Individual Details

George Proctor

(1795 - )

House of Proctor has George a bit older - b. about 1790 and born to Nancy Young. But the Young records don't indicate Nancy had a son George. I believe George was the first child born to Hezekiah's second wife, also a Nancy.

There is a problem concerning George's age. The following tax records imply he turned age 21 by about 1813, certainly by 1817, when he was a landowner. Born between 1793-1796. The 1850 census indicates he was 59, or born 1791. A letter by a Young descendant relating the family data stated that Nancy Young Proctor had died in Aug of 1794, age 33 - he named four children, one of whom, Elizabeth, died young, none of them George. When Nancy's father wrote his will in 1798, he named the children of his deceased daughter Nancy Proctor, as John, Charles and Polly - no George mentioned. With young children, Hezekiah would likely have married right away after the death of his first wife. Censuses are often erroneous; perhaps the relative mis-stated the year that Nancy Young died. Perhaps George wasn't 21 until the first year he appeared on the tax rolls (birth year of about 1796) and there was some other adult male in Hezekiah's household the preceding years.

George may very well have turned 21 about 1813/1814, or born about 1793. In 1814-1816, Hezekiah was charged for two adult males over age 21. Charles was already a landowner. John likely married and moved away. In 1817, Hezekiah was back to only a single adult male, and George appears for the first time on the tax list - he was at the bottom of a page, with his information unreadable, but subsequent years note 140 acres on the Clear Fork of Gasper River, originally entered by R. Beall, patented by Alexander Skinner - and apparently at some time sold by Skinner to Joseph Shannon, deed follows.

George continued to pay tax on this very same tract of land, and no other, until 1839 (as far as the tax records were read). In 1817, George owned three slaves and a horse - by 1839, he had 6 slaves, 6 horses, 15 head of cattle. In 1829, when children ages 4-14 were listed, George had three - which agrees with the ages of his oldest three children, Frances, Richard, and Christopher, who would have been about 10, 7, and 4.

Logan Co DB G, p.296
8 Jan 1819
Joseph Shannon to George Proctor Witness: Jas. S. Proctor, William Marrs, Thomas R. Shannon [George and James S. Proctor are both sons of Hezekiah Proctor. Although I failed to record the acreage if given in this deed - it was apparently 140 acres as shown by the tax records.]

[1820 Census shows both Charles & George to be between 26-45 and enumerated next to each other]
George: 1m under 10; 1m 26-45. 1f under 10 (Frances), 1f 16-26.
Later census records show the oldest identified son to be Richard Y., born 1822 - either he was born earlier, or a son may have died young.

1820 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
George Proctor: 1 white male over 21, 1 slave over 16, 3 slaves total, 2 horses, 140 acres on Gasper River

1830 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
George Proctor: 1 white male over 21, 3 slaves over 16, 6 slaves total, 5 horses, 140 acres on Black Lick (fork of Gasper River)

1840 Census, Logan Co KY
George Proctor: 1m -5, 1m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 1m 40-50. 2f 5-10, 2f 20-30, 1f 40-50. 7 slaves.

George could have been a child of either Nancy, wives of Hezekiah. His age indicates he was a child of Nancy Young, died about 1794, but in Hezekiah's will he seems to be grouped with children of the younger Nancy. John, Charles & Polly, dec'd. all having received their share previously.

George was one of executors of father's will along with Washington Hoy, son-in-law of Hezekiah.

Found in 1850 Logan Co KY Census with Narcissa, Francis, and the 6 younger children. George was then said to be aged 59.

George's will written 12 Sep 1851. Probate 26 Oct 1852. Narcissa, wife, all estate for benefit of children [not all are named]; if she remarried, only her portion. If she died, daughter Frances is to be in charge until the youngest child is 21. When the youngest is 21, equal division, considering any advance. To Sarah Frances Ferguson, granddaughter, $1 in addition to her mother's share. Richard Y., son, has been advanced $140. Christopher W., son, advanced $115. Phineas H., son, advanced $75. Frances W., daughter, had been advanced $75. Codicil #1. If any child dies without issue, their portion to be divided among the others. Codicil #2,, dated 16 Jul 1852, says Phineas & Frances W. are to be co-executors, but he is disqualified if he marries.
Wit: W. Barnett, John R. Covington, Thomas B. Sutherland.


Marriage15 Nov 1817Warren County, Kentucky - Narcissa Cox


SpouseNarcissa Cox (1800 - )
ChildFrances W. Proctor (1819 - )
ChildRichard Y. Proctor (1822 - )
ChildChristopher W. C. Proctor (1825 - )
ChildFinis H. Proctor (1827 - )
ChildNarcissa Proctor (1834 - )
ChildGeorge A. Proctor (1835 - )
ChildThomas Proctor (1837 - )
ChildDulena Proctor (1842 - )
ChildParlina S. Proctor (1844 - )
FatherHezekiah Proctor (1764 - 1831)
MotherNancy [Proctor] ( - )
SiblingJames Samuel Proctor (1795 - 1835)
SiblingFrances "Fanny" Proctor (1796 - )
SiblingNancy Proctor (1804 - 1854)
