Individual Details

Elisha Hadden

(28 Jul 1759 - 1833)

Moved with family from PA to Rockbridge Co VA when a small boy.
Served in the Revolution from both NC and TN. According to John R. Dulin, there is a Pension record. [See below]
Lived in Greene & Washington Counties of NC (now TN) before going to Logan County KY. On the 1787 tax list of Washington Co TN. Lived briefly in Woodford Co KY and moved to Logan Co before 1798.

Martha Stephinson gave her permission for her daughter Margaret to marry Elisha Hadden. 3 Mar 1779. Thos. Wilson signed the bond along with Elisha.

Logan Co DB A
p.214 11 Dec 1798
between Jesse Green and Elizabeth his wife and Elisha Hadden [all of Logan County]....150£ ..... “in the mane fork of Gaspers River including his mill and improvements to adjoining said mill it being part of his Headright granted by an act of assembly and bounded as follows. (to wit) Beginning at a Spanish Oak on the East side of said River near the Mill & running thence North 36° West Crossing the River 65 poles to a Spanish Oak thence South 39° West 150 poles to three dogwoods on one side Greens .......... line then running the Same due East 83 poles to a white oak corner to said Green then with another of said Greens lines North 45° East 54 poles to a Black Oak from thence North 23° East 26 poles to the Beginning containing 50 acres by survey together with appurtenances or in any wise appertaining in fee simple forever to have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with all and singular......” Witness: Sam'l Caldwell
[Logan Co early Court Order Book - 25 Mar 1794. Mill seat established on lands of Jesse Green on Gasper River. Posted on ]
p.591 25 Dec 1802
This Indenture Made and concluded on this 25 day of December and in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and two betwixt Elisha Haddin and Rhoda his Wife of the County of Logan and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and James Mares [Marrs] of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth the said Elisha Haddin and Rhoda his wife for and in the consideration of the sum of Seven hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the said James Mares the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said James Mares is acquitted and discharged hath bargained and sold and do by these presents Bargain, Sell, and Confirm in ..... off unto the Said James Mares his heirs and assigns for ever all that tract or parcel of Land containing Fifty acres of Land lying and being in the County of Logan and Commonwealth of Kentucky on the main Fork of Gaspers River it being a part of Jesse Greens Head Right granted by the first Law for that purpose including the water Grist mill and Bounded followeth (Towit) Beginning at a Spanish Oak on the East side of said River near the Mill and Running north thirty Six Degrees west crossing the River sixty six poles to a Spanish Oak thence South thirty nine Degrees west one hundred and fifty poles to three Dogwoods. On the Said Greens Original line thence East Eighty three poles to a white oak thence North forty five degrees East fifty four poles to a Black oak thence North twenty three Degrees East twenty six poles to the Beginning to have and to hold the above granted premises with the appertenances thereunto Belonging or appertaining with all the singular benefits & ........ costs thereout and therefrom to arise unto the said James Mares his heirs and assigns to their only use forever and the said Elisha Haddin and Rhoda his wife for themselves their heirs & Executors & Admins. Doth hereby covenant, grant, and agree to and with the said James Mares his heirs and assigns that unto him and them be and they the Land and premises hereby intended to be Conveyed will warrant and forever hereafter defend against the claim or claims of all other persons lawfully claiming the same. In Testimony whereof we the Said Elisha Haddin and Rhoda Haddin his wife have hereunto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year above written. Signed Sealed and delivered
in presents of W. Forsythe, William Means
Signed: Elisha Haddin [Seal]
Rhoda Haddin [Seal]
p.618 25 Dec 1802
James Marrs & Anna his wife to Elisha Hadden....$500 .....200 a. on waters of Little Muddy. Witnesses: Wm Forsythe, Wm Marrs Recorded 13 Aug 1803

Jesse Green had purchased 50 acres from William Roberts 16 Sep 1795 [cannot read that deed - too faded - but it was purchased for 12 #'s and included in the description is Red River and the name John Montgomery; Thomas Buckanon was one of the witnesses]. It doesn't seem to be the same tract as above.

Listed in Logan Co KY on the 1800 tax lists are Elisha Hadden, Thomas Hadden & William Hadden. These are the three brothers believed to have settled in the area that in 1810 became Butler Co.

