Individual Details

Labon Stafford

( - Bef Jul 1811)

Caswell Co had been without a land office for some years - likely Laban had been on this land awhile before he received his grants. He in fact is in DB A, p.15 as witnessing a deed, 18 Sep 1777.
Caswell Co NC DB D,
Grant #870 to Laban Stafford. 550a both sides Cobb Crk adj his own line, Wilson, crossing Dobbins' Wagon Rd, McAdams, & John Campbell
18 Aug 1787
Grant #893 to Laban Stafford. 585a on N Hico including improvements gained by jury verdict as prior right of Absolem Roberts, adj Stafford's former corner, Edw Maxwell, Wilson
18 Aug 1787

Laban Stafford to Thomas Stafford for 100£, 110a on North Hico & Cobb Crk whereon Thomas Stafford lives adj land of Thomas Wilson dec'd.
21 Apr 1802 Wit: James Rainey, Thomas Word
Laban Stafford to William Stafford for 100£, 100a on N Hico & Cobb Creeks whereon William Stafford lives adj William Rainey line of Dobbins old tract.
27 Oct 1802 Wit: James Rainey, N. Harralson

p. 289
Labon Stafford to Samuel Smith for $12. 2a on N Hico both sides and all Stafford owns on N side.
17 Nov 1810 Wit: Henry A. Jones, Adam Stafford

Division & plats of Stafford land to 4 sons left them by their father.
1. Laban Stafford, 168a adj Henry Stafford to Leasburg Rd, Eli Stafford, William Stafford, now William Rainey
2. Adam Stafford, 242a adj Dr. McAden, Laban Stafford, Thomas Stafford
3. Eli Stafford, 218a adj Joseph Stafford
4. Joseph Stafford, 216a adj James Stafford, Col. Lea
11 Apr 1812 Wit: James Rainey surveyor, Saml Smith
[Note - Will Book F has the will of Laban Stafford Sen., proved Jul Court 1811. Obviously he had sons other than these four that are dividing up a tract.]

Henry Stafford to Samuel Smith for $465. 116a whereon Stafford lives including all land left him by his Father & that purchased of Labon Stafford adj James Daniel, William Rainey, Labon Stafford, Eli Stafford.
26 Aug 1812 Wit: E. D. Jones, William Lea
Labon Stafford to Samuel Smith for $305. 61a on N Hico adj Eli Stafford, Smith. Part of land left by his father Labon Stafford.
21 Nov 1813 Wit: Levi Fuller, William Wilson

Here's part of the family gone to Jackson Co TN
DB R, p.271
Power of attorney from William Stafford of Jackson Co TN to brother John Stafford of same to recover legacy of father Labon Stafford, dec'd.
18 Sep 1815 Wit: William Rainey, James Gray, John Parker


DeathBef Jul 1811Caswell County, North Carolina
MarriageMargaret [STAFFORD]


SpouseMargaret [STAFFORD] (1777 - )
ChildSarah "Sallie" Stafford (1801 - 1875)
