Individual Details

James Alexander "Sandy" Graham

(29 May 1869 - 11 May 1949)

1900 Census. Lees Creek, Crawford Co AR. P.234A, Hh 228.
James A. Graham. b. May 1868 in AR, age 62, Farmer. Parents b. AR
Mary S., wife, b. Feb 1875 in AR, age 25, has had 4 children, 2 are living. Father b. Ohio, mother b. AR.
Grace M., dau, b. Nov 1896. Ruth, dau, b. Mar 1899
Myrtle Estes, H. sister [half sister?], b. Oct 1878, age 21. b. AR, father b. MO, mother b. AR
Sidney Nichols, servant, b. Jun 1877 in AR, age 22.

1910 Census. Lees Creek, Crawford Co AR. Sheet 13B; Hh 49
J. A. Graham. Age 40, married 1 time for 17 years, b. AR as were both parents.
Molly E., wife, age 36. Has had 7 children, 5 are living, b. AR, birthplace of parents not given.
Grace, dau, age 13. Ruth, dau, age 11. Jessie, dau, age 9. Manda, dau, age 6. Jimmie, dau, age 3.

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press Argus 1915 Fran Alverson Warren, p.47
5 Apr 1915 The store of J.A. Graham at Natural Dam was robbed Wednesday night. 12 pairs of shoes, some men's shirts, men's pants, and about $8.00 in nickels and pennies. The thieves entered the store from the rear by breaking out a window. Mr. Graham received a telephone message from K. M. Comstock, at Verona, Oklahoma, stating that a man bought an article from him and paid for it in pennies, and this party is under a bond for hog stealing.

In the 1920 Crawford County Census, Lee's Creek Township, ED 10, page 1b, Household 20 is Jms. A. Graham age 50, born AR with wife Mary S. age 45, also born in AR. Three daughters: Maud, age 16, Jimmie age 13, and Nona L. age 2 4/12.


Birth29 May 1869Arkansas
Death11 May 1949
MarriageMary Susan "Molly" Kennedy


SpouseMary Susan "Molly" Kennedy (1874 - 1955)
ChildEddie Graham (1895 - 1896)
ChildGrace Mae Graham (1896 - 1988)
ChildRuth Graham (1899 - )
ChildMary Graham (1901 - 1901)
ChildJessie Lee Graham (1901 - 1994)
ChildMaud Graham (1904 - )
ChildJimmie Graham (1907 - )
ChildNona L. Graham (1917 - )
FatherJames G. Graham (1846 - 1871)
MotherMary E. [Graham] (1842 - 1899)
SiblingWilliam Graham (1866 - )