Logan Co DB B
p.167 30 Jan 1808
Elisha Hadden and Rhoda his wife to James Childress, all of Logan Co. For $50 ...21 ½ a on the waters of Little Muddy part of survey entered in name of George Mansco and patented in name of James Marrs where Elisha Hadden now lives to be taken off the south west corner. Signed by both. Witnesses: Samuel Hadden, William Ashmore, Jno. Sharpe
p.168 30 Jan 1808
Elisha Hadden and Rhoda his wife to William Ashmore for $112 ...50a [part of same parcel as above] Witnesses: John Sharpe, James Childress, Samuel Hadden
p.196 6 Mar 1808
William Ashmore and Mary his wife to John Harreld for $200 ...50a conveyed to him by Elisha Hadden where sd Wm. Ashmore now lives. [See p.168 ..Ashmore made a nice profit] Witnesses: Robert Davis, Benjamin Davis, Hugh Hadden
p.339 6 Aug 1808
Between Elisha Hadden and Armistead Morehead his Attorney in fact of County of Logan and Thomas G. Davidson for $10 ....tract of land on Elk Fork of Red River 200a ....begin black post oak pole from Smith Loftland Mill. Recorded 9 Sep 18081
[This really did say $10 - have looked for a marriage of a Hadden to Davidson but not in Logan Co]p.347 ___ Sep 1808
Thomas G. Davidson and Polly his wife to Smith Loffland for 500 £ 500a [560?] on Elk Fork of Red River ...begin on black post oak about 2 poles from Smith Lofflands Mill. Witnesses: Ragland Langston, Urbin Ewing, Peyton Nowlin [Some of this seemed to be land Thomas Davidson just bought from Elisha Hadden for $10!]

Elisha, Thomas and William Hadden were all on the 1800 Logan Co KY tax list.

Elisha Hadden had a KY land grant in Logan Co on the Elk Fork of Red River. 200 acres surveyed 20 May 1806.

Butler Co formed out of Logan Co in 1810
1810 Census: Butler Co KY [Alphabetical and written as "Hadden"]
William Hadden: 1m 16-26, 1f over 45
William Hadden: 1m under age 10, 1m 16-26, 1f 16-26
Elisha Hadden: 2m -10, 1m 16-26, 2m 26-45, 1m +45. 3f -10, 2f 10-16, 1f 16-26
Hugh Hadden: 2m -10, 1m 16-26, 2f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26
Samuel Hadden: 1m 26-45, 1f -10, 1f 16-26

A James Hadden was counted in Logan Co KY in 1810 with a peculiar household:
2m -10, 1m 10-16, 2m 16-26, 4m 26-45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 2f 26-45, 1f +45
He could actually be James Haden with a blended household - his father-in-law was deceased by this time.

An Elisha "Hayden" was present in Logan Co in 1810:
1m over 45. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45. [written page 736]
On another page [785] in Logan Co was:
Saml Hayden: 1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 2f -10, 2f 10-26, 1f 26-45
Elisha Hayden: 2m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m over 45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f over 45.

This makes a total of three Elisha Haddens counted in 1810 in the area of Logan Co. All three over age 45. Butler had been formed out of Logan Co that year so Elisha could easily have been counted twice, but three times seems a bit unlikely. The makeup of the families is different each time, too.

There are the following marriages in Logan Co:
Elisha Haddon, to Betsy Cousentberry, 10 Sep 1799
Elisha "Haden" to Mary Harrison, 6 May 1809
Elisha Hadden to Mary N. Trimble, 10 Dec 1810
and later: Elisha Haden to Mary Bridges, 29 Jan 1847
Obviously we are dealing with more than one Elisha Hadden.

Elisha Hadden was a witness to the will of William Hadden in Butler Co KY on 24 Jan 1818.

12 Feb 1819. Butler Co DB B, p.217. Elisha Hadden of Butler Co to Robert Davis. Tract of 40 acres on waters of Little Muddy Creek.
17 Dec 1819. Butler Co DB B, p.320 Elisha Hadden to William McKinney. 280 acres in Butler Co bounded by Widow Clark's land and Robert Davis. Wit: Elijah Porter & Clark Porter. Rec. 17 Feb 1820.

By 1820 there were only two Hadden families in Butler Co KY, both counted in Morgantown
Thomas Hadden: 2m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26 [Thought to be a son-in-law of William, married to his daughter Ann, named in his will of 1818]
Elisabeth Hadden: 1m 10-16 3f -10, 2f 10-16, 1f 26-45, 1f 45+ Researchers of this family say she was the widow of William.

