Individual Details

Henry Brazelton

(5 Apr 1777 - 10 Dec 1851)

1812 Tax List. Madison County, Mississippi Territory - Henry Brazelton, 160 acres

1815 Henry Braselton was administrator of the Estate of Joel Ledbetter, Sr. and guardian of Burford Ledbetter. He was also appointed to appraise the estate of Richard Norward, dec'd.

14 Feb 1831 Madison Co, AL Deed Book N, p.342. Henry Braselton & wife Lydia sell to Daniel Ledbetter 2 and 1/2 acres.

Certainly father to Selina. Listed in Madison Co AL 1850 Census as Henry Brazletin with unmarried daughter, Catherin B. born in SC; and 10 year old boy John H. King, born in AL. He lives near Selina and Joseph Pickens, as well as near Silas Brazelton and his family - Silas' eldest son appears to be named Henry.

Alabama 1850 Agricultural & Manufacturing Census for Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence, Limestone, Lowndes, Macon, Madison & Marengo Counties. Vol II
Linda L. Green 1999. Reprint 2002, Willow Bend Books
1. Owner
2. Acres Improved Land
3. Acres Unimproved Land
4. Cash Value of Farm
5. Value of Farm Implements & Machinery
13. Value of Livestock
p. 71 Madison Co.
John H. [T.] Haden, 150, 150, 2000, 150, 900
Henry Brazelton, 100,140, 1500, 7, 249
Joseph Pickens, 60, 60, 1000, 10, 518

The Southern Advocate, Huntsville, AL, 11 Feb 1852
Died in Madison County on 10th of December last, Henry Brazelton, in his 75th year, one of the first who emigrated to this county.

Madison Co Probate Minute, Book 1, p.213.
Henry Brazelton, dec'd. Solas (Silas) M. Brazelton & James (Jason) Brazelton, Executors named in his will, produced same for probate.
Heirs at law of the decedent and distributees of the estate, 29 Dec 1851:
Selina Pickens, wife of Joseph Pickens
Elizabeth Van, wife of Edward H. Vann
Clemenza King, wife of William H. King
Catharine Brazelton
Silas M. Brazelton
Jason M. Brazelton
John King, under age 21.

Probate Records 17, p.453
March 1854
S. M. Brazelton and J. M. Brazelton, Executors of the will of Henry Brazelton, dec'd, filed for final settlement. Entitled to division:
Catharine Brazelton
Claminzee S. King, wife of William S. King
Salina Pickens, wife of Joseph Pickens
Elizabeth Vann, wife of Edward H. Vann
John H. King
Silas M. Brazelton
James M. Brazelton (name was actually Jason)
Isom (Jason) M. Brazelton is to receive $100 less than the others.

3 Jan 1853 Madison Co AL Deed Book DD, p.167
Silas M. Brazelton and wife Margaret, Joseph Pickens and wife Selina, Edward H. Vann and wife Elizabeth, Jason M. Brazelton and wife Eliza, and Catherine B. Brazelton, heirs at law of Henry Brazelton dec'd, convey to William S. King, the SE 1/4 of Sec 23, Twp 4, Range 1E, and the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec 23, Twp 4, Range 1E, being the same Henry Brazelton resided on at the time of his death. Although John H. King's name was not in the body of this deed, he signed it along with the others.


Birth5 Apr 1777Maryland
MarriageAbt 1801South Carolina - Lydia Ledbetter
Death10 Dec 1851Madison County, Alabama


SpouseLydia Ledbetter (1778 - 1847)
ChildSilas M. Brazelton (1802 - )
ChildSelina Brazelton (1802 - 1892)
ChildCatherin B. Brazelton (1808 - )
