Vital Records Project (accessed 2013). Record reads, "[ARCHER,] Susana, wid., and Richard Huchenson, Oct --, 1668," citing "CT.R.," otherwise "court records, Essex Co. Quarterly Court."
Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 6 vols. (1916-1925), 5:347, for Susana Huchenson (died 1674); digital images, Massachusetts Vital Records Project (accessed 2013). Record reads, "[HUCHENSON] Susana, w. Richard, 26 : 9 m : 1674," citing "CT.R.," otherwise "court records, Essex Co. Quarterly Court." [The date 26 : 9 m : 1674 is otherwise 26 November 1674.]
Attached Documents. ( The Hutchinsons of Salem in digital files)
The Descendants of Richard Hutchinson, Dave Carlsen.
Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of ..., Volume 3, edited by William Richard Cutter.
The Hutchinson Family: or the Descendants of Barnard Hutchinson, of Cowlam, England, compiled by Perley Derby, Essex Institute Press, 1870, Salem, Massachusetts.
[The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 22, By New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Coombs, Jan Gregoire. Coombs Family History (Janet Pulvermacher, Middleton, Wisconsin, 2013) Page 12
Holman, Mary Lovering. Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury and John Sargent Pillsbury. (Concord, New Hampshire: Privately Printed at The Rumford Press, 1938)
Richard(1) Hutchinson, born in England in 1601, deposed aged 58 in 1660, possibly son of Thomas and Alice Hutchinson [A English pedigree of the ancestry of Richard Hutchinson is in print but it is greatly to be doubted], died in Salem, Mass., 1662, aged eighty-one years. … Richard Hutchinson may have resided at North Muskham, England just before his emigration. He appears in Salem in 1634 and was granted land there in 1637. His wife was admitted to the Salem Church in 1636 and Richard became a member in 1647. The town gave him more land in 1654 and 1660. … The land that was later given him was at Hathorne's Hill. He applied to be made a Freeman, 4 Mar. 1634-35. He served on a land committee in 1636-37.
Robert Charles Anderson did not include this Richard Hutchinson in his Great Migration immigrants for 1634-35. The basis for Mrs. Holman's statement that he appears in Salem in 1634 is not evident. The Richard Hutchinson who was admitted freeman 4 March 1634/35, according to Savage (and evidently to Anderson), was the son of William and Ann (Marbury) Hutchinson of Alford, Lincolnshire and Boston.


Birth1602Newark, Nottinghamshire, England
Christen16 Jun 1605Arnold, Nottinghamshire, England
Marriage7 Dec 1627Corgrave, Nottinghamshire, England - Alice Bosworth
Marriage2 Oct 1668Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Susanna Unknown Archer
Marriage1679Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Sarah Unknown
Burial26 Sep 1682Salem, Essex, MA
Death7 Dec 1682Salem Village, Essex, MA


SpouseAlice Bosworth (1600 - 1694)
ChildElizabeth Hutchinson (1629 - 1688)
ChildMary Botsworth Hutchinson (1630 - 1713)
ChildAlice Hutchinson (1628 - 1628)
ChildRebecca Hutchinson (1632 - 1687)
ChildJoseph Hutchinson (1633 - 1716)
ChildAbigail Hutchinson (1636 - )
ChildHannah Hutchinson (1638 - )
ChildJohn Hutchinson (1643 - 1676)
SpouseSusanna Unknown Archer (1610 - 1674)
SpouseSarah Unknown ( - )
FatherThomas Hutchinson (1565 - 1618)
MotherAlice (1571 - )
SiblingJohn Hutchinson ( - )
SiblingIsabel Hutchinson ( - )
SiblingHumphrey Hutchinson ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Hutchinson ( - )
SiblingRobert Hutchinson (1601 - )
SiblingThomas Hutchinson (1605 - )