There were two Hadden families in Logan co in 1820:
Elisha Hadden: 1m +45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f +45
Margaret Hadden: 2m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-18, 1m 16-26. 2f -10, 1f 10-26, 1f 26-45.
Logan Co Deed Book I/J, p.364 13 Dec 1821. John Barner sold Elisha Hadden Lot #33 in the Town of Russellville for $700. Elisha sold 1/2 of this lot 24 Jun 1825 to Thomas Ray (DB N, p.170]

Deed Book K, p.302 16 May 1821 George & Sophia E. Mason sell to Elisha Hadden for $1600 part of Lots 56 & 57 in Sanders Addition.
p.305 22 Nov 1821 Elisha Hadden sells to John Breathit, executor of estate of Wm Wallace dec'd & Martha B. Wallace, widow for $2000. Part of Lots 56 & 57 in Sanders Addition. Signed: Elisha Hadden (no spouse)
DB T; p.152 7 Jul 1834 By decree of Logan Circuit Court in case of Richardson Taylor agst heirs of John Breathitt & L. Wright. Convey to cmplt a certain house & lot in H. Saunders addition upon the payment of $300. Cardwell Breathitt, Penelope C. Breathitt and Mary M. Breathitt heirs & devises of John Breathitt dec'd. in receipt of $450, sell house in Hubbard Saunders addition, Lot #56-57, formerly owned by Martha Wallace & children and in which house sd Lilburn Wright now lives. Said ground was conveyed by E. Haddin to said M. Wallace etc.
Signed: Cardwell Breathett, Penelope C. Breathett, Mary M. Breathett Rec. 9 Jul 1834

Deed Book L, p.14 14 Jun 1822. Elisha Hadden had executed power of attorney to Armistead Morehead to locate 200 acres of land which he had done on 6 Aug 1808, granting a deed to Thomas Davison for same which was then conveyed to Smith Lofland. Land lying part in Logan, part in Todd Co on Elk Fork of Red River. Hadden releases all claims.
p.396 25 Jun 1823. Elisha Hadden to James Henderson for $200. 100 acres in Logan Co on the headwaters of Motes Creek part of a 200 acres survey in the name of Wm Wallace. Witness: John F. Todd, John Breathitt.
Deed Book M, p.44 26 Jun 1823. John Breathitt, John J. Crittenden & Armistead Morehead as Executors of William Wallace, dec'd to Elisha Hadden for $400. Tract on ridge between head waters of Motes Creek & Gasper River. Hezakiah Balch's survey, Thomas Henderson's line, Wiggington's corner. 400 acres. And a Memorandum: Deed made to Elisha Hadden for other 200 acres on 22 Nov 1821 was part pay for a house & lot Mrs. Wallace now resides on. Test: John F. Todd, James Henderson.
Deed Book M. p.118 3 Jan 1822 John Sloss and wife Agnes of Simpson Co sell land that lies in both Logan & Simpson counties but was originally all in Logan ...description includes Thos. Neely's corner, Elisha Haden's corner. John Neel was a witness.

1830 Census. The only Hadden in Butler Co was:
John Hadden: 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40. 1f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40. Thought to be a son of William that died 1818.
There was no Hadden in Logan Co.

Logan Co DB S, p.95 9 Aug 1833 Elisha Hadden of Co of Warrick & State of Indiana to James Sawyer of Logan. $70. tract in Logan on waters of Gasper. Begin at John Halls corner on Andersons line running with meanders of line to the old military line now owned by the Bank of the Commonwealth, thence so far as to include a small improvement made by Margret Hadden thence sd Halls line in include 100 acres. Signed: Elisha Hadden. Wit: C. C. Graham, Benja. Luce. J.P.'s Warrick Co, Indiana.
Rec. 26 Aug 1833
p.99 9 Aug 1833 Elisha Hadden of Warrick Co Indiana & John Hall of Logan. $20. Tract in Logan on waters of Gasper. Begin Halls line, James Sawyers line. 100 acres. Signed: Elisha Hadden. Test: C. C. Graham, Benja Luce. Rec. 23 Sep 1833

Moved to Warrick Co IN c 1828 for about 3 years and then to Clark Co IL, a portion of which became Coles Co. Probably died at home of his brother-in-law William Ashmore.

