Individual Details

Levi Fuller

(11 Jul 1762 - 12 Mar 1822)

Cheshire, NH Estate Files
Levi Fuller, Surry, Will, 1822
5 April 1816 Last Will & Testament of Surry, County of Cheshire, State of New Hampshire. To my wife Mary Fuller one fourth part of the income of all my lands in Surry during the term of her widowhood with the sole us of the southeast front room & the bedroom adjoinging and also the bedroom in the northwest corern, half of the two buttery rooms, etc... all my household furniture.
To my honored mother, Johannah Fuller, comfortable support & maintenance during her natural life
Eldest daughter Hannah Howard, $13.12 to be paid in houshold furniture or cattle within six months after my decease
To my second daughter, Nancy Winchester, $50.24. in household furniture or cattle
To third daughter, Alvina Fuller, $150, in household furniture or neat cattle on the day of her marriage if she marries before age 21, if not to be paid when she is 21. she shall the privilege of living in my large house in Surry as long as she is single
To my eldest son, Elijah Fuller, all the debts due to me at my decease on condition he pays all the debts I owe
To my two sons, Elijah & Silas Fuller all my real & personal esate except what is otherwise deposed. They are to pay all foregoing legacies. If either refuse, the other shall take possession of all the estate. - the deliquent to receive $100 and $300 in nezt cattle within three years.
Appoint my eldest son, Elijah Fuller, to be sole executor.
Signed: Levi Fuller
Wit: Perley Howe, Elijah Norris, David Shaw

20 Mar 1822 Being inconvenient to me to execute the duty of Executor to the last will & testament of my honored father, Levi Fuller hereby decalre my refusal to that trust and request Elijah Parker, Esq of Keene undertake said Administration. Signed: Elijah Fuller.
21 Mar 1822. Elijah Fuller named in the will of Levi Fuller, has in writing declred his refusal to execute the same. Elijah Parker appointed to administrate.
Court of Probate, 21 Mar 1822. Will of Levi Fuller of Surry, deceased, presented for probate by Elijah Parker, Squire, Aadministrtion of said deceased.
9 Apr 1822. Inventory presented by Elijah Parker included the Home Farm, 160 aces, two story dwelling, barn, etc appraised at $2300. Another pice of land adjoining, 32 acres, with one story house - $550. Total $2850.00. Livestock, farm tools, household furniture increased the total to $3358.62.
9 Apr 1822. Account of sale of personal estate of Levi Fuller, dec'd. $159.49 Total.
Insufficient funds and all heirs notified - none came forward to pay debts. Licence granted Elijah Parker to sell at public auction the whole of the real estate which belonged to Levi Fuller. 26 Nov 1822.
10 Jan 1823. Mary Fuller waives the privisions made for her in the Will of her husband.
22 Mar 1824. Samuel Hills, Jonathan Robinson and Sylvester Smith appointed to set off to Mary Fuller, Widow, her dower of the estate of her lated husband, Levi Fuller. Done, 5 Apr 18924. Entitled to one third part of $2400.00 - her part $800. Also seveal pieces of land - one of Seven acres, one of six acres, one of 21 acres. One part of the Orchard at the northeast corener of the house where the Widow now lives, one acre, sixty rods. One piece of Wood land, 12 acres. One half of the dwelling House - the West part. Privilege to one half of the Well, one half of the Barn, etc.
21 Mar 1825. List of proportion paid to claims of creditors.


Birth11 Jul 1762Bolton, Tolland County, Connecticut
Marriage22 Apr 1783Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire - Mary Benton
Death12 Mar 1822Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire


SpouseMary Benton (1763 - 1825)
ChildElijah Fuller (1787 - 1880)