Individual Details

Bryant Conolly

(1710 - 21 Jun 1784)

Goochland DB 6, p.204
The 16th of June 1752 Bryant Conoly transferred land to his "loving son-in-law William Britt and Hannah Britt his wife", the plantation in Goochland whereon he formerly lived and 99 acres lying conveniant thereto. Signed Bryant (+) Conoly. Wit: John Mosely Junr., Chisley Daniel, Batholomen Marrian. Acknowledged same day
and the same day, p.205. To 'loving son-in-law, Richard Merian and Ann Merian his wife' The plantation in Goochland whereon then now live and ninety nice acres lying covenient thereto. Signed: Bryant (+) Conoly. Wit: Jno Mosley Junr., Chisley Daniel, William Britt. Acknowledged same day.
and p. 205-6 to 'beloved daughter Ellender Conoly' of Goochland 100 acres, upper end of the tract whereon sd Conoly now lives beginning at mouth of a branch above John Britt. Signed Briant (+) Conoly. Wit: Jno. Mosely Junr., Chisley Daniel, William Britt. Acknowledged same day.
and p. 206-7, to 'loving son-in-law John Britt and Winneyfred his wife' the plantation in Goochland whereon he now lives and 150 acres of land beginning at Mouth of the Branch above his plantation, up the said Branch. Signed: Bryant (+) Conoly. Wit: John Mullins, William Britt, John Mosley Junr. Acknowledged same day.

Patriotic Service, 1777, Goochland, VA
Took oath of Allegiance, Oct 1777.

Bryant Conolly will:
In the name of God Amen. I Bryant Conly of Goochland County, planter do make this my last will and Testament in manner of form following. Impremis I return my soul to Almighty god who gave it to me hoping through the merits of my redeemer Christ Jesus to obtain pardon & redemption for my sins. My body to the earth to be Decently buryed without any kind of Funeral pomp or Solemnity other than the prayers of the National Church of which I have been always a faithful though unworthy member. Item. I lend to my loving wife Sarah (nee Davis) the following slave Peter during her natural life or widowhood together with the Plantation whereon I now live with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging for farming(?) one hundred and fifty acres of land. The slave Peter for the support of my loving wife and my children. I also give my loving wife all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and every other home or estate during her said life or widowhood. I trust of John Hopkins ____ ____ that the same may not be wasted or Escheated away. Item I give to my son Daniel Davis all my said land after the Death of my wife , which said land is given by a Deed of Gift and recorded in Goochland Court and one negro named ___. Item I give to my son Daniel Davis and my Daughter Betsy Conly all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and household furniture to be equally divided between my son Daniel Davis and my Daughter Betsy Conly after the Death of loving wife. Item. I give to all and each of my married Daughters and their husbands all the lands and stock I have given them. Item I give to my Daughters Elizabeth, Ann Hancock, Winefred and Milly each of them two Shillings
[ copier cut next several lines off ]
my Daughter Betsy have schooling to be paid by my Executors out of my estate. Item I do hereby Constitute and approve John Hopkins and Samuel Richardson ____ to be Executors of this my last will and Testament. Whereas my hand & Seal this 11th day of July 1782.
Test. Samuel Richardson his
John Hopkins Bryant + Conly seal
Edmund Davis
Josoplh Gaul (?)


Death21 Jun 1784Goochland County, Virginia


ChildHannah Conolly ( - 1799)
ChildWinifred Conolly ( - )