Pension File R.4412 [Rejected] Hadden, Elisha
6 May 1833. Declaration of Elisha Haden for Pension for service in the Revolution.
Coles County, Illinois
Under the benefits of Act of Congress on 7 Jun 1832.
Elisha gave his age as 73 years since the 28 of July last past. He entered service as a private soldier, as well as he remembers, in the 17th year of his age [1776], in the volunteer militia under the command of Capt James Hall, Regt Col. Andrew Lewis. He was marched from Rockbridge Co in VA where he then lived to the levels of Greenbrier and across the Mountain in pursuit of Shawnee Indians. They didn't overtake them and were marched back to Rockbridge & discharged. He was in service about 20 days. In the 22nd year of his age [1781] he was living on the Nolachucky River in NC and entered service as a volunteer private in a company of Rangers commanded by Capt. William Pruett and served for 3 months guarding the inhabitants of Green Co against the hostile Cherokee Indians. While yet a citizen of Green Co in was drafted as a private militia man in the Company commanded by Capt James Wilson, Regt of Col. John Sevier, and was marched to Kings Mountain where he was in the engagement against the British and th Tories. He was then marched toward Yellesborough and discharged. This service was not less than 2 months. While a citizen of Washington Co, NC on 4 Aug 1787 or 1788 he was drafted as a private in Capt John Fanes Company and marched to Houston's Fort within 9 miles of the Tenneessee River and put under the command of Major Craig. They were marched to Cittico Town on the Tennessee which had been burned before by Col. Sevier. They were only 32 men in number & were surrounded by the Cherokee, supposes 450 of them, who drove the whites into the River and killed over half of them, wounded five and took prisoners. Elisha received a rifle ball in his left leg which broke it, one in the left shoulder, and another in the flesh of his left arm; his horse was shot down. His brother put him on his horse and they escaped to the fort. Capt Fane was among those slain. Elisha lay at the Fort about 7 weeks and was then carried home to Washington Co NC in a litter. He was 8 months in service.
Elisha Hadden was born in York Co PA 28 Jul 1759; he has no written record of his age. The second year after he was wounded at Cittico town, he moved to the state of Kentucky, then called the district of Kentucky and lived there until 5 years ago last autumn when he moved to Indiana near Boonesville [1828]. Three years ago this spring he moved to Clark Co near Coles Co in Illinois where he now lives. William Ashmore and William H. Martin will testify as to his verasity and service in the Revolution. Signed: Elisha Hadden

Testimony of William H. Martin & William Ashmore.
6 May 1833
Martin, a clergyman, know him to be 73 years of age and is believed to have been a soldier in the Revolution.
William Ashmore certified that he was present & helped to bury the dead slain by Indians at Cittico town on the Tennessee River and helped to nurse the said Elisha Haden after he was wounded at that battle. He was woudned in the left shoulder, left arm, and left leg, his left leg being broken.

State of Illinois, Coles Co. The said court do hereby certify .. the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier ...William H. Martin, a clergyman resident in the county ....and that William Ashmore [here the page ends and there is no following page with signatures, etc.]

A printed form in the File of Elisha Hadden has the following note:
#8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? and, if so, in what respect?
"These is no Seal of Office"
[It appears the above papers were not complete when mailed in and the Pension was rejected. This was never corrected, or Elisha was deceased by the time the notice was returned to Coles Co IL.]

From Marshall, IL 4 Nov 1850
Elisha Hadden a resident of Cole Co made application in 1832 for a pension.
He is dead but his children, one of whom resides here wished me to be informed what objections, if any, viz to the claim with a view to remove them if practicable.
Respectfully. ? ? Manly
From Marshall, IL 24 Mar 1851
Elisha Hadden applied for pension under the act of 7 Jun 1832. Your letter states that his claim was rejected.
I was aware of the the rejection, but the object of my inquiry was to know for what reason
it was rejected, so that his heirs might be able to remove them if possible. ? ? Manly
[There was no answer, so perhaps the beauracacy was too much for them - I believe Elisha was definitely entitled to the pension and to bounty land.]


Birth28 Jul 1759York County, Pennsylvania
Military1776Rangers; Battle of Kings Mountain, Revolutionary War
Marriage3 Mar 1779Rockbridge County, Virginia - Margaret Stephenson
Death1833Coles County, Illinois
MarriageLogan County, Kentucky - Rhoda Ashmore


SpouseMargaret Stephenson ( - )
ChildThomas Hadden Jr. (1781 - 1865)
ChildSamuel Hadden ( - )
ChildBecky Hadden ( - )
ChildPeggy Hadden ( - )
ChildJames A. Hadden ( - )
ChildRosanna Hadden ( - )
SpouseRhoda Ashmore (1762 - )
FatherThomas Hadden ( - )
SiblingSamuel Hadden (1750 - 1831)
SiblingMary Hadden ( - )
SiblingWilliam Hadden ( - 1818)
SiblingRosannah Hadden (1770 - )
SiblingThomas Hadden (1780 - )
