Individual Details

Margaret Smith

(1647 - )

Providence Early Town Records
Vol III, p.3 Entry from same day that the widow Ann Smith asked the town to secure inheritance for her son John. Apparently John Smith had also been married previously and Ann could not or would not take responsibility for his daughter by the first marriage.
"Bee it Knowne unto all men by these presentes that I Robert Colwell of Providence in the Naragansett Bay of New England, doe bind my self, my heirs, Exsecutors, and Aministrators, in the sum of Tenn Poundes Sterling: to save and keepe harmelese the Towne of Providence from any Charge of Trouble that may arise, or fall out by A little Child named Margarett Smith, the child of the deceased John Smith, and I the foresaid Robert Colwell doe bind myselfe in the som abovesaid, and my heires exsecutors and Administrators aforesaid; to free the said Child Margaret from being Chargable unto the said Towne of Providence untill the said Child margaret be fforteene yeares of Age, In Wittnesse whereof I Have here unto set my hand the Twentye seaven of Aprill in the yeere 1661. The marke of X Robert Colwell. Singned And dd unto the Towne in the face of the Court as Wittneseth. Thomas Olney Senior, Duputye. Thomas Olney Junion, Clarke."


Birth1647Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island


FatherJohn "Jameco" Smith (1625 - 1661)
MotherUnkown ( - )